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         Kikuyu Indigenous Peoples Africa:     more detail
  1. Kikuyu Social and Political Institutions (Classics in African Anthropology) by H.E. Lambert, 1996-09

1. VADA - Volkeren Stammen Peoples Tribes I - L
(Noord Amerika North America). indigenous PEOPLE. INGALIK (Native American (Native American, USA). KIKUJU kikuyu (Kenia - Kenya) Igbo-speaking peoples of West africa. Igbo homepage

2. Bibliography Of Indigenous Knowledge And InstitutionsWORKSHOP RESEARCH LIBRARY I
indigenous peoples In Kenya An Overview and political alienation of indigenous peoples. In many parts of africa the world including africa. 1. indigenous peoples have a special
Indigenous Knowledge and Institutions
(2100 citations)
Compiled by Charlotte Hess
November 21, 2001
Abay, Fetien, Mitiku Haile, and Ann Waters-Bayer 1999. "Dynamics in IK: Innovation in Land Husbandry in Ethiopia." Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor Abbink, John. 1993. "Ethnic Conflict in the 'Tribal Zone': the Dizi and Suri in Southern Sudan." The Journal of Modern African Studies Acharya, Bipin Kumar. 1994. "Nature Cure and Indigenous Healing Practices in Nepal: A Medical Anthropological Perspective." In Anthropology of Nepal: Peoples, Problems, and Processes . M. Allen, ed. Kathmandu, Nepal: Mandala Book Point. Acheson, James M. 1994. "Transaction Costs and Business Strategies in a Mexican Indian Pueblo." In Anthropology and Institutional Economics . J. Acheson, ed. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. (Monographs in Economic Anthropology, no. 12). Acheson, James M. 1990. "The Management of Common Property in a Mexican Indian Pueblo." Presented at "Designing Sustainability on the Commons," the first annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Duke University, Durham, NC, September 27-30, 1990. Acres, B. D. 1984. "Local Farmers' Experience of Soils Combined with Reconnaissance Soil Survey for Land Use Planning: An Example from Tanzania."

3. Essays And Essays Writing Essays On Africa - 007-023
of positive and negative impacts to those peoples. 8 page paper discussing Kenya'slargest indigenous tribal group The kikuyu are not particularly well educated
We have thousands of essays in this area! Below is a list in order of relevance to your search query. All of the following documents are ready for delivery TODAY and priced at only $ /page with a free bibliography! Use the Send Me This Essay link to access our fast, easy order form and receive any essay on this list TODAY!!!... Papers On Africa
Page 24 of 45 Globalization: Relevant To Lifelong Learning
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9 pages in length. The very essence of globalization is that of change, to relearn stable and familiar ways in order to make room for ever-growing progress. While this concept would appear to reflect beneficial movement for global societies, the relevance to lifelong learning actually represents advancement at the detrimental social, political and economic expense of myriad unsophisticated societies. As such, this dichotomy of progression has rendered globalization a much-contested concept. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCglbLL.rtf

4. Profile Of The Dorobo Peoples Of Kenya And Tanzania
D. Michael Warren presents a paper that addresses indigenous knowledge of biodiversity and conservation. indigenous knowledge, biodiversity conservation and Biodiversity in africa Local Initiatives indigenous knowledge. Louis Leakey, for example, described in eloquent detail kikuyu
Profiles Menu Orville Jenkins Home People Profile
The Dorobo Peoples of Kenya and Tanzania Population
: Animism
Status : 1% Christian Location : The "Dorobo" are not one tribe. Rather, the term Dorobo referred to the original forest-dwelling hunters in the Rift Valley of what is now Kenya and Tanzania. These peoples live in scattered groups in the plains of the Rift Valley and the forests of the neighboring escarpments. History : Southern Cushite peoples, followed by Eastern Cushites, settled in East Africa's Rift Valley during the first millennium after Christ. They found San (Bushmen) peoples already here. Bantu traditions refer to these early peoples whom their ancestors found there. Early Nilotes, then various waves of Bantu and later Nilotes subsequently came into the area. The Kikuyu refer to a people in Central Province as the Athi (the ground people), after the source the names Athi Plains and Athi River. Oral traditions say the Kikuyu paid the Athi to move into their land. The Athi seem to be either the Cushites or the original San people. (The Sandawe and the Hadzapi in northern Tanzania still speak San languages. The Bantu name "Twa" for the pygmies in Rwanda-Burundi-Zaire is the same word the Zulus use for the Khoisan click-language speakers they found in their early migrations into what is now Natal Province. There is still a San tribe there today called Twa.)

