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21. STATE OF MIND Information about mental and emotional illnesss, social anxiety disorder, manic depression, and support groups. http://www.angelfire.com/tx5/stateofmind | |
22. The Manic Depression Web Ring The manic depression Web Ring. Welcome to the manic depression Web Ringhome page. The manic depression web ring made possible by Webring. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Lounge/1640/themanic.htm | |
23. Index Offering support and information for sufferers of bipolar affective disorder (manic depression) and their friends and family. http://www.jaywalk.com/bipolar | |
24. Manic Depression Fellowship manic depression Fellowship Patrons Spike Milligan, Professor AnthonyClare and Dr. Miriam Stoppard My name is Carl and I'ma member http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/6101/page1.html | |
25. Manic Depression And Bipolar Disorders - Electroshock Treatment - Electroboy manic depression, a bipolar disorder, plagued Andy Behrman, author of Electroboy, a young man who Category Shopping Publications Disorders Mood Specific Titles......manic depression, a bipolar disorder, plagued Andy Behrman, author of Electroboy,a young man who had 19 electroshocks and lost memory after involvement in http://www.electroboy.com/ | |
26. Eclipse - Welcome Page Dedicated to the education and support of those who suffer from depression and for their family and friends. http://www.bfree.on.ca/comdir/medical/eclipse/index.htm | |
27. Www.manicdep.com/ Similar pages Manic Depressive Illness Help is at Hand About one in every hundred adults will suffer from manic depression at some pointin their life. It can start at any time during or after the teenage years. http://www.manicdep.com/ |
28. Deconcentrate.org V.6.0 -- Something Different The journal of a young polyamorist man's struggle with depression, manic depression, ADHD, and sexual compulsion. http://www.deconcentrate.org/ |
29. Bipolar Dating For Singles For Love, Marriage, Romance And Relationships. Meet T Site for sufferers of Bipolar Affective Disorder (manic depression) seeking relationships with others with the same illness/disorder. Relatives, partners or friends also welcome. http://www.bipolar.singlescrowd.com | |
30. HealthyPlace.com Bipolar Disorder, Manic-Depression Community Bipolar Disorder, manic depression. Expert information, bipolar disorder,manic depression support groups, bipolar chat, journals, support lists. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Bipolar/Site/ | |
31. NAMI-NYC Metro -- Mental Health Advocacy And Information New York City chapter, dedicated to providing support to friends and family of people with neurobiological or mental illnesses like schizophrenia, and manic depression. http://naminyc.nami.org/index.htm | |
32. Manic Depression - A Look Inside Bipolar Disorder Personal, yet information filled site on bipolar disorder, manic depression,depression and dealing with manicdepressive illness. http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Bipolar/Mihalas/ | |
33. MaryJo's Home Page This site has helpful information and many links on subjects like child abuse and bipolar disorder (manic depression) http://members.aol.com/mellryellr/index.html | |
34. My Manic Depression Diary Dayto-day account of living with illness, description of web ring and links.Category Health Mental Health Bipolar Disorder Personal Pages......My manic depression Diary. A Personal Experience of manic depression. Mymanic depression diary is a member of the Mood Rings WebRing. http://members.tripod.com/horizon2002/ | |
35. Cambridge Manic Depression Fellowship Self-Help Group Home Page Friendly support group for people with manic depression (bipolar disorder).Category Health Mental Health Bipolar Disorder Support Groups......Welcome to Cambridge manic depression Fellowship home page. This page Cambridgearea. Cambridge manic depression Fellowship Self Help Group. http://www.mdfcambridge.org.uk/ | |
36. Borderline Babe the life of a young woman with borderline personality disorder, manic depression, self injury and eating disorders. http://www.borderline-babe.co.uk | |
37. Eyesicle A recovering drug addict's journey through manic depression and spiritual obstacles. http://www.eyesicle.com | |
38. Manic Depression manic depression is also known as Bipolar Illness. Like depression, people with thisdisorder go through stages of depression, but Mania or Manic adds a cycle. http://sarahlindsay0.tripod.com/depression/id4.html | |
39. Manic Depressive And Depressive Association Of Metropolitan Detroit A selfhelp group providing support, education, and hope for those diagnosed with manic depression or Major Depression. http://mdda-metro-detroit.org | |
40. Mental Health Recovery - Mary Ellen Copeland, MS, MA This site offers an array of selfhelp products like books, videos and audio tapes. It also offers Category Health Mental Health Disorders Mood Depression...... Programs Researcher and Author, Mary Ellen Copeland has compiled information tohelp others identify, live with and manage depression and manic depression. http://www.mentalhealthrecovery.com/ | |
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