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61. RI.gov: Government Information, Fireworks, Highway Safety, law enforcement agencies, Missing Persons,Most Wanted Lists, Victim's Services. Federal government Federal Websites http://www.ri.gov/government/ | |
62. LAW ENFORCEMENT SITES ON THE WEB - Part 2 Community US government Intelligence agencies online; The Federal ProbationWWW Page; Justice Information Technology Network; National law enforcement and http://www.ih2000.net/ira/ira2.htm | |
63. Law Enforcement And Corrections Links Justice Institute of Canada Atlantic Police Academy. Subject Guide to Web ResourcesLaw enforcement and Corrections government agencies and Institutions. http://www.hollandc.pe.ca/Library/Justiceweb.htm | |
64. Center For Digital Government Digital State Survey, law enforcement and the Courts is sponsored by IMS providestechnologybased services to state and local government agencies with a focus http://www.centerdigitalgov.com/center/digitalstates.phtml | |
65. EPIC Bookstore - Cryptography & Liberty 2000 private keys and decrypted files to government agencies. Several governments arealso proposing to give intelligence and law enforcement agencies new powers to http://www.epic.org/bookstore/crypto00&/ | |
66. White House Factsheet On Clipper To assist law enforcement and other government agencies to collect and decrypt, underlegal authority, electronically transmitted information, I hereby direct http://www.epic.org/crypto/clipper/white_house_factsheet.html | |
67. Wackenhut WSI contractually performs security, law enforcement, operations and maintenance,fire and maintenance for federal, state and local government agencies. http://www.wackenhut.com/services/wsi/wsi.htm | |
68. CSC Offers 25 Recommendations For Improving IT Security topics including maintaining network firewalls; knowing which law enforcement agenciesto contact advisory boards and work with government agencies to overcome http://www.csc.com/features/2002/26.shtml | |
69. OJP Resource Guide Third Edition - 9: Supporting Law Enforcement And Enhancing P of Defense (DOD) administers a program, commonly known as the 1033 program, thattransfers surplus DOD property to government agencies for law enforcement use. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/resguide/chap9.htm | |
70. Education Planet Research Tools,Government Agencies,USA,Executive Branch,Dept. O privacy, Investigatory and law enforcement Offices SubcategoriesFederal Bure (1), Most Popular Research Tools Searches http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Research_Tools/Government_Agencies/USA/Exe | |
71. Law Enforcement Technology Centre includes the operation and maintenance of ANY law enforcement surveillance equipment. atour training center we contract with government agencies or state and http://www.ist-letc.com/training.htm | |
72. Department Of Financial Services Federal Regulatory agencies. economic, fiscal and tax policies; serves as financialagent of the United States government; enforces the law law enforcement. http://www.dbf.state.fl.us/gov_hot_list.html | |
73. Clipper FAQ What is the government's rationale for Clipper? The keyescrow system was developedat the urging of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, which claim http://www.cpsr.org/program/clipper/clipper-faq.html | |
74. State Of Illinois - Government Labor Relations Board. law enforcement Training and Standards Board, Illinois. StateGovernment. Legislature. State agencies. Office of Boards Commissions. http://www100.state.il.us/government/agency.cfm | |
75. Carroll Buracker & Associates, Inc. local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies from the of more than 200 lawenforcement, fire, EMS municipalities, the US Federal government, Fortune 500 http://www.communitypolicing.com/staff.html | |
76. WELCOME TO SECURITY.ORG The site provides detailed information to law enforcement and government agencies,security professionals, locksmiths, and safe and vault technicians regarding http://www.security.org/middle.htm | |
77. Office Of Consumer Litigation system for use by law enforcement agencies, plus consumers and can lead to enforcementaction by then identifies, via links, government agencies or materials http://www.usdoj.gov/civil/ocl/con_info.htm | |
78. US Embassy - US Law Enforcement Agencies and cooperation with Romanian and Moldovan law enforcement agencies on every level. toconducting investigations without the approval of the host government. http://www.usembassy.ro/USEmbassy/FBIJusticeDSS.htm | |
79. Utah Department Of Public Safety - Division Of Emergency Services & Homeland Sec ULEIN provides criminal intelligence for law enforcement agencies on persons, organizations,and and federal, state and local government agencies to diminish http://des.utah.gov/HLS/ | |
80. Adobe: Visually Rich Content Creation Digital imaging for law enforcement In this era of heightened security awareness,government agencies are evaluating a number of technological solutions to http://www.adobe.com/government/creating_content.html | |
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