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Mende Indigenous Peoples Africa: more detail |
61. History Today - Andromeda History Encyclopedia name given by the Greeks to the indigenous peoples of east Leone West African republic,settled by mende and Temne and home of the Shona and Ndebele peoples. http://www.historytoday.com/index.cfm?articleid=476 |
62. Sierra Leone Religions Islam 40%, Christian 35%, indigenous 20%. to have been the earliest inhabitantsof Sierra Leone, followed by the mende and Temne peoples in the http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107959.html | |
63. CHART OF BLACK CIVILIZATION 150,000 B.C. TO 1600 AD the history of the Black preColumbian indigenous African-Americans A number of otherBlack Negroid peoples mentioned in or Xi, who were of mende, West African http://community-2.webtv.net/NUBIANEM/CHARTOFBLACK/page5.html | |
64. Sculture Info In preparing their rice farms, the mende often uncover The ndako gboya appears tobe indigenous; a spirit of sculptural tradition among peoples inhabiting the http://users.pandora.be/african-shop/sculpture-info.htm | |
65. The Probert Encyclopaedia - People And Peoples (M-P) People and peoples (MP). Despite Madagascar's proximity to africa, Malagasy containsonly a small number mende The mende are a west african people living in the http://sesic.sep.gob.mx/basemin/biblioteca/enciclop/C5.HTM | |
66. 1Up Info > Nigeria > The Northern Area | Nigerian Information Resource traders in all major cities of West africa, linked socially language groupings indicatedhistorical relations to mendespeaking peoples farther west. http://www.1upinfo.com/country-guide-study/nigeria/nigeria58.html | |
67. South America Blackantiquity.com indicate a West African Mandinka (mende) presence in Olmec terracotta figurines ofNegroid peoples of ancient are parts of separate, indigenous groups living http://www.blackantiquity.com/SouthAmerica.html | |
68. The_recontextualization purist interpretations have represented indigenous cultural traditions that openscommunication between peoples and cultures Glasgow (Art of the mende The Guy http://www.therai.org.uk/pubs/at/museums/therecon.html | |
69. Resources / Land GENDER AND RESOURCE USE AMONG THE mende OF GOLA declaration on the rights of indigenouspeoples (SubCommission OF LAND AND PROPERTY IN EASTERN africa Diana Lee http://www.earthsummit2002.org/wcaucus/Resources/land/land.htm | |
70. The 1996 CIA World Factbook Page On Sierra Leone can read and write in English, mende, Temne, or on English law and customary lawsindigenous to local the February 1996 elections; National peoples Party (NPP http://www.umsl.edu/services/govdocs/wofact96/223.htm | |
71. Ethnog02 in women's spaces gender relations in mende rice farming Deborah Bird Rose 1999 Indigenousecologies and an Reprinted in EP Skinner (ed.) peoples and Cultures http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/sociology/Ethnog02.htm | |
72. Sierra Leone Facts & Figures KARIMU, chairman; Sierra Leone peoples Party or Religions Muslim 60%, indigenousbeliefs 30 Languages English (official,), mende (principal vernacular in the http://free.freespeech.org/isierra-leone/factsfigures/ | |
73. Sierra Leone (01/02) Party (DCP), National Unity Party (NUP), peoples Democratic Party PEOPLE The indigenouspopulation is made up of 18 The Temne in the north and the mende in the http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5475.htm | |
74. Africans Art 15,000 members of the Bidjogo peoples inhabit some manage to preserve many indigenoustraits. African People Yoruba mende Bamana Kongo Yaka Chokwe http://www.webzinemaker.net/africans-art/index.php3?action=page&id_rubr=38 |
75. Africans Art must consider both perspectives the indigenous as well the cultures of other peoplesonly by from a longstanding Western, imperialistic involvement in africa. http://www.webzinemaker.net/africans-art/index.php3?action=page&id_art=360 |
76. MEXICAN ARCHEOLOGISTS EMBARRASSED BY DISCOVERY OF ANCIENT A the mende language and used the mende script. actual descendants of precolumbian African/Negriticpeoples of the to 100 was a war against indigenous people of http://www.lauralee.com/_Forum/00000174.htm |
77. Untitled The mende of Sierra Leone A West African Warren and Oswald Weiner (eds.), Indigenousknowledge systems of Tanout Arrondissement, Niger , Nomadic peoples 11,26 http://csac.anthropology.ac.uk/CSACMonog/Waldie/bibilog.html | |
78. Untitled of writing from trade with Semiticspeaking peoples and then A survey of the indigenousscripts of Liberia and Sierra Leone Vai, mende, Loma, Kpelle http://nersp.nerdc.ufl.edu/~ufruss/language.contact.htm | |
79. Spotlight On Teaching groups such as the Ibibio, Oromo, Edo and mende. implicit in the tradition, usingindigenous categories and to learn more about the Yoruba and Dogon peoples. http://www.aarweb.org/Publications/spotlight/previous/1-2/01-02-05more.asp | |
80. West Africa - EthnoBass English Major ethnic groups indigenous African tribes 95 tribes 90% (Temne 30%, Mende30%, other http://www.ethnobass.org/afr_west.html |
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