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Lobbying Affect On Laws: more detail |
21. Milano Nonprofit Management Knowledge Hub - Manager's Toolbox This site also offers tips for those new to lobbying. overviews of various laws affectingnonprofit organizations (most laws that affect businesses also http://www.newschool.edu/milano/hub/toolbox_legal.htm | |
22. Official's Lobbying Ties Decried for up to six years from matters that could affect his former lobbying firm or discussionsabout rulemaking that have weakened environmental laws and have http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0925-07.htm | |
23. Frequently Asked Questions About Lobbying And CILs (Revised 1998) documents will be covered in the remainder of this FAQ, there may be other federal,state, or local laws or regulations which affect the lobbying activities of http://www.ilru.org/ilnet/files/reading/lobbying.html | |
24. Appendix B documents will be covered in the remainder of this FAQ, there may be other federal,state, or local laws or regulations that affect the lobbying activities of http://www.ilru.org/ilnet/files/bookshelf/guidelines/Appendixb.html | |
25. Legislative Effectiveness Committee Meeting Summary And these laws can adversely affect state revenues Grassroots approach The Brownamendment is a good example of a grassroots approach to lobbying Congress http://www.ncsl.org/programs/legman/am02summary.htm | |
26. MS Center For Nonprofits - Management FAQ's the laws and regulations that affect nonprofit organizations solicitation and registrationlaws, contact the get involved in legislative advocacy or lobbying? http://www.msnonprofits.org/faqmanage.htm | |
27. Washington State University Lobbying if the answer is framed to persuasively affect legislation If it is lobbying, it mustbe reported through the Neither WSU nor federal or state laws restricts an http://www.olympia.wsu.edu/Lobbying.stm | |
28. Policy Agenda and ultimately change how it will affect your state lobbying Q A for NonprofitsMany family support their funding sources and by the laws governing nonprofits http://www.frca.org/content/policy/adv_index.htm | |
29. Official's Lobbying Ties Decried (washingtonpost.com) over any particular matter that might directly affect his former lobbying firmor clients about rulemaking that have weakened environmental laws and have http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A62779-2002Sep24 | |
30. Washingtonpost.com: Term Limits Special Report The decision, however, will not affect state laws limiting the tenure Arkansas officialsand US Term Limits Inc., a lobbying group that intervened on the http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/termlimits/stories/052395. | |
31. Federal And State Relations lobbying is attempting to influence or persuade an elected official to pass, defeator modify Congress Their chief job is to make laws that affect all of http://gcr.ucr.edu/federal/lobbying.html | |
32. The Newspaper Society of the Society and monitors legislative developments which affect the newspaper CurrentLobbying Issues. proposals for repressive media ownership laws were once http://www.newspapersoc.org.uk/nsservices/pera/lobbying-campaigns.html | |
33. Inc.com:Online Article:Copyright Law Changes That May Affect You Copyright Law Changes that May affect You. Congress passed new copyright laws in1998 that may copyright legislation in 1998, reflecting the lobbying efforts of http://www.inc.com/articles/legal/ip/trademarks/19033.html | |
34. USSC Representation And Lobbying Drafting Bills, Amendments lobbying Packages Strategic by our clients to affect the adoption or amendment of laws Achieve regulatory http://www.usstrategies.com/pr_rep.html | |
35. Lobbying And Political Activity By Tax-Exempt Organizations Violation of the laws and regulations controlling lobbying 1)(B) above Grass rootslobbying Any attempt legislation through an effort to affect the opinions http://www.muridae.com/nporegulation/lobbying.html | |
36. Internet News And Commentary The RIAA is currently behind a huge lobbying effort to have laws introduced thatwould give These are American laws that only affect American residents http://www.aardvark.co.nz/daily/2002/0812.shtml | |
37. Untitled The collective bargaining laws impose restrictions on the use of official whetherthis interpretation of the Appropriations Act would affect lobbying by DOD http://www.flra.gov/solicitor/opinions/opn_dcc_269f1119.html | |
38. Lobbying & Government Relations - Code Of Ethics making public policy decisions that affect the vital the highest ethical conduct intheir lobbying endeavors. II, COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE laws, REGULATIONS http://www.butera-andrews.com/code_of_ethics.htm | |
39. Lobbying Effort By Organization click rule to view others' lobbying effort. to Indemnification or hold harmless laws,5%, 1%. affect Legislation prohibiting preferential treatment based on labor http://ethics.state.wi.us/scripts/2001Session/leoel2001.asp?prinid=2611 |
40. Philanthropy find out about your lobbying rights, and rub elbows with the Sacramento movers andshakers who write, pass and enforce the laws that affect your organization. http://www.canonprofits.org/management/philanthropy/ | |
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