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         Israel Geography:     more books (100)
  1. Geoarchaeology of the Qumran archaeological site, Israel.: An article from: Focus on Geography by Philip Reeder, Harrry Jol, et all 2004-06-22
  2. Theatrum Orbis Librorum. Liber Amicorum Presented to Nico Israel ... With Contributions on Geography, Travel, Rare Books, Booktrade, Collectors: Liber ... on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday
  3. The Holy Land: Archaeological Guide to Israel, Sinai and Jordan (White Star Guides) by Fabio Bourbon, Enrico Lavagno, 2010-09-07
  4. World Geography Today by S. Israel, 1980-01
  5. Lakes of North America: A Reading Lesson for Students of Geography and Geology [1895] by Israel C. (Israel Cook) Russell, 2010-01-06
  6. Beyond the Basilica: Christians and Muslims in Nazareth (University of Chicago Geography Research Papers) by Chad F. Emmett, 1995-02-07
  7. Children of Perestroika in Israel by Tamar Horowitz, 1999-02-24
  8. Colors of Israel (Colors of the World) by Laurie Grossman, 2001-05
  9. Arab Industrialization in Israel: Ethnic Entrepreneurship in the Periphery by Israel Drori, Izhak Schnell, et all 1995-10-30
  10. The Politics of Planting: Israeli-Palestinian Competition for Control of Land in the Jerusalem Periphery (University of Chicago Geography Research Papers) by Shaul Ephraim Cohen, 1993-06-01
  11. Historical Geography of the Bible: The Tribal Territories of Israel by Z. Kallai, 1986-12-01
  12. Israel (Countries in the News) by Michael Gallagher, 2009-09-10
  13. Ethnic Frontiers And Peripheries: Landscapes Of Development And Inequality In Israel by Oren Yiftachel, Avinoam Meir, 1998-04-02
  14. Israel: Eine geographische Landeskunde (Wissenschaftliche Landerkunden) (German Edition) by Yehuda Karmon, 1983

21. Israel Geography 1995 - Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resour
israel geography 1995 Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate, Natural Resources,Current Issues, International Agreements, Population, Social Statistics

  • Country Ranks
    Geography 1995
      Location: Middle East, bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon Map references: Africa, Middle East, Standard Time Zones of the World Area:
      total area: 20,770 sq km
      land area: 20,330 sq km
      comparative area: slightly larger than New Jersey Land boundaries: total 1,006 km, Egypt 255 km, Gaza Strip 51 km, Jordan 238 km, Lebanon 79 km, Syria 76 km, West Bank 307 km Coastline: 273 km Maritime claims:
      continental shelf: to depth of exploitation
      territorial sea: 12 nm International disputes: separated from Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank by the 1949 Armistice Line; differences with Jordan over the location of the 1949 Armistice Line that separates the two countries; the Gaza Strip and Jericho, formerly occupied by Israel, are now administered by the Palestinian Authority; other areas of the West Bank outside Jericho are Israeli occupied; Golan Heights is Israeli occupied; Israeli troops in southern Lebanon since June 1982; water-sharing issues with Jordan Climate: temperate; hot and dry in southern and eastern desert areas
  • 22. About Israel
    Israel information includes Anthems, Defense, Economy, Flags, Geography, Government,Maps, News, Weather. Israel Defense. israel geography. Israel Government.
    Israel Economy
    Israel Defense Israel Geography Israel Government ... Related Links See Also: Gaza Strip See Also: West Bank Home Discuss World Issues! Shop our Online Store! Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Arctic Ocean Aruba Atlantic Ocean Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, Democratic Rep.

    23. Geography Of Israel - Wikipedia
    Geography of Israel. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Location MiddleEast, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon.
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    Geography of Israel
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Location: Middle East , bordering the Mediterranean Sea , between Egypt and Lebanon Geographic coordinates: 31 30 N, 34 45 E Map references: Middle East Area:
    total: km²
    land: 20,330 sq km
    water: 440 sq km Area - comparative: slightly smaller than New Jersey Land boundaries:
    total: 1,006 km
    border countries: Egypt km Gaza Strip 51 km ... Jordan 238 km, Lebanon 79 km, Syria 76 km, West Bank 307 km Coastline: 273 km Maritime claims:
    continental shelf: to depth of exploitation
    territorial sea: 12 nm Climate: temperate; hot and dry in southern and eastern desert areas Terrain: Negev desert in the south; low coastal plain; central mountains;

    24. Geography Of Israel
    geography of israel. israel geography, Maps and InformationGeography and maps of the Middle Eastern country of Israel. of

    25. Geography - Merriam-Webster's Atlas
    shade of blue. Israel Official name Medinat Yisra`el (Hebrew); DawlatIsra`il (Arabic); State of Israel (English). Form of government

