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61. ReferenceResources:Aquatic(Sea)Life important facts and information about aquatic life on all types of marine mammalsincluding whales, dolphins, porpoises, and endangered animals; for http://www.kidinfo.com/Science/Aquatic_Life.html | |
62. December 5, 2000 - Outlaw Netting Takes Its Toll On Marine Life - Four Endangere December 5, 2000, Ted Forsgren (850) 2243474. OUTLAW NETTING TAKES ITS TOLLON marine life - FOUR endangered SEA TURTLES FOUND DEAD IN ILLEGAL GILLNET. http://ccaflorida.org/press_releases/2000/12-05-00_pr.htm | |
63. Project On Endangered Animals Some reasons why Dolphins are endangered. aware of more animals in your daily lifeand start to educate your friends and family and tell them about marine life. http://www.iol.ie/~ndnsp/animals/dolphin.htm | |
64. Pacific Marine Life Foundation - Mission and legislation that will help save endangered animals. need in order to enjoy life,bear and 1984 by two internationally recognized marine mammal veterinarians http://www.pmlf.org/pages/mission.html | |
65. SCRIPPS TO FOCUS RESEARCH ON MARINE LIFE OFF CALIFORNIA if significant adverse effects to marine life are observed to occur without violatingthe marine Mammal Protection Act and the endangered Species Act http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pr95/jul95/noaa95-r135.html | |
66. SCRIPPS TO FOCUS RESEARCH ON MARINE LIFE OFF HAWAII SCRIPPS TO FOCUS RESEARCH ON marine life OFF HAWAII. to occur without violatingthe marine Mammal Protection Act or the endangered Species Act. http://www.publicaffairs.noaa.gov/pr95/oct95/noaa95-r147.html | |
67. Endangered Species, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Caretta Caretta, U.S. Fish & Wildlife life History and Recovery Activities Biologue; National Wildlife Refuges establishedfor endangered species shared between the National marine Fisheries Service http://endangered.fws.gov/i/C1T.html | |
68. Endangered Fish Totuava every pound of shrimp caught by net, nearly 10 pounds of other marine life dies and Todayyou find the endangered totoaba readily for sale in shops and street http://www.sanfelipe.com.mx/articles/Cecotti/totuava.html |
69. Storybooks About Marine Life And Habitats This story is wonderful and contains great factual information about ocean life. Veryaccurate explanation of a marine food chain. endangered Oceans Allen, Judy http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/5924/storybooksaboutmarinelife.htm | |
70. Endangered Oceans Lesson Plan endangered Oceans Activities, Fish Tales is a wonderful activity about the effectsof pollution on marine life. Read books about the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/5924/endangeredoceans.htm | |
71. Hawaiian Marine Life, Hawaii Artist Donald K. Hall, Hawaiian Art Gallery, Pictur if we care there is hope of survival for this endangered species Hawaiian Art Picture,marine life (convict Tang Fish original acrylic painting by hawaii artist http://home.att.net/~dhall4u/Marinelife.htm | |
72. Marine Life Picture copyright is stated throughout our marine life pages Other links,World Fishing. www.panda.org/endangeredseas WWF endangered seas campaign. http://www.dogsbreathdivers.com/MarineLife/MarineLife.htm | |
73. MEL: Environment Sheets and News Released on Threatened and endangered Species; Conservation Databases species, protected areas, forests, marine life, biodiversity profiles; http://mel.lib.mi.us/science/envir.html | |
74. Marine Debris Fact Sheet The endangered Hawaiian Monk Seal is observed entangled on its haulout andbreeding beaches every year. Sea-borne plastic is deadly to marine life. http://www.pacificwhale.org/childrens/fsdebris.html | |
75. National Park Threatened And Endangered Species Overview Service is required by the ESA to conserve endangered and threatened Fisheries Servicehas similar authority for protecting and conserving most marine life. http://www.nature.nps.gov/wv/tes.htm | |
76. Year Of The Ocean 1998 - Sponsorship - World Wildlife Fund the world, WWF works to protect endangered marine species, such leads internationalefforts to protect marine species such To save the tapestry of life on Earth http://www.enn.com/yoto/sponsor/wwf/ |
77. American Oceans Campaign - Fisheries - Fish Briefs July 2001 species management measures, which apply automatic conservation measures, can bea powerful tool to protect endangered or vulnerable marine life, if widely http://www.americanoceans.org/fish/fbjuly01.htm | |
78. Research 10 sea. These nets continue to capture fish and pose a threat to allforms of marine life, including many endangered species. These http://www.scifish.com/newWeb/researchIndiv.py?10 |
79. Welcome To Clean Beaches : Coastal Corps Volunteers The Olive Ridley turtle was listed as an endangered species in 1978 and while andother resource extraction to help reverse the depletion of marine life in the http://www.cleanbeaches.org/CoastalCorps/default.cfm | |
80. CINMS Sanctuary Marine Life Page known about the areas of concentration, life history or Of the 16 resident speciesof marine birds in The brown pelican, an endangered species, maintains its http://www.cinms.nos.noaa.gov/animals/animals.stm |
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