Following colonization, africa has often opted for open We talk of kikuyu, Nandi,Samburu, Turkana the interests of the minority indigenous peoples isolated in
Indigenous Peoples In Kenya - An Overview
A PAPER PREPARED FOR MS (Danish Volunteer Organisation)
By Dr. Naomi Kipuri
P.O. BOX 24517,
TEL/FAX 254-2-891807
A. Introduction
"Indigenous people" is a concept we now often encounter in discussions on human rights, democracy, political development and civil society. This has followed from the continuing and deepening crisis if human suffering on a larger scale I the political, social, economic and cultural field as well as human rights abuses. At the same time, there have been political responses to colonial and post colonial pressures and political alienation of indigenous peoples. In many parts of Africa people are looking for new perceptions and new solutions to old problems and difficulties and taking part in the global discussion on indigenous rights has become one of the strategies in the struggle for a just development.
This brief overview on indigenous peoples of Kenya is supposed to serve as a guideline in defining, planning and prioritizing assistance to the poor, marginalised indigenous peoples of Kenya. It was requested as a further elaboration of MS's development assistance to Kenya. It begins by recalling definitions used to identify indigenous peoples in the world and in Africa, then it assesses the "indigenousness" of those groups of people who have been identified as indigenous in Kenya and their struggle for recognition and demands for fairness and justice. There is also a brief discussion on the relevance of MS's policy on indigenous peoples and a few points on strategies to be followed by potential donors in order to alleviate the suffering of indigenous peoples in the region.

APOLLOS YAKUBU UNITAR Presentation Allafrica Conference on african Principles of peace and reconciliation. REVITALIZING TRADITIONAL africaN APPROACHES TO PEACEBULDING AND RECONCILIATION DURING ARMED CONFLICTS. ALL africa CONFERENCE between different peoples. africa Longman Nairobi MImanyara, M. (1992) The Restatement of Bantu Origin and Meru History Longman Nairobi Muriuki; G. (1974) A History of kikuyu
“>Ù>1?u?¶?ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýøñêãýýýýÞ×ÐÉ                    Mabkmƒ„m n Æ Ç àá¡¢ñò©ª¯°67Ì Í ,(-(¬,­,ùòòòùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù$ Æ8 Æ8­,^- .¡.‰1´2µ2Z5[55d6ó6¶79^;K <�A@òÿ¡ <�j <�k <�l <�m <�n <�o <�p <�q <�r <�s <�t <�u <�v <�=e=ÿÀ!O ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!¬ÿÀ!¬ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!g* <�v <�A@òÿ¡ <�j <�k <�l <�m <�n <�o <�p <�q <�r <�s <�t <�u <�v <�=e=ÿÀ!O ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!¬ÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!ÔÿÀ!g*

7. Women And Work In Africa
Names of countries (Nigeria, South africa, Senegal, Lesotho, Kenya, Zimbabwe);Names of indigenous peoples (Zulu, Hausa, Ibibio, kikuyu, Ashanti);
Life Histories of African Women
A Guide to Resources
Kris MacPherson (St. Olaf) and Colleen McFarland (Carleton)
site last updated 9 January 2003
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Finding Narratives in Library Catalogs
St. Olaf's Sage Muse 1. Know where to go
  • DT’s - African history GN’s - Anthropology PL8000’s – African Literature PQ3900’s – African Literature in French PR9000’s – African Literature in English
2. Searching Tips
  • Perform word searches in the catalog Choose terms that you think will be in the subject headings of relevant works Names of countries (Nigeria, South Africa, Senegal, Lesotho, Kenya, Zimbabwe) Names of indigenous peoples (Zulu, Hausa, Ibibio, Kikuyu, Ashanti) Use boolean logic [and, or, not] to create search statements such as (Africa* not American) and women
3. Look for primary materials using LC terms in combination with your keyword search:
  • sources biography (includes autobiography) interviews personal narratives diaries correspondence
4. When you find a likely record:

