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81. Office Of University Relations - Release # 132 THIBODAUX Two local teachers who recently earned their louisiana teacherCertification through the Practitioner teacher Program at Nicholls State http://server.nich.edu/news/2002/132.html | |
82. Louisiana. State & Parish Guide. LaParish.com - Education School Teacher State TopLevel Search. Infolouisiana. louisiana Department of Education. louisianaTeacher certification. louisiana Board of Regents. State General Search. http://www.louisiana-parish.com/education.htm | |
83. WWLTV.com | New Orleans | Eye On Our Future It's grueling work, but louisiana has developed a To be a Nationally Board CertifiedTeacher, you have application fee it takes to apply for certification. http://www.wwltv.com/local/eyeonfuture/WWL0122EOFTeacher.4a1b989e.html | |
84. SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY In general, most states have a reciprocity agreement with louisiana on teachercertification issues if the certification/endorsement exists in that state. http://www.alasweb.org/Images/ESL1.htm | |
85. News - The Tech Talk Online Teaching and Learning subgrants, Trey Williams, communications director for theLouisiana teacher Quality Initiative, said. Regular certification students are http://techtalk.latech.edu/archives/spring02/0418/output/n-19.htm | |
86. Undergraduate Bulletin 1999-2001 - Loyola University New Orleans To be recommended by Loyola University for certification as an elementary teacherin louisiana, the student must fulfill all the requirements specified by the http://www.loyno.edu/bulletin/undergraduate/1999/as/education.html | |
87. Teacher Ed At UD louisiana, Department of Education Higher Education and teacher CertificationPO Box 94064 Baton Rouge, LA 70804, (225) 3423490, Praxis Series. Maine, http://www.udel.edu/teachered/stagen.htm | |
88. Programs Of Study In The Dept Of Curriculum & Instruction Students in this program earn a Bachelor of Science in Education and attain LouisianaTeacher certification in a program that combines general education, an http://asterix.ednet.lsu.edu/~edciweb/ProgramsSt/ | |
89. April, '96 - Louisiana Register - Table Of Contents April 1996 Table of Contents. I. EXECUTIVE ORDERS. http://www.state.la.us/osr/reg/apr96/reg_toc.htm | |
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