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41. The American Society For Microbiology - NYC Branch Homepage NYCASM Branch history. The New York Bacteriologists. (SAB). In 1961 theSAB became the American Society for microbiology (ASM). The Branch http://www.nycasm.org/history.php | |
42. Microbiology Dept. - History microbiology Dept. history. microbiology research group at N. CopernicusUniversity in Torun became an independent research unit http://www.biol.uni.torun.pl/~henroz/history.html | |
43. History Of Microbiology These fears still persist today. Pioneer microbiologists The history of science Antonvan Leeuwenhoek considered by many to be the Father of microbiology. http://www.ccsf.edu/Departments/Biology/history.htm | |
44. History Of The MBM Department A brief history of the Department of Molecular Biology andMicrobiology of Tufts University School of Medicine. http://www.healthsci.tufts.edu/microbiology/history.html | |
45. New Titles In Biology, Natural History, Microbiology New books in Biology, Natural history, microbiology from The Universityof Chicago Press Borgese, Elisabeth Mann Ocean Yearbook http://www.press.uchicago.edu/new_releases/31.html | |
46. Department Of Microbiology And Molecular Genetics | History Of The Department The Department of microbiology and Molecular Genetics of the Harvard Medical Schoolhas a long and distinguished history of making significant contributions to http://micro.med.harvard.edu/pages/history.html | |
47. Department History - Food Microbiology & Nutrition | Food Science And Human Nutr Home About the Department Department history Departmenthistory Food microbiology Nutrition. http://www.fshn.uiuc.edu/dept/history/microbiology_nutrition.html | |
48. ClayGate 577-579 : Ecology ; Natural History Of Organisms ; Microbiology Heyward Library logo 577579 - Ecology ; Natural history of organisms; microbiology DDC. http://library.bendigo.latrobe.edu.au/irs/webcat/577.htm | |
49. Chapter 1 The History And Scope Of Microbiology Table of Contents Part I Introduction to microbiology 1 The history and Scopeof microbiology 2 The Study of Microbial Structure Microscopy and Specimen http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/cellmicro/prescott/toc.mhtml | |
50. Chapter 1 The History And Scope Of Microbiology microbiology Home, microbiology, 4/e Prescott, Harley, Klein. Student Online LearningCenter. Chapter 1 The history and Scope of microbiology Choose an activity http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/cellmicro/prescott/student/chapter1.mhtml | |
51. Institute Of Microbiology Home history. history of Institute of microbiology ..prof. M. Mikelsaar. Microbiologists of University of Tartu. http://biomedicum.ut.ee/armb/eng/history/ | |
52. The Microbiology Slide Collection At The Natural History Museum Please enable JavaScript to take full advantage of this database TheNatural history Museum's microbiology Slide Collection. Organism http://flood.nhm.ac.uk/cgi-bin/perth/protists/ | |
53. Biochemistry & Microbiology Departmental History Waksman Institute of microbiology, New Brunswick, NJ. Lipman, JG 1921. Tedrow,JCF 1995. history of Soil Science at Rutgers University 19701990. Dept. http://www.cook.rutgers.edu/~dbm/history.html | |
54. Shuttle-Mir History/Science/Human Life Sciences/Microbiology microbiology. Several environmental factors play a role in determiningthe health, safety and efficiency of crewmembers. Investigators http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/history/shuttle-mir/science/hls/sc-hls-micro.htm | |
55. Shuttle-Mir History/Science/Human Life Sciences/Microbiology/Microbiological Inv This will require a much better understanding of the microbiology of closedenvironments and the humanmicrobe-environment interactions. http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/history/shuttle-mir/science/hls/micro/sc-hls-micro.h | |
56. School Of Molecular Biosciences - History Of Microbiology MINIhistory OF THE DEPARTMENT OF microbiology AT WASHINGTON STATEUNIVERSITY - 1895-1999. Bacteriology (microbiology) as a formal http://molecular.biosciences.wsu.edu/overview/microhist.htm | |
57. History Of Microbiology Chemistry, Biology and related disciplines in the WWW. history ofmicrobiology. A history of microbiology Text. Highlights in the http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/history_mikrobio.html | |
58. MCRO 221 Microbiology Case History MCRO 221 microbiology Case history. Susan Elrod, microbiology. DUEWednesday, March 14, 2001 (in class). The case history you are http://www.calpoly.edu/~acadprog/gened/WINGED/elrod.htm | |
59. IBMS Science: Medical Microbiology - A Brief History Of The Meningococcus Medical microbiology A brief history of the Meningococcus. Meningitisremains a major cause of mortality and morbidity despite the http://www.ibmsscience.org/medicalmicrobiology/meningococcus.htm | |
60. History, Microbiology, WUSTL Early history (return to top) In the early years of Washington University Schoolof to be Chairman of the Department with its new designation of microbiology. http://www.microbiology.wustl.edu/dept/history/ | |
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