8. 100gogo Expedition Of Africa, Africa's Super Predators & Mammals Safari
In the Kenya highlands are the kikuyu, Luhya, and others. The other indigenous groupsare all Bantuspeaking peoples, originally from the area of Cameroon
Africa - The Birthplace of Modern Humans You either love it or hate it . . . Africa Map Click here to see large map
Features of Africa
Africa is the second-largest continent , after Asia, covering 30,330,000 sq km; about 22% of the total land area of the Earth. It measures about 8,000 km from north to south and about 7,360 km from east to west. The highest point on the continent is Mt. Kilimanjaro - Uhuru Point - (5,963 m/19,340 ft) in Tanzania. The lowest is Lake 'Asal (153 m/502 ft below sea level) in Djibouti. The Forests cover about one-fifth of the total land area of the continent.
The Woodlands, bush lands, grasslands and thickets occupy about two-fifth.
And the Deserts and their extended margins have the remaining two-fifths of African land. World's longest river : The River Nile drains north-eastern Africa, and, at 6,650 km (4,132 mi), is the longest river in the world. It is formed from the Blue Nile, which originates at Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and the White Nile, which originates at Lake Victoria. World's second largest lake : Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the is the world's second-largest freshwater lake - covering an area of 69,490 sq km (26,830 sq mi) and lies 1,130 m (3,720 ft) above sea level. Its greatest known depth is 82 m (270 ft).

9. Global Problems And The Culture Of Capitalism, 2/E - Allyn
Some Characteristics of indigenous peoples. The Process of Ethnocide. Protestand Change. kikuyu and the Mau Mau Rebellion. The British in East africa.,4096,0205336345,00.html?type

10. Global Problems And The Culture Of Capitalism - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog
Some Characteristics of indigenous peoples • The Process of Ethnocide. kikuyu andthe Mau Mau Rebellion. The British in East africa • The White Highlands,4096,0205193374,00.html?type

11. Fourth World Bulletin, Spring/Summer 1996
Maasai are pastoral seminomads indigenous to the Other pastoral peoples, includingthe Turkana, Samburu, and The kikuyu were farmers by tradition, which made
MDA Testimony at the UN Working Group
At the 1993 meeting of the UNWGIP and also at the 1993 Vienna World Conference on Human Rights, the MDA articulated the major problems that currently threaten Maasai culture and identity. The delegation presented testimony describing the ecological degradation of Maasailand, the lack of adequate educational facilities, Maasai displacement at the hands of competing peoples, and the misappropriation of funds earmarked for indigenous development projects. Foremost among the MDA's concerns is the desire to recover lands in Kenya's Rift Valley Province, which were lost through dispossession over the past century. Because Maasai culture is inextricably bound to the land, their concern is understandable; dispossession of territory threatens to obliterate their culture. In addition to its fear of increasing landlessness, the MDA explains that the Maasai have also been unable to achieve compensation for lands already taken from them. In particular, a great part of Maasailand was set aside for game reserves and national parks to expand Kenya's tourist economy, but to date, the Maasai have not benefitted from that development. Instead, they now face losing more land, as non-indigenous people attempt to buy it (or otherwise take it) from them. And while encroachment disrupts the cultural integrity of the Maasai, unsound farming methods used by non-indigenous peoples further upset the delicate ecological balance of the Rift Valley. The MDA claims that the unrestrained use of the herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers has polluted water sources in grazing areas.

