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Law & Mock Trials Lesson Plans: more detail |
61. DBA Policy And Procedures small claims and collections, child support collection, classroom lesson plans(constitutional studies, practical law, street law, etc.) and mock trials. http://www.denbar.org/policy/ple.htm | |
62. Law Wise - March 2002 Inventory. The clearinghouse will mail free copies of lawrelated posters,games, mock trials, booklets, lesson plans, and other aids. It http://www.kscourts.org/lawwise/sep2002.htm | |
64. Socialsciences a court visit, guest speakers, films, mock trials, and case the student in understandingthe law as it responsibilities), links to free lesson plans, links to http://schools.sbe.saskatoon.sk.ca/Mount/Subject/socialsciences.htm | |
65. Resources For High School Law And Civics Teachers to making law and justice resources available to all Canadians in either officiallanguage. Includes a Resource Centre with lesson plans and mock trials. http://www.ontariocourts.on.ca/ojen/resource.htm | |
66. Canada's SchoolNet Lesson Plan - Laws Of Canada lesson plans Elementary. A Day in the Life of Bill COne Canada's ParliamentarySystem Did Jack break the law? Simplified mock Trial No Vehicles in the Park http://www.acjnet.org/teacher/ | |
67. Arizona High School Mock Trial Search and download over 600 law Related Education lessons and MockTrials. Go to the AZFLSE.org LRE lesson plans Page! The Arizona http://www.azflse.org/mocktrial/ForTeachersCoaches-AZBFMockTrialResources.cfm | |
68. Lesson Plan Central - Thousands Of Free Lesson Plans lesson plans Home Social Studies Government. The Impact of Culture on US LawThrough the unit, students will participate in mock trials, simulations, town http://lessonplancentral.com/lessons/Social_Studies/Government/ |
69. Mock Trial Activity School, KS Endorsed by These lesson plans are the learn about Specific areas oflaw; Courtroom procedures; Through participation in mock trials and analysis of http://www.askeric.org/Virtual/Lessons/Social_Studies/Civics/CIV0011.html | |
70. BAMSL Information For Educators in Practical law Stepping Out Your Rights When You Become an Adult lesson PlansChoice Consequences (Homicide Life in the Streets) mock trials for the http://www.bamsl.org/edu/resources.html | |
71. LCE Lending Library education lending library to assist educators and legal professionals in teachingcitizenship education in the law. lesson Plan/Curriculum Guide. mock trials. http://www.lsba.org/lce/html/lce_lending_library.asp | |
72. Lending Library Policy The Louisiana Center for law and Civic Education Lending Library lawyer in the Classroomlesson plans, mock trials, textbooks, teachers guides, videotapes http://www.lsba.org/lce/html/lending_library_policy.html | |
73. Social Studies SOCIAL STUDIES lesson plans by Dr. Marty Levine. learn about 1. Specific areas oflaw 2. Courtroom peacefully Through participation in mock trials and analysis http://www.edu-orchard.net/PROFESS/LESSON/HISTORY/ML/ml107.html | |
74. Courts In The Classroom the functions of the courts of law in governments such as simulated public hearings,mock trials, and debates This lesson plan was written by Elizabeth R. Osborn http://www.in.gov/judiciary/education/lessons/structure_of_indiana_courts.html | |
75. Courts In The Classroom activities such as simulated public hearings, mock trials, and debates functions ofthe courts of law in governments This lesson plan was written by Elizabeth R http://www.in.gov/judiciary/education/lessons/2001/nov/NOV_ritter_v_stanton3.htm | |
76. ACTE Publications Career Education Career Opportunities Finance Investment Challenge Registration. National Center for Agricultural LawResearch and. mock trials. Tutorial on E-commerce. Tonya Skinner's lesson plans. http://www.dese.state.mo.us/divvoced/resources.htm | |
77. The Vermont Bar Association information on a variety of law related education Support materials for mock trialsand moot court are of Rights Institute offers free lesson plans, a monthly http://www.vtbar.org/article/articleview/1913/1/135/ | |
78. Canadian And World Studies s_hist.htm History and Social Studies secondary lesson plans. Understanding CanadianLaw. traditional and electronic formats (eg, mock trials, debates, reports http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca/Teacher_Res/secondary/canwld.htm | |
79. Congratulations And Thank You To The 2002 High School Mock Trial have immediate access to archived ISBA mock trials for the 10 years, teacher trainingmaterials, law day informational if you have a resource, lesson plan, or http://www.illinoisbar.org/Sections/lrenewsthird.htm |
80. LREprograms.html jurors for the formal mock trials by Cumberland specialized training in school lawfor classroom extensive collection of textbooks, lesson plans, audiovisual http://www.mindspring.com/~bozartmt/LREprograms.html | |
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