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New Foundland & Labrador Gov: more detail |
21. Alabama Attorney General: Addresses And Internet Links www.nationalnotary.org/ new Brunswick Legislative Assembly http//www.gov.nb.ca/legis/index.htmnew foundland/labrador House of Assembly http//www.gov.nf.ca http://www.ago.state.al.us/address.cfm?Action=Legal |
22. NEFSC Press Release Historically, these 2 seawinter fish were caught in commercial gillnet fisheriesoff Nova Scotia, new foundland, labrador, and West Greenland. http://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/press_release/salmonguide2.htm | |
23. Canada TV All news Scenic Cams Virtual Travel Web Search US gov. Canadasites Alberta British Columbia Manitoba new foundland/labrador Nova Scotia http://www.lincslinks.com/travel/can.htm | |
24. BMARM--Internet Resources Maps Library of Congress http//memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/gmdhome Associationof Canadian Archivists www.archives.ca/aca; new foundland and labrador. | |
25. Common Murre--BIOLOGICAL AND ECOTOXICOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TERRESTRIAL VER Gulf of St. Lawrence to Central labrador, E. new foundland, Iceland,Bear Island, the British Isles, and Norway. In the Pacific http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/bioeco/cmurre.htm | |
26. ij³ª´Ù ÁÖ¿ä°³¿ä 10. new foundland? http//www.gov.nf.ca/health. 12. North West Territories http//www.hlthss.gov.nt.ca. newfoundlandand labrador, 554.1, 545.3, 540.7, 537.2, 533.8. http://healthpolicy.netian.com/top/hpa/ca_report.htm |
27. CEC : Publications And Information Resources Organization Department of Mines and Energy. Street government of new foundland labrador PO Box 8700. City St. Johns. Web Page http//www.gov.nf.ca. http://www.cec.org/pubs_info_resources/law_treat_agree/transbound_agree/Contact. |
28. Provincial Rescue new foundland labrador Rescue A B CD E F G H I J K LM N O P Q R S T UVWXYZ. Main.PugClub of Canada. Secretary Madonna Rideout mrideout@mail.gov.nf.ca Box 6096 http://members.tripod.com/~amoca_1/provresc/Newfoundland.htm | |
29. BNAPS Qs And As ssimicro.com) NWT, Yukon and labrador postal history. Steven Friedenthal (steve.friedenthal@gov.edmonton.ab bulgaria.com)Canada and newfoundland FDCs (First http://www.bnaps.org/faq.htm | |
31. Area Development Online. Your Site & Facility Information Source nsw.gov.au Bahamas Bahamas Investment Authority Web www.bahamas.com Email investbahama@batelnet.bsCanada/new foundland NETWORK newfoundland labrador Web http://www.area-development.com/past/1100/webDirect.html | |
32. VirtualTourist.com - Sim1's Canada Travelogue labrador is on Atlantic time, except for the south coast (Cartwright and bc.ca Manitoba www.gov.mb.ca new Brunswick www.gov.nb.ca new foundland www.gov http://www.virtualtourist.com/m/tt/d8c4/ | |
33. The Newfoundland & Labrador Genealogy Research Interests Forum: B Researcher Steven Barnable sbarnabl@mail.gov.nf.ca Address Area of ResearchLabrador-Straitof Belle Isle Extent in england may of come to new foundland as a http://ngb.chebucto.org/NGBRIF/nlgrif-b.htm | |
34. Lia's Links: Searchlinks, The HUGE All In One Link Page. and sending them to the local gov't to get some at rabernethy@monorail.com) S Sager111'sHomepage Salvation Army, new foundland and labrador Salvation Army http://www.geocities.com/lia_mari/searchlinks.html | |
35. Newfoundland And Labrador Heritage: Guest Book I go to new foundland AND labrador all the time. but u see both placeshave many different characteristics. i think that the gov. http://www.heritage.nf.ca/guestbook/heritagegb.html | |
36. Red Deer Const Assoc - Indust Listing 4966602 Fax (780) 496-6618 Email mike.schneider@gov.edmonton.ab new foundland.newfoundland labrador Construction Association 78 O'Leary Avenue PO Box 8008 http://www.telusplanet.net/public/rdca/industry.htm | |
37. Name Edward Purcell Email Purcell_ed@telus.net From BC Name Ron Mercer Email mercerR@gov.nf.ca From Mount Pearl Referred_by Web searchDate 3/4 Began with labrador then moved on to new foundland and ended up http://www.bellisland.net/guestbook/oldguest17.htm | |
38. Government Of Newfoundland And Labrador - Welcome Government of newfoundland and labrador website.Category Regional North America Government...... About the Province, Sitemap, What's new, Contact Us. This page and all contents arecopyright 2000, Government of newfoundland and labrador, all rights reserved. http://www.gov.nf.ca/ | |
39. NEADS Translate this page aux étudiants et du régime provincial de prêts d'études, le new-foundland andLabrador Student Loans 709-729-2298 Courriel studentaid@mail.gov.nf.ca http://www.neads.ca/french/norc/funding/prog_prov_nf.html | |
40. Newfoundland Specific Information The government of newfoundland and labrador released a news release today regardingthere new adoption legislation. Check it out at http//www.gov.nf.ca http://members.aol.com/deitrahs/CANADANewfoundland.html | |
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