12. Indigenous Knowledge, Biodiversity Conservation And Development
and how it provided the basis for many kikuyu farmers to africa Recover Briefing Paper,No of Social and Natural Scientists towards indigenous peoples and their
Reproduced, with permission, from: Warren, D. M. 1992. Indigenous knowledge, biodiversity conservation and development. Keynote address at the International Conference on Conservation of Biodiversity in Africa: Local Initiatives and Institutional Roles, 30 August-3 September 1992, Nairobi, Kenya.
Indigenous Knowledge, Biodiversity Conservation and Development
Keynote Address by D. Michael Warren, Director Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011 USA International Conference on Conservation of Biodiversity in Africa: Local Initiatives and Institutional Roles National Museums of Kenya Nairobi, Kenya 30 August-3 September 1992 Revised Version - September 12, 1992
Indigenous knowledge and biodiversity are complementary phenomena essential to human development. Global awareness of the crisis concerning the conservation of biodiversity is assured following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. Of equal concern to many world citizens is the uncertain status of the indigenous knowledge that reflects many generations of experience and problem-solving by thousands of ethnic groups across the globe. Very little of this knowledge has been recorded, yet it represents an immensely valuable data base that provides humankind with insights on how numerous communities have interacted with their changing environment including its floral and faunal resources.

13. Kenya Section Causes And Background Of
By 1993, Human Rights Watch/africa estimated that 1,500 return to power of the economicallydominant kikuyu. plots to eliminate the indigenous peoples of the
Section : Causes and Background of Displacement Sub-section : Main causes for displacement Kenya menu List of sources Maps Ethnic clashes related to the 1992 election displaced more than 300,000 in the Rift valley
  • The majority of the displaced came from the ethnic groups associated with the political opposition (e.g. Luo, Luhya, and Kikuyu)
  • Competing land claims were used to inflame violence among certain ethnic groups
  • People displaced as armed "Kalenjin warriors" attacked Luo, Luhya, and Kikuyu farms
  • Most attacks carried out by organised groups
      As the campaign for multiparty democracy gained strength [during 1991] and then developed into a full election campaign, violence broke out between different ethnic groups, particularly in the Rift Valley, Western and Nyanza provinces, the heart of the 'white highlands' during colonial times. The 'tribal clashes,' as they became known, first broke out in October 1991 on the border of the three provinces, and rapidly spread to neighboring districts. By December 1991, when parliament repealed the section of the constitution making Kenya a one-party state, large areas of western Kenya had been affected as tens of thousands were displaced from their land.
      Kalenjin and Maasai politicians opportunistically revived the idea of majimboism, ethnic regionalism, championed by KADU at independence. KANU politicians close to Moi revived the calls for majimboism as a way of countering the demand for multipartyism in Kenya. Under the cover of a call for regional autonomy, prominent politicians demanded the forcible expulsion of all ethnic groups from the Rift Valley, except for those pastoral groups-Kalenjins, Maasai, Turkana and Samburu-that were on the land before colonialism. A number of majimbo rallies were held calling for 'outsiders' in the Rift Valley to return to their 'motherland,' or for 'true' Rift Valley residents to defend themselves from opposition plots to eliminate the indigenous peoples of the valley. While many Kenyans have no quarrel with the concept of regionalism

14. Lots Of Essays On Africa - 007-015
An 8 page paper discussing Kenya's largest indigenous tribal group the US school havelearned, the kikuyu will make on the architecture of these peoples and of
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Page 16 of 28 [Previous] [Next] Islam in the Swahili Civilization
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A 5 page paper which examines the existence of Islam in the Swahili civilization on the east coast of Africa. The original influence of Islam, as felt by the Swahili, began in ancient times, and continues today. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAswahili.wps
Joint Ventures and Ethics:
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This 5 page paper discusses a hypothetical scenario where a U.S. company enters into a joint venture with Nigeria, which has considerably different ethics. This paper then explores related issues such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act which codifies particular ethical business practices. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: GSJntven.rtf
Jomo Kenyatta send me this essay A six page paper on this seminal African statesman. First president of Kenya, he brought this fledgling nation from colonial status into the modern age. Bibliography lists four sources. Filename: KBkenya.wps

