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41. DOJ: Publications & Documents: Legal Documents About DOJ publications Documents Press Room legal Documents Portable Document Format(PDF) files may Guidelines and Policy Statements; international Documents. http://www.usdoj.gov/05publications/05_2.html | |
42. Mealey Publications - Legal Links international Electronic Commerce Research Centre. international Institute of InformationTechnology (India). legal Group For the Internet in Canada (LoGIC). http://www.mealeys.com/links.html | |
43. Untitled so as to enhance the continued legal development of Identifies the major publicationsof the bibliographies and indices, international statistical publications |
44. Legal Issues, Governance, And The IMF Developing the international Dialogue on Taxation A Joint Orderly EffectiveInsolvency Procedures legal Department IMF publications on tax http://www.imf.org/external/np/leg/ | |
45. Anderson Publishing Co - Law And Legal Research Publications Law · Intellectual Property · international Law · Jurisprudence Health · legalMethod · legal Research and Advocacy CRIMINAL JUSTICE publications BY TOPIC http://www.andersonpublishing.com/index.shtml | |
46. International Trade Forum - The Quarterly Magazine Of The International Trade Ce dans le commerce international Guide juridique (Finance and guarantees in internationaltrade A legal guide) from several dozen other publications. http://www.tradeforum.org/news/categoryfront.php/id/72/ITC_Publications.html | |
47. Legal Citation Of Internet Information For electronic journals and publications, the actual She is a legal education consultantand Language Association; Turabian; international Organization for http://www.michbar.org/publications/citation.htm | |
48. CSIS Publications - Center For Strategic & International Studies Paul Schott Stevens, is a partner in the Washington, DC, office of Dechert, an internationallaw firm. He was appointed the first legal adviser of the National http://www.csis.org/pubs/2001_armedforces.htm | |
49. ERRC -- Publications -- Legal Advocacy legal advocacy. Cases of Relevance to the international Convention on the Eliminationof All Forms of Racial Discrimination in Romania Submitted by the European http://www.errc.org/publications/legal/index.shtml | |
50. Legal Citation Guides And Abbreviation Lists international in scope, this list of over 25,000 legal abbreviationscovers the major legal publications of many countries. World http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/research_guides/citation_guides.htm | |
51. International Law Collection and multilateral treaties, and the documents of international organizations OfficialRecords of the six principal organs and legal publications; Widener Library http://www.law.harvard.edu/library/collections/international_law_collection.htm | |
52. Legal Research Sources the full text of the UNTS with over 40,000 international agreements plus the articleabstracts or references from more than 800 legal publications; law journals http://www.law.duke.edu/lib/lresources.html | |
53. Foreign & International Law Sources legal systems of countries around the world and citations to their legal publications. sitesthat give you advice about foreign and international law research http://www.law.duke.edu/lib/foreign.html | |
54. Bibliography: On-line Official Publications On The SI Bibliography of links, citations and online publications of the SI, the modern metric system of measureme Category Reference Bibliography Science...... French language text in the two BIPM publications. the international Standards ofthe international Organization for to the SI, with a legal focus Federal http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/bibliography.html | |
55. Library Of Congress, Collections Policy Statements, Law publications of bar associations and legal societies of American Bar Association,those of foreign countries, and international bar associations http://www.loc.gov/acq/devpol/law.html | |
56. IPGRI Publication : Moving Forward With The International Undertaking: Legal Me search Thematic and Alphabetical search publications Copyright © international PlantGenetic Resources Institute 20002002. All rights reserved. legal notices. http://www.ipgri.cgiar.org/publications/pubfile.asp?ID_PUB=546 |
57. Legal Databases more than 800 legal publications major law reviews, legal newspapers, law specialtypublications, bar association journals and international legal journals. http://library.law.unc.edu/research/legal_databases.html | |
58. Error Page In 1993, Elsevier NV and Reed international PLC merged to form Reed LEXISNEXIS in1994, followed by the Thomson Corporation's legal publications and Chilton http://www.reed-elsevier.com/about/mn_company_history.html | |
59. ISH Legal & Business Publications minimum capitalisation) but excluding 'Exempt' Duty or the lodgement of Stg.£1,200.00for an 'international' company. ISH legal Business publications. http://www.ish-legalpub.com/olbroch/country/jersey.htm | |
60. UNODC - Publications Treaty and legal Affairs The Office of Treaty and legal Affairs works with MemberStates to Other publications. international Narcotics Control Board (INCB). http://www.undcp.org/odccp/publications/publications.html | |
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