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Louisiana Alternative Schools: more detail |
21. Claiborne One - Community Services Directory - Claiborne Parish, Louisiana alternative School Claiborne Academy Haynesville schools Homer schools Mount OliveChristian School Pineview High School Summerfield High School louisiana http://www.claiborneone.org/directory.html | |
22. Capitol Watch : Your Guide To Louisiana State Government according to a poll conducted for louisiana's Gannett newspapers. by sex Men favorvouchers as an alternative to substandard public schools by a http://capitolwatch.reallouisiana.com/html/2E0166C0-7D77-4C3F-B67E-6DED764C0C69. | |
23. Lft average Funding for Minimum Foundation, alternative schools, Teacher Supply fundingfor the 57 schools that have Industrial Tax Exemption louisiana is one of http://thejeffersonteacher.homestead.com/lft.html | |
24. Louisiana State Senate - Public Information Office > Citizens' Connection > 1998 that meets the needs of businesses and industries in louisiana looking for with disruptiveand problem students, legislators setup an alternative schools Fund. http://senate.legis.state.la.us/CommunicationOffice/CitizensConnection/1998/cit0 | |
25. My 1999 Legislative Agenda legislation will clarify that the law of louisiana is and has Providing More Flexibilityfor alternative schools Proposed legislation will give alternative http://www.gov.state.la.us/policy/99column/0499agenda.htm | |
26. Rethinking Schools -- No Comment -- Volume 15, No. 2 -- Winter 2000 / 2001 Ohio and Nevada prior to the one from the louisiana parents Additionally, teachersat Pasco County's two alternative schools, eligible because they work with http://www.rethinkingschools.org/Archives/15_02/Ncom152.htm | |
27. Legislative Action Focus Reports louisiana authorized pilot programs to establish truancy centers. from the tobaccosettlement case to be used for safeschool efforts and alternative schools. http://www.sreb.org/scripts/Focus/focus1.asp?Code=9 |
28. Tobacco Settlement Revenues to private schools (15%), special schools, alternative and charter schools, andK12 public schools (for seven louisiana Fund (25% of revenues) can be spent http://house.louisiana.gov/housefiscal/1999FastFacts/tobacco_settlement_revenues | |
29. Louisiana Department Of Education - Schools Online louisiana Department of Education. Terrebonne Parish. Public schools. Lisa ParkSchool, K7. Genesis alternative High School, 9-12. Non-Public/Special schools.St. http://www.louisianaschools.net/DOE/misc/schoolsOnline.asp?parish=55 |
30. SOUTHEASTERN LOUISIANA UNIVERSITY SOUTHEASTERN louisiana UNIVERSITY. SPECIAL EDUCATION 601. 2. SiteBased Management.3. alternative schools. 4. Authentic Assessment and Special Education. http://www.selu.edu/Academics/Education/TEC/SPED 601 Sllabus.htm | |
31. NaturalHealers.com - Featured Schools Of Massage, Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nat Our featured schools provide you with program Full Circle School of alternative Therapies Edwards School of Massage - Louisville louisiana Blue Cliff College http://www.naturalhealers.com/featured.shtml | |
32. National Council On Teacher Quality - Louisiana UNO to Study why Middle schools Fail New A better, more effective alternative wouldbe an individual merit To read more, see louisiana Teachers to Push for http://www.nctq.org/states/la.html | |
33. Alternative Education--Online Schools for the Legal Support of alternative schools (NALSAS). by the Association of NonPublicschools in Montana (ANSM corporation chartered by the State of louisiana. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ja8i-brtl/alted.html | |
34. State Departments Of Education And Alternatives Schools louisiana State Department of Education Education Servers Public schools of NorthCarolina Government Higher Education Net SAGE alternative Education Program http://www.fsu.edu/~crimdo/jjclearinghouse/jjeducation.html | |
35. Louisiana -- Sources [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] MD La. alternative source. Law schools Admission to Practice ContinuingLegal http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?la |
36. Sources -- Law Schools [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] School of Law Paul M. Hebert Law Center (louisiana State University The followingpages contain alternative lists of links for law schools' web sites. http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?usl |
37. Alternative Educator Groups members in all 50 states, and offers an insurance alternative to NEA in the publicschool system, including the use of charter schools, education tax louisiana. http://edreform.com/education_reform_resources/teachers.htm | |
38. Louisiana Schools Of Nursing On: The Nurse Friendly See also louisiana Nurses. Shows Mostly Modest Gains, However, Come As Many SchoolsWork to up to 50% on healthcare, up to 30% on alternative Chiropractic http://www.lopez1.com/lopez/nursingschools/louisiana.schools.of.nursing.htm | |
39. WholeNurse: Holistic And Alternative Heath Links online! Links to all the best alternative health websites online! Lee.schools in Texas, Florida, louisiana, Arkansas. Related http://www.wholenurse.com/cgi-bin/alternative/hyperseek.cgi?Terms=schools&howmuc |
40. The Town Talk candidates attended a forum held Friday by the louisiana School Boards We need moremagnet schools, charter schools and alternative schools. Kyle would favor http://www.thetowntalk.com/html/E5E7B172-9302-4DC1-AC82-C2A2F80EBE6E.shtml | |
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