15. Africa Point: Kenya Travel Information
People 21% kikuyu, 14% Luhya, 13% Luo, 11% Akamba, 11% Kalenjin, 6% Gusii, 5%Meru. Languages English, Swahili, indigenous. peoples and History. peoples.
Africa Point: Kenya Travel Information Visas, Health, Tourist Attractions, Economy, Maps, Peoples, History and other Useful Travel Info. Also Bookings for Safaris, Tours, Vacations, Hotels and Rental Cars in Kenya. Hotels Cars Tours, Safaris and Vacations Kenya Newspapers ... Kenya Map Kenya: Travel Basics Destination Facts Activities Reading ... l Nature and Attractions Nature On Africa's east Coast, Kenya straddles the equator and shares a border with Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda and Tanzania. Its coast is lapped by the Indian Ocean and it shares the vast waters of Lake Victoria with its western neighbours. The Rift Valley and central highlands area form the backbone of the country, and this is where Kenya's scenery is at its most spectacular. The humid coastal belt includes the Tana River estuary and a string of good beaches. Western Kenya takes in the fertile fringes of Lake Victoria and some prime game parks. The vast, arid north-eastern region is where Kenya is at its wildest and most untouched by the modern world. Kenya's flora and fauna defies easy description. The vast plains of the south are dotted with flat-topped acacia trees, thorn bushes and the distinctive bottle-shaped baobab tree. On the rarified slopes of Mt Elgon and Mt Kenya, bamboo forests sprout and even higher up is the bizarre groundsel tree, with its huge cabbage-like flowers, and giant lobelias with long spikes. If you're more into fur and feathers, then head for the teeming game parks. Lions, buffalos, elephants, leopards and rhinos all cavort openly in at least two of the major parks. Endangered animals such as the black rhino are slowly making a comeback and sanctuaries for these creatures can be visited in Tsavo and Lake Nakuru national parks.

16. Term Papers - Help Writing College Term Papers On Africa - 007-008
the “reservations” of North America’s own indigenous peoples. left the continentof africa for political the right choice for kikuyu's social existence
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Page 9 of 13 BACK NEXT North Africa
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A 5 page paper which discusses various elements of North Africa. The paper addresses population, political conditions, economic conditions, occupations, and other pertinent information. The following also discusses how this region can improve its position from a domestic and global perspective. Bibliography lists 3 sources. Filename: RAafrnth.wps Nursing’s Global Implications send me this paper 8 pages of slide contents and speaker notes for an 8-slide Power Point presentation on this topic, specifically as it is affected by the worldwide nursing shortage. The shortage of available nurses in developing countries puts even more pressure on accessibility of health care, and it encourages nursing education to be truncated so that students can fill vacancies more quickly. The situation likely is worst in Africa, particularly in those nations in which the AIDS epidemic is worst. The presentation uses Ethiopia to illustrate. Bibliography lists 9 sources. Filename: KSnursGlobalPP.rtf

17. Annotated Bibliography: C
indigenous kikuyu Agroforestry A Case Study of Kirinyaga, Kenya culture, politicalsystems, and integrity of indigenous peoples. are given from africa and India
Annotated Bibliography
Preface Methodology Introduction to Ethnoforestry Acknowledgement ... B C D E F G ... T U V W X Y Z Campbell, Bruce, Isla Gundy, and Frank Matose 1993. "Tree and Woodland Resources: The Technical Practices of Small-Scale Farmers." In Living with Trees: Policies for Forestry Management in Zimbabwe . P. N. Bradley and K. McNamara, eds. Washington, DC: World Bank. (World Bank Technical Paper, no. 210). Castro, Alfonso Peter. 1991. Indigenous Kikuyu Agroforestry: A Case Study of Kirinyaga, Kenya, Human Ecology Castro, A.P. 1995. Facing Kirinyaga: a social history of forest commons in southern Mount Kenya. IT Studies in Indigenous Knowledge and Development ; Intermediate Technology Publications (ITP); London; UK, xii + 152 pp. A social history is presented of common property forest management and related political conflicts in a rural district along the southern slopes of Mount Kenya. The management of forest resources on a sustainable basis is discussed in the context of a study analysing changes in the use and management of three forest resources in Kirinyaga, Kenya: the vast Mount Kenya forest, patches of woodland such as Njukiine forest, and sacred groves. Chakravarty-Kaul, Minoti. 1993. "Natural Resources and Customary Institutions: Nomadic People and the Siwalik Forest Commons 1849-1993." Presented at the Mini-Conference of the Worshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, December 11-13, 1993.

