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Legal Publications Y2k: more detail |
21. Lashly & Baer: Publications to provide legal advice on specific subjects, but rather to provide insight intolegal developments and New Law In Effect Regarding y2k by Robert E. Dolan. http://www.lashlybaer.com/itn/sfb/fall99.html | |
23. Lucash, Gesmer And Updegrove Publications Year 2000 legal Issues http://www.lgu.com/publications/y2k/index.shtml | |
24. THE FEDERAL "Y2K ACT" signed into law the y2k Act, legislation be addressed by our legal system. http://www.lgu.com/publications/y2k/1.shtml | |
25. TH&T | Research & Publications | Article Search Results sixty (60) days from the end of the initial thirtyday (30) period to complete theremedial action or ADR before commencing legal action. The y2k Act does not http://www.tht.com/pubs/SearchMatchPub.asp?ArticleID=32 |
26. Family & Consumer Sciences Shattering Medicare Myths Small Business Primer on legal Issues Carcosts FCS publications. NaturalDisaster Program for Families CYFERNET y2k (Acrobat Reader http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/site.html | |
27. Site Index Family And Consumer Sciences Home Page Family Resource Slide Shows; Links to legal and Other Web and Consumer Issues, Ask the Specialist,FCS publications. Disaster Program for Families; CYFERNET; y2k (Acrobat Reader http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/fcs/general/site_index.html | |
28. Untitled Document about obtaining copies of items on the McNair Law Firm publications list, please tKnow Can Hurt You, South Carolina Bar Continuing legal Education, May y2k. http://www.mcnair.net/publication.htm | |
29. Archive y2k Planning, Agency Info and Status, Personal Preparedness. publications,Outreach, legal Issues, y2k User Group Minutes. y2k Planning. http://www.state.ma.us/y2k/Archive/Archive.html | |
30. Search Results (1-100: Computers - Y2K) Papers and publications By Our Lawyers ( 2338) Lancaster, Mix Welch.The Year 2000 legal Site ( 357) y2k site maintained by Alan Gahtan. http://www.canadalegal.com/search.asp?a=56&n=100 |
31. Consumer Publications - Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Col legal Resources publications. publications from the Federal Trade CommissionAfter a Disaster Hiring a Contractor Alert, TEXT, PDF. y2k? http://www.uslegalforms.com/consumeralerts.htm | |
32. Publications By Professor Eugene Clark Cho, G, Clark, EE Hoyle, A (1999). y2k Avoiding the legal Byte. Sydney, ProspectMedia publications. Griggs, L, Clark, EE, Streeter, J Iredale, I (1999). http://www.dmt.canberra.edu.au/law/site/staff/clarkpublications.htm | |
33. Richard C. Balough - Writings And Publications publications ESnooping Companies August 16, 1999. No Need for Legislative Capson y2k Liability, Illinois legal Times, June 1999. E-commerce A http://www.balough.com/writings/default.htm | |
34. Arnold & Porter - Publications Most companies already have begun some form of y2k review, but in the absence ofany clear legal precedent or any magic bullet technical solution; it is http://www.arnoldporter.com/publications_letters.cfm?publication_id=594&archive= |
35. Arnold & Porter - Publications Most companies have y2k programs well under way, but many have become bogged downdue to vast uncertainties about legal liability and the risks associated with http://www.arnoldporter.com/publications_letters.cfm?publication_id=593&archive= |
36. EDI, XML, Y2K, CALS & EC INFO Year 2000(y2k) Leap Year. Year 2000(y2k) - legal. Year 2000(y2k) - MailingLists. Year 2000(y2k) - publications. Year 2000(y2k) - Readiness Disclosures. http://www.edi-info-center.com/ | |
37. The American Lawyer Practice Directory Series the task force are often cited in publications as authorities on y2k and representmany clients on y2k issues in connection with their legal compliance efforts http://www.americanlawyermedia.com/practice_directories/y2k/y2k_rudnick.shtml | |
38. JILT: The Year 2000 Legal Guide The final chapter in this section examines the legal implications of performing Importantissues that receive little coverage in most y2k publications. http://elj.warwick.ac.uk/jilt/99-1/gamert.html | |
39. Posternak, Blankstein And Lund LLP Lund, LLP publish Law Alerts when news affecting legal issues warrants Law Alertpublications include Law Alert September 11 Disclosure The y2k that Never http://www.pbl.com/publications/ |
40. Law School Research Site: Publishers online, relax, special offers and universities, woolf tracking service, technicalsupport, y2k legal information, weblinked publications, press information http://www.law.deakin.edu.au/research/otherlegal/publishers.htm | |
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