    26. Chapin Elementary School - Geography Fof Israel
    Geography of Israel.
    CES Home Page School Information Classroom Webpages Student Resources ... Magnet School Info
    Geography of Israel
    Climate Natural Resources Major Regions Business /Industry ... Israel Main page
    • The summers are hot and dry. The wet season is between November and March, when the weather is mild. The highest temperature was in August and July at 86 degrees. The most rainfall was in January with with about 4 to 8 inches of rainfall. Natural Disasters are mostly drought. Large amounts of erosion occur during the wet season.
    Top Of Page
    Natural Resources:
    • Salt, potash, phosphates, copper, clay, and gypsum.
    Top Of Page
    Major Regions:
    • The Coastal Plain- a narrow strip of fertile land along the Mediterranean Sea. The Judeo- Galilean Highlands- include a series of mountain ranges that run from Galilee- northern most part of Israel- to the edge of the Negev Desert in the south. The Rift Valley- is in eastern Israel, and a long, narrow strip of land. the edges of Rift Valley are steep, but the floor is flat. The Negev Desert- is Israel's driest region, is an area of flat lands and mountains.

    27. Department Of Geography - Faculty Members: Yossef Katz, Professor
    In The Mosaic of israel geography, p. 307320. Department of Geography, Facultyof Social Sciences, Bar Ilan University 52900 Ramat-Gan, ISRAEL
    Yossef Katz, Professor
    Department of Geography
    1977, B.A., Geography and Education, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1979, M.A., Historical Geography (with honors), Hebrew University, Jerusalem 1983, Ph.D. , Hebrew University, Jerusalem
    Research Interests
    The historical geography of Palestine in the modern era, focusing on settlement, economics, and politics and the overall colonization process The Jewish agricultural settlement process outside Palestine The Jewish National Fund activity until 1948 The settlement project of the religious kibbutz movement during the British Mandate Period The "Partition Plan" of 1937 and the preparations made by the Jewish Agency towards its implementation; The formation of the Jewish Agency committees and their policy and activity for implementing partition Jewish agricultural settlement in Canada Comparisons between Jewish settlement processes in Palestine and the settlement processes of various ethnic groups in Canada
    Recent Publications List
    • Katz, Y. Between Jerusalem and Hebron: Jewish Settlement in the Pre-State Period. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2222. 295 p.

    28. Israel Island: Romantic Vacations, Honeymoons, Cruises
    israel geography. Destinations in Israel Syria. Location MiddleEast, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon
    The sophisticated travelers Israel vacation connection.
    Israel Vacation Guide: Romantic Israel Vacations
    TravelWizard.Com Travel And Cruise Consultants: Israel Vacations Click here for our Full Service, Custom Luxury Vacation Planner Click here for Full Service, Custom Luxury Cruise Planner Click here if you'd prefer to book you r ... own discount airline tickets, car rental, hotel or vacation packages with our easy to use real time self booking engine. Note! This is the most highly recommended self booking engine on the Internet. Travel Guides Africa Vacations
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    Israel: Geography Destinations in Israel

    Location: Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon
    Geographic coordinates: 31 30 N, 34 45 E Map references: Middle East Area: total: 20,770 sq km

    29. Regional Geography Of Israel
    israel geography Climate Dead Sea Dead Sea Tour Dead Sea Works Home Page GolanGolan Heights Galille 2000 Galileeyeda Gush Etzion Negev Virtual Negev Ramat
    Regional Geography of Israel
    Dead Sea
    Dead Sea Tour

    Dead Sea Works Home Page

    The Negev Bedouin
    Photographic Exhibit
    Red Sea

    Western Galilee

    The Galilee
    The Green North of Israel
    Shomron Region

    Bik'at Ha'Yarden Region

    Jordan Vally
    Gush Etzion Region ... Eiron Valley Geography, Demographics, Socio-Economic Status Environmental Profile for The West Bank Soils of Israel REGIONAL COUNCIL : Israel Local Authorities Jordan Valley Regional Council Har Hevron Regional Council (Hebrew) Jezreel Valley Regional Council Upper Galilee Gush Etzion Regional Council Beit Shean Valley Regional Council (Hebrew) Gezer Regional Council Qatzrin Mevuot Hermon Ramat Hanegev Regional Council Freenet ...

    30. Jacob Richman's Hot Sites - Jewish - Holidays - Israel Independence Day
    Gate to Jewish Heritage Israel Becomes a State. J israel geographyGame (Flash). J My Jewish Coloring Book Israel (Flash). My
    Jewish - Holidays
    Israel Independence Day - April 17, 2002
    Updated: January 27, 2003 Selected Sites (5762 - 2002)
    Aish: Israel Independence Day
    OU: Israel Independence Day Ohr Somayach: Love of the Land Jewish Virtual Library: Israel ... Yehuda Amichai Poem: Jews in the Land of Israel History Jewish Virtual Library: Zionisim Reshef: 100 Years of Zionism (50th anniversary) The Zionist Century Timeline FMA - 50 Years - Timeline of Events ... Truman Library: Creation of the State of Israel Israeli Government Israel Foreign Ministry Facts about Israel Gateway to the Israeli Government Websites Israel's National Anthem Menorah - Israel's National Emblem ... Israeli Government (JR Hotsites) The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) The Israel Defense Forces Website (Hebrew and English) The Israel Air Force Website (Hebrew and English) The Israeli Navy Website (Hebrew) Missing Israeli Soldiers Website ... Pictures of Our Army (2002) Photograph Sites The Great Aliyah (photo exhibit, Hebrew) Historical Posters (Hebrew, choose Top Left button) Israel National Photo Collection Israel Historical Pictures ... Maps of Israel (MFA, from 1000 BCE to today) Tourism Sites Israel Ministry of Tourism Israel Tourism Sites Hadassah Jewish Traveler: Independence Trail Maps Arab-Israel Confonflict in Maps (JA, from Ottoman Period)

