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61. Adopt-A-Boat: Resources Includes information about maine seafood community, species, and products. education.Section of Environment, Energy, and resources http//www.abanet http://web.mit.edu/seagrant/adoptaboat/resources/ | |
62. Resources - Maine Arts Commission Arts in education resources. Winthrop Middle School students rehearse for theirproduction of Park Bench, directed by Iona McCabe. resources. maine Arts http://www.mainearts.com/organizations/education/resources.shtml | |
63. NEEN - NEEN's Guide To Energy Education Resources Exhibits and Tours Other EnergyRelated resources State Contacts for education,Energy, and the Environment Utilities (New England States). Connecticut. maine. http://www.eere.energy.gov/bro/neen/resources/ed_resources2.html | |
64. HSLDA | Home Schooling In Maine State forms and other resources along with an online form to contact your staff. Headlines.maine education Commissioner Tries To Adopt Regulation Without http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/ME/default.asp | |
65. Maine Holistic And Community Resources maine Life Long Learning and Cultural resources. Adult education ProgramDirectory (a listing of local adult education programs in maine). http://sageplace.com/maine_holistic_resources.htm | |
66. Job-Hunt.Org: Maine Jobs, Jobs In Maine, Maine Careers And Job Search Resources in maine education. Bates College; Boudoin College; Colby College; University ofmaine Jobs in maine Government. Jobs in maine State Government More Local resources http://www.job-hunt.org/jobs/maine.shtml | |
67. Links Page maine Department of education, Division of Special education Good resources concerningSpecial education in general and you can download a copy of the State's http://www.drcme.org/links.html | |
68. Maine SBDC Resources University of Southern maine resources. public service for the benefit of the citizensof maine. Center for Continuing education (CCE) learn for life for http://www.mainesbdc.org/resources.cfm?type=resource |
69. Directory Of Physics Education Resources Harvard University; Indiana University; Kansas State University; University of maine; AlanCairns' directory of Physics education resources; University of Dallas http://www2.ncsu.edu/ncsu/pams/physics/Physics_Ed/directory.html | |
70. Acadia National Park - Teacher Resources State of maine Learning Results. A Water education for Teacher's (WET) workshop istentatively For further information about these resources, contact Cynthia http://www.nps.gov/acad/eeweb/teacher.htm | |
71. Pesticide Bookmarks - University Of Nebraska Pesticide Education Resources Page UMCE Pest Management Office University of maine Virtual Center Associationof Pesticide Safety Educators) Pesticide education resources - University of http://pested.unl.edu/pestbkmk.htm | |
72. The Maine Township High School District 207 Site Information on all three district high schools; includes school profiles, parent handbooks, curriculum Category Regional North America D Des Plaines education K12...... For The School And District . maine West High The School And District . Faculty /Staff resources; Curriculum and County Regional Office of education; Local Curfew http://www.maine207.k12.il.us/ | |
73. The Regional Alliance: Initiatives and Frameworks; maine State Library; maine OnLine resources for Earth Science educationA virtual tour of maine-related resources for Earth Science education. http://ra.terc.edu/initiatives/state_connections/ME/me_state.html | |
74. UMS Home Page Registry in Physics education, Dept.of Physics and Astronomy/College of education, Linksto Science education resources; South Asian Association of maine (SAAM), SAAM http://maine.maine.edu/hp.html | |
75. Maine State Government: State Of Maine Government Agencies Departments Education maine Judicial Branch maine Courts Court and Rural resources Conservation Corrections and Community Development education Environmental Protection http://www.govspot.com/state/me.htm | |
76. The Mac Partisan: The Best Information Resources For The Teacher, Student, Educa of sheer frustration with the lack of resources provided by will later this monthattend an education trade show in be unlike any that came before it in maine. http://www.macspeedzone.com/html/hubs/partisan/education.html | |
77. Loads Of Links: Environmental Education Resources kids DU's Frederickton Conservation Center's education page Wetland Activities forkids maine Department of Institute for Water resources Society of http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/education/edinfo.html | |
78. Skowhegan Maine Educational Resources Museums/Art Galleries Skowhegan History House, (207) 4746632 The LC Bates Museum,(207) 453-4894 back to top ***** Other education resources. http://www.skowhegan.maineusa.com/educate.htm | |
79. Directory - The New England Directory Of Holistic Resources - - Maine ME, New Ha Practitioner directory.Category Health Alternative Practitioners...... or product in New England maine ME, New Self-Healing Tools, Self-Help resources,Shamanic Counseling, Shiatsu, Sick Buildings, Skin Care, Somatic education. http://www.neholistic.com/directory.htm | |
80. Education Page - Fort Knox: Educational Resource maine was sparsely settled but rich in natural resources. of financial difficulties,the State of maine could not converted into a Visitor and education Center http://fortknox.maineguide.com/education.html | |
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