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161. REC-Moldova The Regional Environmental Centermoldova (REC-moldova) was established in October 1998 to assist in solving environmental problems in moldova and neighbouring countries through the promotion of co-operation between NGOs, Governmental bodies, local communities, the business sector and all other environmental stakeholders at both national and regional level. http://www.rec.md/index_en.html |
162. GSM Coverage Map Of Moldova Coverage map from JSC Interdnestrcom, Moldcell and Voxtel cell company. http://www.cellular-news.com/coverage/moldova.shtml |
163. Handicraftsmen's Union Of Moldova A nongovernmental art organization. Activity, members and photo gallery. http://www.ournet.md/~umpm/en/index.html |
164. Independent Journalism Center Development of media through the support and promotion of professionalism among journalists in moldova. http://ijc.iatp.md |
165. Yellow Pages Of Moldova Director al firmelor din republicÄ. http://www.yellowpages.md/form_enterprises_rom.asp |
166. Moldova SuveranÄ Ziarul oficial al guvernului Republicii moldova. Åtiri, articole, prezentÄri de evenimente Åi informaÅ£ii oficiale. http://www.moldova-suverana.md |
167. Moldova Agroindbank Information about bank, services, commissions, fees, interest rates and list of correspondent banks. http://www.maib.md/en/ |
168. REC-Moldova Centrul Regional de Mediu moldova este o organizaÅ£ie independentÄ, necomercialÄ, apoliticÄ cu caracter internaÅ£ional instituitÄ pentru a contribui la soluÅ£ionarea problemelor de mediu ®n Republica moldova Åi Å£Ärile vecine. http://www.rec.md/ |
169. Electrica S.A. - S.C. F.D.F.E.E. Moldova Prezentarea, organizarea Åi activitÄÅ£ile filialei. http://www.electrica.ro/Filiale/moldova/ |
170. Proiectul PNUD Dezvoltarea DurabilÄ A Turismului Pagina conÅ£ine textul documentului, elaborat de Guvernului Republicii moldova Åi susÅ£inut de Programul de Dezvoltare al NaÅ£iunilor Unite. http://www.turism.md/rom/about/ |
171. Jurnal De Chisinau Åtiri Åi informaÅ£ii politice, economice Åi sociale din capitala Republicii moldova Åi din restul Å£Ärii. http://jurnal.press.md/ |
172. Public Transportation Of Kishinev Routes, schedules, route maps, pictures of buses, trolleybuses and routed vans in Kishinev, Republic of moldova. Also includes maps of moldova and Kishinev. http://sheff.cib.tripod.com |
173. Muzeul JudeÅ£ean BotoÅani Muzeul JudeÅ£ean BotoÅani se aflÄ ®n fostul Palat Administrativ, construit ®ntre 19061914. ClÄdirea a fost ridicatÄ ®n perioada premergÄtoare primului rÄzboi mondial dupÄ proiectul arhitectului Petre Antonescu. Muzeul are urmÄtoarele secÅ£ii Arheologie, Istorie, Muzeul de ArtÄ Åi Galeriile de ArtÄ PlasticÄ. http://museum.ici.ro/romus/moldova/Botosani/Romanian/fmuzeu.htm |
174. Interslavica Republik Moldova Links und Informationen. http://www.osteuropa.ch/moldova/md_1.htm |
175. Moldova Cyber Community PoÅtÄ Åi gÄzduire Internet gratuitÄ. http://www.moldovacc.md/ |
176. Flamingo Computers Moldova Information about this company. http://www.flamingo.md |
177. National Handcraft Traditional handicrafts of northern part of moldova. http://www.iatp.md/artizanat/indexe.htm |
178. UNDP Sustainable Tourism Development Project Project of the Government of the Republic of moldova and United Nations Development Programme. http://www.turism.md/eng/about/ |
179. The Web Page Of The Sister Cities Balti (Moldova) And Lakeland ( BaltiLakeland sister cities. http://www.balti.iatp.md/sister-cities/en/history_en.htm |
180. Free International University Of Moldova Departments, activities and other information. http://ulim.moldnet.md/eng/index_en.html |
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