COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT In the Communications courses the language arts of reading, writing, speaking, and listening are integrated and taught as interactive processes. The aim is to help students become competent and proficient language users. Students actively learn about language, how to listen, speak, read and write, and why language and literature are central to their lives. COMMUNICATIONS 9 - 2 Credits Course Number: Grade Level: Prerequisite: None Cont. Standard: None Description: This course includes activities in research, language study, and public speaking to prepare students for successful completion of two graduation standards in Communications 10. Other units include young adult novels, short stories, and drama. Writing, speaking, vocabulary, and critical thinking skills are integrated components of these literature units. Grammar study focuses on parts of speech ACCELERATED COMMUNICATIONS 9 - 2 Credits Course Number: Grade Level: Prerequisite: Departmental Approval Cont. Standard: | |