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81. International Marine Mammal Project Works to make the oceans safe for all marine mammals. Famous for helping to free Keiko, the orca used in the movie "Free Willy." We work to make oceans safe for marine mammals worldwide. protect the habitat of whales, dolphins, and other marine species. is fighting whales and other marine life. Find out what http://www.earthisland.org/immp |
82. Protecting Threatened And Endangered Species Besides the ESA, there are several other federal laws that protect endangered andthreatened species, such as the marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), the http://www.hsus.org/ace/16046 | |
83. Animal Protection Institute - Legal Protections For Wildlife And Marine Life Legal Protections for Wildlife and marine life In its present form, the EndangeredSpecies Act (ESA) protects declining species more comprehensively and http://www.api4animals.org/default.asp?ID=74 |
84. Ocean Conservancy : Issues : Law And Policy : Legislation : Endangered Species A Ocean Conservancy is leading the fight to use the full power of the endangered SpeciesAct to protect and conserve our threatened and endangered marine wildlife http://www.oceanconservancy.org/dynamic/issues/law/legislation/endangeredAct.htm | |
85. Marine Life Postcards marine life Postcards, Every year scores of these playful but endangeredmarine mammals are killed by motorboats. Crystal River, Florida. http://www.dal.ca/~ceph/JWoodPhoto/postcard.html | |
86. Defenders Of Wildlife - 2001 Annual Report - Wildlife Action - Marine Life Wildlife Action marine life Defenders won a significant court victorywhen a federal judge upheld a rigorous definition of dolphin http://www.defenders.org/annualreport/marine.html | |
87. The Coral Reef Alliance : Coral Friendly Diving Guidelines items such as batteries; Refuse to buy souvenirs made from coral, turtles or othermarine life often this is illegal as many endangered species are protected http://www.coralreefalliance.org/parks/divingguide.html | |
88. Books And Information About The Science And Nature Of Marine Life And Oceanograp Science Nature Recommended marine life Books. Revelations. marine life ismore rigoursly referred to as marine Ecology or Biological Oceanography. http://www.booksaboutnature.com/marine_life.ihtml | |
89. Hawaii's Marine Wildlife: Whales, Dolphins, Turtles, And Seals The endangered Species Act; The marine Mammal Protection Act; The Convention onthe International Trade of endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). http://www.earthtrust.org/wlcurric/ | |
90. Beach And Marine Life Clip Art :: Green Nature :: Beach and marine life Clip Art. Welcome to the marine life section. Clip Art IndexAnimals Birds Fonts/Dingbats marine life Nature Recycling © 2002. http://greennature.com/article1628.html | |
91. Deep Sea Trawlers Threaten Exotic Marine Life :: Green Nature :: Deep Sea Trawlers Threaten Exotic marine life. February 16, 2002. Deep Sea TrawlersThreaten Exotic marine life Login/Create an account 0 Comments. http://greennature.com/article851.html | |
92. WWF US: Ocean Rescue - Protecting The Whale, Shark, Sea Turtle And Other Ocean L planet's oceans are in trouble and the plant and animal life they sustain are injeopardy. As the global leader in safeguarding these marine ecosystems, WWF http://www.worldwildlife.org/oceans/oceans.cfm | |
93. Protect Marine Life Protect marine life!! Protect Virgin Areas Parks and marine Reserves. EndangeredMeans There is Still Time by US Fish Wildlife Service; Whale Adoption http://ioc.unesco.org/IYO/classroom/protect_marine_life.htm |
94. Endangered Species Posters-North American Endangered Wildlife Return to Homepage Contact Us View Order Tell a Friend! North Americanendangered Wildlife Eighteen Caribou. endangered species posters. http://nature-discovery.com/home/nd1/page/18/0 | |
95. Fish Printouts - EnchantedLearning.com Trout. Trout are torpedoshaped game fish. Whale shark Whale Shark The largestfish and a filter feeder that eats tiny marine organisms and small fish. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/fish/printouts/ | |
96. Starfish: Large Collection Of Links About Marine Animals, Grosse Linksammlung Zu http://www.starfish.ch/Links.html | |
97. Ocean.com - Everything Ocean Action organizations The leading organizations involved with protecting endangeredmarine life include National Audubon Society; Living Oceans Program http http://www.ocean.com/Conservation/EndageredSpecies.asp | |
98. A Walk On The Wild Side Assorted Bears - Cats - Elephants - endangered Species - Opossum - Primates -Wolves - Zoos http://www.robinsfyi.com/animals/wild/wild.htm | |
99. Marinelife Center Of Juno Beach Website updated 02/26/2003 102407 PM Questions related to this website? The Marinelife Center of Juno Beach 14200 U.S. Hwy One Juno Beach, FL 33408 561627-8280 info@marinelife.org information available now! Support the Marinelife Center Visit http://www.marinelife.org/ | |
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