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61. MEDC - Information Technology Links to merge these resources with the Library of Michigan's Internet access program toserve all michigan libraries and residents via the MichNet dialin network. http://medc.michigan.org/InfoTech/Links/ | |
62. Bomis: The Regional/US/Michigan/Education/Libraries Ring Ring sites. 1. Central Michigan University Libraries. 60. Mideastern michigan librariesCooperative. Mideastern michigan libraries Cooperative www.falcon.edu. 61. http://www.bomis.com/rings/Meducation-libraries-regional-116909/ | |
63. American Libraries News For October 9, 2000 michigan libraries Regroup for New Internet Law. The October 1 deadlineset by a new Michigan law requiring libraries to shield children http://www.ala.org/alonline/news/2000/001009.html |
64. Delta College Library: Suggested Library Web Sites michigan libraries Michigan Library Web Sites (including Michigan LibraryCatalogs) view a directory of michigan libraries on the Web; http://www.delta.edu/library/libraries.html | |
65. Ann Arbor District Library : Other Area Libraries Cleary University Library Concordia University Zimmerman Library Eastern MichiganUniversity Libraries University of michigan libraries Bentley Library http://www.aadl.org/stories/storyReader$116 | |
66. Michigan Chapter ASIST Membership Library of Congress). michigan libraries * michigan libraries * MichiganInteractive Library Directory. Michigan Information Centers http://www.asis.org/Chapters/michap/resources.html | |
67. Middle East Studies - Libraries University of michigan libraries About University of Michigan's Middle Eastcollections; Search University of Michigan's MIRLYN (online catalog). http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/mideast/cuvlm/LIBS.html | |
68. The Detroit Institute Of Arts University of michigan libraries, Ann Arbor, MI This link to MIRLYNWeb, is the webinterfaceversion of MIRLYN, the University of michigan libraries' online http://www.dia.org/research/libraries.htm | |
69. Welcome To The MSU Libraries Research collections include Africana, fine arts, government documents and international studies, labor and industrial relations, agricultural economics, business, chemistry, engineering, geology, biological studies, mathematics, physics and astronomy, planning and design, and veterinary medicine. Research affiliations Association of American Universities, Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries. http://www.lib.msu.edu/ | |
70. Central Michigan University Libraries Look up librarysearch guides, and take a tutorial in using the research resources. Follow the construction of the new building. Central michigan University libraries. Go to Clarke Historical Library Off-Campus Library Services University http://www.lib.cmich.edu/ | |
71. University Of Michigan Library Ann Arbor campus. Library services, research resources, and online catalog.Category Regional North America libraries...... University of michigan UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Questions or comments? Ask Us! http://www.lib.umich.edu/ | |
72. MSU Libraries : Grants And Related Resources Guide PART ONE MSU FUNDING CENTER GUIDES (A collection of reference guides tothe resources available in the michigan State University libraries) http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/grants.htm | |
73. University Libraries. Western Michigan University. Online library catalog and research resources. Programs, events, and continuing education services.Category Regional North America libraries...... Library Services Library Instruction Off Campus Library Services SiteTable of Contents WMU libraries Collections Choose One http://www.wmich.edu/library/ | |
74. Michigan Public Libraries michigan Public libraries Alphabetical Listing Area Library Links Albion Albion Public Library Woodlands Library Cooperative Allen Park Allen Park Public Library Alma Alma Public Library Almont Almont District Library Alpena Northland Library http://www.publiclibraries.com/michigan.htm | |
75. The Michigan Electronic Library Virtual library is selected and evaluated by librarians and is designed to be a comprehensive electronic information tool for michigan's libraries, schools and citizens. http://mel.lib.mi.us |
76. Libraries & Academic Resources as well as the catalogs of some of the other campus libraries, can be use a computer,how to get started using the University of michigan Computing Environment http://www.umich.edu/lib_resources.html | |
77. Reading Room Index Alphabetical Index Screen Alphabetical index to the MSU Comic Art Collection. References to articles, monographies and readers. http://www.lib.msu.edu/comics/rri/index.htm | |
78. MEL:Blind, Handicapped, And Disability Resources For Libraries Links to disabilities documents, library services examples, and other resources, from the michigan Electronic Library. http://mel.org/libraries/LIBS-handicap.html | |
79. InMich Main Menu Union catalog of six libraries in the midmichigan area that allows for patron initiated interlibrary loan. http://inmich.mlc.lib.mi.us/ | |
80. ORALL: Ohio Regional Association Of Law Libraries Lists information for members (covering Indiana, Ohio, michigan and Kentucky), including scholarship information, chapter newsletter, committees, and Ohio legal resources. http://www.orall.org | |
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