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42. Law-Lib: 151 Military Law Review Next in thread Gary.W.MORGAN@ojd.state.or.us 151 military law Review ;Maybe reply Gary.W.MORGAN@ojd.state.or.us 151 military law Review ; http://lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu/LAWLIB/june00/0174.html | |
43. Law-Lib: 151 Military Law Review 151 military law Review. Gary.W.MORGAN@ojd.state.or.us Date 06/29/00Next message Wilson Addo Re A travel statistic puzzle ; Previous http://lawlibrary.ucdavis.edu/LAWLIB/june00/0614.html | |
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46. U.S. Military Academy, Department Of Law please feel free to contact us at Webmaster Department Academic Counselor UnitedStates Postal Mail ATTN MADNlaw United States military Academy Official http://www.dean.usma.edu/law/law.htm | |
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48. OCLC WorldCat Collection Sets us military law HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT (us9) Set Information. CategoryLegal. Number of titles 461 Records. Subsets in Set us military http://www.stats.oclc.org/cgi-bin/db2www/wcs/wcs_cols.d2w/SetInfo?ID=US9 |
49. OCLC WorldCat Collection Sets us military law HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT (001) Subset Information. Set Name/ Symbol us military law HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT - (us9). http://www.stats.oclc.org/cgi-bin/db2www/wcs/wcs_cols.d2w/SubsetInfo?ID=US9&SSID |
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52. Law School To Open Facilities To U.S. Military Recruiters support for our values inherent in our nondiscrimination policy in ways that arenecessarily different than requiring military interviewing of law students to http://www.vanderbilt.edu/register/Sep30_02/20021008recruiters.html | |
53. Russia, Turkmenistan Urge US To Observe International Law In Military Retaliatio Saturday, September 22, 2001, updated at 1123(GMT+8). World, Russia, TurkmenistanUrge us to Observe International law in military Retaliation. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/english/200109/22/eng20010922_80770.html | |
54. Archives And Knowledge Management: Scholarly Online Resource Evidence And Record military sites worldwide, including genealogical and historical resources.Category Society Genealogy military...... lexisONE sm State Resource Center * The National law Net * PACER Public SupremeCourt of the United States of America * us Public Records laws military. http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~vctinney/archives.htm | |
55. U.S. And Saudi Law Enforcement And Military Personnel Gather Evidence At Khobar Search News Photos us and Saudi law enforcement and militarypersonnel gather evidence at Khobar Towers. http://www.defenselink.mil/photos/Jul1996/960629-F-0929W-509.html | |
56. National Institute Of Military Justice us Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces be held at Columbus School of law, CatholicUniversity Operations; AsiaPacific Centre for military law APCML Seminar http://www.nimj.org/home.asp | |
57. Law.com: U.S. Military, Branches us military, Branches, us Air Force. us Army. us Navy. usMarine Corps. us Coast Guard. National Guard. Reserve Affairs. http://www11.law.com/links.asp?k=789 |
58. Law.com: U.S. Military, Administration us military, Administration, Joint Chiefs of Staff.Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office. http://www11.law.com/links.asp?k=790 |
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60. U.S. Military Law CFR (use former us House of Representatives Library); United States Supreme CourtRecent military law Decisions; NY Court of Appeals Decisions Booth v. Clary. http://www.angelfire.com/tn/dpmcnamee/military.html | |
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