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Nobel Prize Winners Biographies Specific Individuals: more detail |
21. Fulltext & Reference Database Descriptions Authors Series, World Artists, nobel prize winners, World Musicians includes morethan 19,000 biographies of notable There are several specific modules available http://hwclibrary.net/list.cfm | |
22. MAGNOLIA DATABASES if a library holds a specific journal issue. WILSON biographies Contains the fulltext of and Illustrators, World Artists, nobel prize winners, and Spanish http://www.lib.usm.edu/~magnolia/dblist.html | |
23. ASU Noble Library - Scientific Biography A series of sources , reference books and web sites for locating biographical information on scientists Category Reference Bibliography Science...... scientists that were associated with a specific idea, such Indexes of biographies Providessome general information on nobel prize winners in Chemistry, Physics http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/scirefrm/biogra.htm | |
24. Library Pathfinder To Find Subject specific Encyclopedias Wilson biographies Plus Illustrated Availableon All Library World Authors Series, nobel prize winners, World Artists http://www.creighton.edu/~mapoma/eng150/eng150bib.html | |
25. Greenwood Publishing Group I1 written by experts in the specific ethnic group All biographies have been writtenby experts in from distinguished scientists and nobel prize winners to sports http://info.greenwood.com/books/0313289/0313289026.html | |
26. Databases if a library holds a specific journal issue. Wilson biographies MAGNOLIA passwordrequired. and Illustrators, World Artists, nobel prize winners, and Spanish http://www.colin.cc.ms.us/vcclib/databases.htm | |
27. ALAN Review - Fall 1998 Volume 26, Number 1 to achieve their goals, from nobel prize winners in science media specialists needto use specific criteria for evaluating collective biographies for young http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/fall98/bucher.html | |
28. LSU Libraries--Chemistry Library-- Science Biography: Guide To Reference Sources nobel prize winners in Chemistry. 19011961. Eduard Farber. Use LOLA tofind full-length biographies and other specific sources. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/sci/chem/guides/srs114.html | |
29. DATABASES the World Author Series, nobel prize winners, World Artists including definitions,essays, biographies, related web that covers enginespecific diagnostic and | |
30. The Learning Resource Center you determine if a library holds a specific journal issue. WILSON biographies. JuniorAuthors and Illustrators, World Artists, nobel prize winners, and Spanish http://www.prcc.edu/lrc/orientation.html | |
31. Dr Nick Baylis: COACHING FOR INDIVIDUALS My specific methods depend always on the particular tv because I prefer to read biographiesrather than But nobel prize winners are usually most creative in http://www.coachingforindividuals.com/ | |
32. Cleveland Heights-University Heights Public Library: Homework Help Resources More specific topics like government, history, weather, biology, environmental widerange of scientific topics, biographies of nobel prize winners and even http://www.heightslibrary.org/homework.shtml | |
33. Sci_Math1 Designed for the specific needs of organic chemists. nobel prize winners in Physicsback to 1901, arranged in biographies of more than 1, 1 00 mathematicians http://cavern.nmsu.edu/Library/text/sci_math1.htm | |
34. Reference Titles (I) give special attention to a specific achievement by subjects; Discoverers presentbrief biographies; Closer Looks a list of nobel prize winners in chemistry http://www.homabooks.com/reference.html | |
35. Multi-Disciplinary And Reference Indexes And Databases World Author Series, nobel prize winners, World Artists Includes autobiographies,bibliographies, biographies, critical studies of the specific sources, consult http://www.unl.edu/libr/indx/refmulti.html | |
36. Guide To... Biography And Genealogy Master Index and contemporary figures including nobel prize winners, CEOs, scientists like to selectonly specific text to and includes photographs and biographies of world http://www.skokie.lib.il.us/s_info/in_guides/BGMI/ | |
37. Biographical Resources including their publications) within specific academic disciplines Provides the namesof nobel prize winners in each you may access biographies and, occasionally http://www.nypl.org/research/chss/grd/resguides/biography/print.html | |
38. Ressci how to preserve many specific food types, with nobel prize winners in Chemistry 19012000;Chemelements basic of energy pioneers - brief biographies plus links http://library.wrdsb.edu.on.ca/ressci.htm | |
40. Virtual Reference Desk: Biography that deal with specific writers. Biographical indexes. Mathematicians Brief biographiesof hundreds of Archive Complete index to all nobel prize winners. http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/eresources/refcenter/biography.htm | |
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