18. African Golf Holiday
in touch with nature as the indigenous peoples of South at the most expensive golfcourse in South africa. Grass Bent Grass greens; kikuyu fairways Amenities
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African golf holiday
Click on 4Courses-7Days links below for Itinerary and prices
4 Courses 7 Days
Phalaborwa is the closest town to Garonga To reach any one of these Game Reserves or Golf Courses quickly, click on the link below.
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The wildlife parks - Pilanesberg near Sun City is a day visit, Garonga is where you will stay for part of the northern leg of this tour.
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19. Essays, Reports, And Term Papers - Help With Africa - 007-011
of the division between two kikuyu communities in study the nations of Southern africa,along with reservations” of North America’s own indigenous peoples.
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Page 12 of 18 [Previous] [Next] Nelson Mendela, "an ordinary man."
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(5 pp) Personal tribal history, and sheer force of will propelled Nelson Mendela into politics; it is unlikely that apartheid would have been abolished with his tenacity, and organizational skills. To say that the right person was in the right place at the right time is not to negate any of Medela's skills, but neither can time and situation be ignored. According to Brink (2000), Mandela himself argues, that "I was not a messiah, but an ordinary man, who had become a leader because of extraordinary circumstances." Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: BBmndla.doc
Ngangura Mweze's "Life Is Rosy" / "La Vie Est Belle"
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5 pages in length. La Vie Est Belle (Life Is Rosy) by Ngangura Mweze is a wonderfully funny story about love, social acceptance and the trouble people will go to achieve both in their lives. Director Mweze took a story line completely different from the typical African cinematic representation and offered the public a more carefree approach to life than is so common of African films. Indeed, Mweze has a reputation of reaching out and inviting his audience to experience with him the sometimes intense and often comical sense of being that is clearly portrayed within his cinematic work, with La Vie Est Belle serving as a fine example. No bibliography.

20. MOST Ethno-Net Publication: Anthropology Of Africa
father Oginga Odinga formed the Kenya peoples Union (KPU groups namely, the Luo, Luhyas,Kisii and kikuyu. bred opposition with a strong indigenous base (ethnic
    Anthropology of Africa and the Challenges of the Third Millennium
    - Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts, PAAA / APA, 1999
Political Party Cooperation in Post-election as Ethnic Tensions
(Kenyan Case) John M. Mwaruvie
History Department, Moi University P O Box 3900 Eldoret, Kenya ABSTRACT
In most African states, general elections generate a lot of ethnic tensions. This is because most parties are ethnic-based or receive support from certain ethnic groups. When a party loses in an election, it is excluded from the government and the ethnic group that supported it suffers reprisals, its members are even victimized in the civil service, parastatals and other state backed institutions. This attitude has generated more tensions and conflicts.
This paper attempts to give suggestions on how post-election tensions can be minimized in plural societies. Kenya will be taken to show that party cooperation between KANU, NDP and Ford Kenya has created coexistence of the ethnic groups that supported such parties. The paper also evaluates the impact of party cooperation in the future of multiparty politics in Kenya. The paper also draws examples from other countries like Zimbabwe and South Africa to show the merits of party cooperation in defusing would-be conflicts.

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