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81. Women In Study More Susceptible To Lung Cancer A report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute gives weight to an unproven theory that women may be more vulnerable than men to the cancercausing substances in tobacco smoke. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/12/01/MN9 |
82. International Early Lung Cancer Action Program Annual CT Screening for lung cancer Is CostEffective for High-RiskPersons, Study Finds. New York, NY (June 30, 2001) The Early http://www.ielcap.org/ | |
83. CNN.com - Count Cigarettes For Lung Cancer Risk - Mar. 19, 2003 Smokers and exsmokers soon will be able to predict their risk of lung cancer byusing a new formula that counts how long and how much they smoked, and how http://www.cnn.com/2003/HEALTH/conditions/03/19/lung.cancer.risk.ap/ | |
84. Higher Death Risk For Women Smokers Women are twice as likely to develop an untreatable form of lung cancer than men, according to the UK's biggest lung cancer study. http://news6.thdo.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/health/background_briefings/smoking/newsi |
85. CNN.com - Health - Lung Cancer Ranks Among Deadliest, Most Neglected Cancers - N CNN.com Health article; causes, prevention, and treatment.Category Health Conditions and Diseases Cancer Lung...... lung cancer ranks among deadliest, most neglected cancers. He's even made publicservice announcements for organizations helping people deal with lung cancer. http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/cancer/11/16/lung.cancer/ | |
86. Lungs: Pulmonary And Respiratory Health And Medical Information Produced By Doct Extensive medical information about asthma, lung cancer and pneumonia from medicinenet.com http://www.focusonlungs.com | |
87. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Lung Cancer Readers will find medical facts simply explained, advice to ease their daily life, and tools to be Category Business Publishing and Printing Medical Books...... are the hallmarks of this book on the number one cancer killer in the US Writtenby a widely respected author and patient advocate, lung cancer Making Sense http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lungcancer/ | |
88. The Health Effects Of Passive Smoking: A Scientific Information Paper An extensive review of evidence published in peerreviewed scientific journals linking passive smoking to disease including asthma in children, lower respiratory illness, lung cancer, major coronary conditions and other illnesses. http://www.health.gov.au/nhmrc/advice/nhmrc/foreword.htm | |
89. Search.com - Lung Cancer http//www.myaffiliateprogram.com/ Overture; Side Effects of lung cancer Treatment One of the most common side effects of chemo is anemia, which can cause http://www.search.com/search/11/lung_cancer.html?tag=ex.se.ch11.find.lungcancer |
90. Bmj.com Hackshaw Et Al. 315 (7114): 980 Paper in the British Medical Journal.Category Health Addictions Secondhand Smoke Health Risks Cancer...... http://www.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/315/7114/980 | |
91. Home: BC Cancer Agency Provides a list of locations, patient information, services, information for health professionals, Category Health Conditions and Diseases Cancer Centers Research......BC Cancer Agency invites you to 10th World Conference on lung cancer The BC CancerAgency and the International Association for the Study of lung cancer, are http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/ | |
92. 404 Not Found The tobacco industry paid 13 scientists more than $150,000 to writing letters and manuscripts attempting to discredit studies linking secondhand smoke to lung cancer. http://www.enviroweb.org/hecweb/archive/pestfile/tobacco.htm | |
93. Virtual Hospital: Radon Occurence And Health Risk Comprehensive article on radon. Radon progeny, the decay chain and radiation. lung cancer risks. Occupational and residential limits. Geographic radon potential. Waterborne radon. (June 1999) http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/Radon/HealthRisk.html | |
94. UMHS News - Lung Cancer January 2 , 2003 In this new year, smokers and exsmokers can resolve to help sciencebattle lung cancer Lung-scanning study can also help smokers kick the http://www.med.umich.edu/opm/newspage/2003/lung03.htm | |
95. Cigars Smoking cigars is thought to be safer than cigarettes. Instead of lung cancer, you develop head and neck cancer. Collection of articles outlines the effects. http://quitsmoking.about.com/health/quitsmoking/cs/cigars/index.htm | |
96. ACOR Mailing Lists Archives IBC Inflammatory Breast Cancer Support Group (84 subscribers) IRESSANSCLC Discussionof Iressa used for Non-Small Cell lung cancer (156 subscribers) JP-NET http://listserv.acor.org/archives/ | |
97. Surgeon General Report In Slide Presentation Form Slides for presenting conclusions of the Surgeon General's report, broken down into sections on smoking prevalence, mortality, lung cancer, secondhand smoke, cessation, smoking during pregnancy, tobacco industry marketing, deaths from smoking, other disease caused by tobacco products, tobacco advocacy, and stopping the epidemic. http://speakerskit.chestnet.org/04/sur_gen.html | |
98. Environmental Tobacco Smoke Chapter 4 Hazard Identification I lung cancer in Active Smokers, Long-Term AnalmalBioassays, and Genontoxicity Studies PDF Format 81 kBand Word Perfect http://www.epa.gov/nceawww1/ets/etsindex.htm |
99. EZ Colonoscopy....Noninvasive Screening For Colorectal Cancer! Offers noninvasive early detection medical health screening for colon cancer,lung cancer, and heart disease. (Garden City, New York) http://www.myezmed.com/ | |
100. Secondhand Smoke - Publications - Fact Sheet: Respiratory Health Effects Of Pass Short EPA report. "Based on the weight of the available scientific evidence, EPA has concluded Category Health Addictions Tobacco Secondhand Smoke Health Risks...... EPA) has published a major assessment of the respiratory health risks of passivesmoking (Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking lung cancer and Other http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/etsfs.html | |
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