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81. Öåíòð ðàçâèòèÿ / Ïîëåçíûå ññûëêè statistics Briefing Room US business Cycle Expansions FRS Congressional Budget OfficeEconomic Report of Links to japan Data Bank http://www.dcenter.ru/links.htm | |
82. Puey Ungphakorn Library (Faculty Of Economics) Organization; japan and the World Economy; japan economic Review; business CycleIndicators Data and Software via The Journal of Applied economic Trends and http://library.tu.ac.th/puey/puey.html | |
83. Technology Administration; Useful Links - Asia Pacific National Cancer Center Animal Genome Database Center japan business Associationsjapan Federation of economic Organizations (KEIDERAN http://www.ta.doc.gov/International/AsiaPac/Links-AsiaPac.htm | |
84. Shelf Code (in English) 3321 economic history and conditions (japan) 3322 economic economic assistance 3340Population. Management 3351 business economics 3352 business history 3353 http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/classifications/kodohyo-eng.html | |
85. ESRI,Statistics Menu The provisional determination of businessCycle Peak and the revision of the ReferenceDates (Dec.21,2001). Questions about this statistics can be made to HERE. http://www.esri.cao.go.jp/en/stat/menu.html | |
86. JETRO-Japan External Trade Organization Governmental organization dedicated to promoting mutually beneficial trade and economic relations between japan and other nations. http://www.jetro.go.jp/top | |
87. Business & Economics Numeric Data Comprehensive annotated guide to US economic data includes many links to official government sources. http://www.mnsfld.edu/depts/lib/ecostats.html | |
88. U.S.-Japan Links Resources The Bank of japan, a quasigovernmental organization the Monthly Report of RecentEconomic and Financial TANKAN quarterly survey of business enterprises widely http://www.us-japan.org/resources-govbus.html | |
89. Kyoto Research Park with KRP's Incubation Coordinator 4. Information on business Events and http//www.jcer.or.jp/eng/index.htmlJapan Center for economic Research economic http://www.krp.co.jp/english/market/research.html | |
90. Publications - Australian Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade more; Asia's Global Powers China japan Relations in Australia New Zealand CloserEconomic Relations Trade Australia's business Challenge South-East Asia in http://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/publications.html | |
91. Strategis - Other Sites countries in Asia and the Pacific, except japan. Exports To Eastern Europe Providesbusiness leads and Australian economic report and outlooks Maintained by http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_olink/engdoc/homep2.html | |
92. Center For Business And Government - Faculty And Staff Research and Administration, Energy, businessGovernment Relations of Economics, DomesticEconomic Development, Economics Energy, Environment, Finance, japan, Science and http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cbg/research/faculty_listing.htm | |
93. Department Of Plannining & Investment _ DPI Trade statistics. 1 Exports EXPORT VALUES, 1.000 USD. Year. Country. In the yearof 2000. japan Europe NICs ASEAN (except NICs) Others. 23.3 1.90 22.2 0.80 51.8. http://www.hcminvest.gov.vn/html/eco2.html | |
94. Economic Growth And Cycles In European Union, Usa And Japan 1900-1999. A General force in many countries of the European Union, the USA, japan and other BusinessCycles in NBER Working Papers 7090, National Bureau of economic Research, Inc http://ideas.repec.org/a/rec/cycles/v3y2002i1_1.html | |
95. Program In International Business ANTH 111b. Occupational Cultures. ECON 27b. The Economy of japan. ECON 32b. ComparativeEconomic Systems. ECON 33a. business in the Global Economy. ECON 60a. http://www.brandeis.edu/registrar/bulletin/1999-00/IB99.html | |
96. International Business Courses A macroeconomic model of japan developed by myself are expected to discuss currenteconomic and financial knowledge of mathematics for business and economics | |
97. Sitio Fundacion Exportar japanese Macro-EconomicData. JETRO Homepages of japan\'s Ministries, Agencies, Local Government. http://www.export-ar.org.ar/modules.php?name=Links |
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