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Missouri Education Staff Dev: more detail |
1. Jane Bluestein's Speaking And Media Resume: Midwest U.S. as classroom teachers, missouri educators are committed to about their responsibilities for staff evaluation. and growth. Instruction Prof. dev. MO National education Association http://www.janebluestein.com/spk_mw.html | |
2. Dev-Alum Staff Southwest missouri State University. staff. SMSU Foundation Office of Development and Alumni Relations staff Director of Development, College of education and Meyer Library http://www.foundation.smsu.edu/Dev-Alum/Dev-AlumStaff.htm | |
3. Kennet Area Higher Education Center - Southeast Missouri State University Southeast missouri State University Summer 2003 EDUC 130, Foundations of education,3, M, 630915 pm, D. Skelton. 119, Web Page dev Design, 3, MW, 505-620, staff. http://www6.semo.edu/kahec/classes.htm | |
4. Garrison School Of Chillicothe, Missouri A Variety Of Good 19, 20 Title 1AM PIE Title 1 Language dev. GED (Adult education) GED is open to anyoneworking on a Other staff members include our Speech Therapist, Terri Figg http://www.chillimoschools.org/Garrison/ |
5. Missouri Southern State College Evening Classes KINESIOLOGY (PHYSICAL education) 2413 KINE 101 FITNESS WALKING 1 0630 08 1 0630- 0810 M YGYM staff 2415 KINE GREEN R 2416 KINE 385 NUTRITION-HUMAN dev 3 06 http://www.mssc.edu/classes/spring03/eveningcourses.htm | |
6. Missouri Southern State College Evening Classes PRACTICUM TBA TBA staff 2635 EDUC 430 LANG dev EX CHLD 3 RDNG 3 0400 0700 M TH114staff 2638 EDUC 3 TBA TBA FAGUNDES R * FOR TEACHER education MAJORS ONLY. http://www.mssc.edu/classes/fall01/eveningcourses.htm | |
7. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Univ. of Pittsburgh at Gbg. Director, Admin. Faculty, dev. 1971-1974 1990Ph.D. Special education University of missouri-Columbia. 1983 M.Ed. http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
8. Aboutus was adequate and affordable housing, and education issues Valley Human Resource; JohnFletcher, Central missouri Agri Service of a new year, the staff and Board http://www.marshall-saline-dev.com/aboutus.html | |
9. Trelease Lectures, States I-M missouri. of education Research (1800-735-3503 register) all day teacher seminarsKansas City, MO Wednesday 30, 2002 Ferguson-Florissant Schools staff dev. http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/calendar_states_i_m.html | |
10. Resources: Professional Dev't And Teacher Support structure to support local staff development efforts. Project MOST (missouri SupportingTeachers) Project a consortium of statewide education leaders planning http://www.benton.org/Library/Schools/resources6.html | |
11. Biochemistry & Microbiology | Faculty & Staff education BS, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT; MS, Brigham Young ProfessionalExperience Postdoctoral Fellow, University of missouri, Columbia, MO, 1991 dev. http://www.healthsciences.okstate.edu/college/dept/basic/bio_micro/rickords_cv.h | |
12. Engineering Development Staff demonstrates its belief in education and intellectual provides benefits to students,faculty and staff. The University of missouri's Office of Technology and http://www.engineering.missouri.edu/dev/corp.htm | |
13. Missouri School District Directory: Lawson R-XIV dev. Enrollment 379, Certified staff 38. Phone 816580-7270 Fax 816-580-7206E-mail pettys@lawson.k12.mo.us, education Dr PO Box 157 Lawson, MO 64062-0157. http://www.lawsonmo.com/school.html | |
14. Community Development In Australia: University Of Missouri Extension Fellowship is supported by agriculture, tourism, education, retail,and which bears some similarityto missouri communities). Spending time with staff at Mallee Family Care http://comm-dev.org/conf96/leuci.htm | |
15. CES CYF Network Human Resources Database Lynn, Associate Professor, CASPP Director, University of missouri. Rachel, Ozretich,Parent education Coordinator, Extension, Specialist Program and staff dev, LSU. http://www.cyfernet.org/profdata/view.asp | |
16. Missouri State Government Home Page missouri Assessment Program. 800845-3545 Professional Support staff. Regional Facilitators missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary education. Division of School http://www.state.mo.us/ | |
17. Missouri School District Directory: Raytown C-2 (4070), Grade Span K05. Enrollment 421, Certificated staff 30. missouri Departmentof Elementary and Secondary education Email droach@mail.dese.state.mo http://www.dese.state.mo.us/directory/048073.html | |
18. Missouri School District Directory: Affton 101 (4080), Grade Span 0305. Enrollment 503, Certificated staff 38. missouri Departmentof Elementary and Secondary education Email droach@mail.dese.state.mo http://www.dese.state.mo.us/directory/096098.html | |
19. Missouri Valley College - Faculty And Staff Phone DirDirectories Faculty and staff Phone Directory. education English HSAM Biology Assistant TrainerHead Women's Basketball education English. 2002/2003 missouri Valley College. http://www.moval.edu/directories/facstaff_phone_dir.htm | |
20. Professional Staff Professional staff. BES, MA, University of missouri (Columbia, MO). BarbaraDreier dreierb@eastcentral.edu, Coordinator, Adult Basic education, http://www.ecc.cc.mo.us/admin/hr/directory/prof-staff.html | |
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