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Lobbying Affect On Laws: more detail |
61. On The Hill modify laws that might adversely affect our industry. To be more effective, it madesense to combine efforts, Greenburg explains. He adds that lobbying is a http://www.itrecruitermag.com/magazine/display-industrytrends.asp?ContentID=679 |
62. Abortion Ruling May Affect Ky. The outcome could affect similar laws in about Kentucky General Assembly voted toban such abortions in 1998, following years of lobbying by Kentucky http://enquirer.com/editions/2000/05/07/loc_abortion_ruling_may.html | |
63. 10.25_Reporting_State_Lobbying_Activity.htm the answer is framed to persuasively affect legislation or administrator must be awareof lobbying contacts in WSU policy nor federal or state laws restricts an http://www.wsu.edu/~forms/HTML/BPPM/10_Organization/10.25_Reporting_State_Lobbyi |
64. Eco-group Violated Tax Laws? - PFTUSA degradation has violated major US tax laws by engaging we knew from newspaperaccounts that EWG was lobbying. for a 501(c)(3) to try and affect the outcome http://www.restoringamerica.org/archive/environment/eco-group_violated_tax_law.h | |
65. AmCham - Taiwan Government - AmCham And The Legislative Yuan Technology, Judiciary, National Defense, Organic laws, Public Health of views andinformation, particularly when issues affect foreign groups lobbying by AmCham. http://www.amcham.com.tw/amcham_and_the_legislative_yuan.php | |
66. National Wildlife Refuge Association - Legalities Of Advocacy organizations can't lobby, as tax laws have always Grassroots lobbying is any attemptto influence legislation by trying to affect the opinion of http://www.refugenet.org/new friends connect/legalities of advocacy.htm |
67. Services: Public Affairs Public Affairs lobbying At Capital Strategies, we know how government works. Wesee lobbying as a huge opportunity to have a say about laws that affect you. http://www.capstrat.com/services/publicaffairs/lobbying.asp | |
68. Kaiser Foundation - News However, if this legislation will adversely affect certain groups in the amount ofcounterlobbying it is economic argument in favour of reforming these laws. http://www.kaiserfoundation.ca/modules/Document.asp?LocID=211&DocID=1186 |
69. NCCS - Advocacy Bibliography: RIGHTS, LAWS, REGULATIONS ADV RIGHTS, laws, REGULATIONS. Nonprofits can use Charitable Dollars to affect PublicPolicy Nonprofit lobbying Guide Advocating Your Cause and Getting Results http://nccs.urban.org/adv-rights.htm | |
70. Laws Guides To Lobbying DARWIN Australia could be let off the hook with regard to its controversial mandatory sentencing laws following intense diplomatic lobbying of the UN's human rights office by Australian officials. http://www.labouranimalwelfaresociety.org/articles/Guide%20to%20lobbying.htm | |
71. Copyright Law Changes That May Affect You - Nolo Copyright Law Changes That May affect You. You may find a few surprises in the newlaws. of copyright legislation in 1998, reflecting the lobbying efforts of http://www.nolo.com/lawcenter/ency/article.cfm/objectID/F64C2692-B1BF-440C-BEB6C | |
72. CFA Legislative Group: Changing Laws About Cat Ownership Several types of laws typically affect cat ownership. Some of these laws have beenin effect for many years; others are new concepts within the past few years. http://www.cfainc.org/articles/legislative/changing-laws-ownership.html | |
73. Public Library Board Of Trustees Responsibilities - Utah State Library Division Orchestrate your lobbying effort carefully attitudes of the staff which in turnaffect the quality a director, following state and local laws and regulations http://www.state.lib.ut.us/trustee4.html | |
74. Research Policies & Procedures Handbook - Chapter IV - OVPR/UGA Neither does it affect professional or technical services the law prohibits certainlobbying activities. compliance with various federal laws, regulations, and http://www.ovpr.uga.edu/rpph/rph_chp4.html | |
75. The Lobbying Problem In A Democracy more likely to win political support especially when lobbying can directly affectlegislated actions and antidumping policies are examples of laws which are http://internationalecon.com/v1.0/ch105/105c070.html | |
76. PUBLIC POLICY AND THE EMPOWERMENT OF PEOPLE WITH DISIBILITIES of directors, money from contributors, a good public image, compliance with existinglaws and government Could lobbying affect the museum's government funding? http://www.humind.or.jp/welfare/disablep/jil97/jim-e.html | |
77. US Senate Legislation Records Home Legislative Process Legislation, laws, and Acts Chapter 1 Bills Chapter 2 Joint Resolutions Chapter3 Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of http://www.senate.gov/legislative/common/briefing/leg_laws_acts.htm |
78. NetRead: How To: Legal: Copyright Law Changes That May Affect You Copyright Law Changes that May affect You, You may find a few surprises in the newlaws. of copyright legislation in 1998, reflecting the lobbying efforts of http://www.netread.com/howto/legal/?article=scorecard.htm |
79. Public Policy Background 4.Actions to affect regulations or other acts implementing existing laws that are 6.Selfdefenselobbying activities directed at legislators or their http://www.yscal.org/resources/statement.html | |
80. 10 Reasons To Lobby For Your Cause But lobbying, or more simply, trying to influence those who make policies that affectour lives ACES, which has helped change child support laws not just http://www.ctnonprofits.org/Pages/Legislature/10_reasons_to_lobby_for_your_cau.h | |
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