    31. Jacob Richman's Hot Sites - Education - Country Information
    Canada Resource Atlas. Maps of Israel (JR site). israel geography Game. WorldTime Sites. The Exact Time (via USA Navy). The Exact Time (country selection).
    Education - Country Information
    Updated: November 11, 2002
    Selected Quality Sites
    Country Reports
    The Economist Country Briefing Your Nation CIA World Fact Book ... Geography IQ Geography Sites Terra Server - Satellite Images National Geographic Map Machine Maps and Geography of the World Graphic Maps World Atlas Canada Resource Atlas ... Israel Geography Game World Time Sites The Exact Time (via USA Navy) The Exact Time (country selection) The World Clock Local Time Around the World ... The Official U.S. Time Related Vacation: Good Info. Sites (JR Hotsites) Israel (JR Hotsites) Jewish: Travel (JR Hotsites)
    Question and Comments
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    32. Ezineisraelvol12
    israel geography Quiz 1. Which town is said to be the oldest in theworld? 2. Name the fortress in Israel where the Zealots, rather
    TraveLearn Cybertravel News Israel - Volume 12 Israel Trivia
    Israel is the only country in the world to end the millennium with more trees than it had it the century before. During Israel's first five decades, a popular activity for visiting dignitaries, tourists, and residents has been tree planting. It is an outgrowth of the Zionist plan launched 100 years ago to revive the Holyland, which was barren after 20 centuries of neglect. The Dead Sea, in the Jordan Valley, where the Jordan River finally ends, is the lowest area on earth at 386 meters below sea level. While it is of no use as a water source because of the high salt content, the Dead Sea does provide a useful yield of minerals, including potash, bromide, and magnesium. Among the most distinguishing traits of Medieval Jewish communities in the West was their continuing adherence to biblically inspired culinary and dietary tradition and practice. the partaking of food, with it's traditions and restrictions, was in large measure a socializing practice and not just an act of subsistence. Israel Book and Video Selections
    Yesterday and Today - These book and video selections reflect TraveLearn's tour philosophy of exploring, explaining, and teaching - not only about ancient traditions and cultures, but also providing insights into contemporary local customs and the current social and political situations in various destinations.

    33. Ezineisraelvol30
    israel geography Quiz 1. Where is the lowest point on earth? 2. Whichtown in Israel was the capital where King Herod the Great resided?
    TraveLearn Cybertravel News Israel - Volume 30 Israel Trivia
    Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir was raised in the state of Wisconsin, USA. King Herod was appointed by the Romans as King of Judea in 37 BC. Although his thirty-three year reign brought one of the greatest periods of economic prosperity, he had the dubious notoriety of having been the most unpopular king in Jewish history. There is no firm separation of religion and state in Israel, and matters of "personal status" – marriage, divorce, adoption, burial, inheritance – are the preserve of the religious authorities of the community concerned. For this reason there is no recognized civil marriage in Israel. If one partner does not convert to the faith of the other, the couple must marry abroad. Israel Book and Video Selections
    Yesterday and Today - These book and video selections reflect TraveLearn's tour philosophy of exploring, explaining, and teaching - not only about ancient traditions and cultures, but also providing insights into contemporary local customs and the current social and political situations in various destinations. Israel Yesterday and Today Israel: Birth of a Nation th The Gift of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels , Thomas Cahill, 1998, Doubleday, New York. A concise, readable treatise on the Jews and their enormous impact on history and civilization by the author of the very popular

    34. Untitled Document
    Passover Wilderness Wanderings The Law The Tabernacle The Priesthood The Twelve SpiesOccupation of Canaan The Twelve Tribes Ancient israel geography Period of
    Home I Science Unit Studies I Questions I Teaching Approach I Order
    Creation and Ancient History: Adam to Mesiah
    Multilevel, Bible Focused, Unit Studies utilizing the Charlotte Mason Approach, and the Internet! This giant combined volume includes seven unit studies! Adam to Abraham, Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Israel, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, The Messiah. * Creation is an individual unit not included in the "Ancient History: Adam to Messiah" combined volume
    Creation* Adam to Abraham Mesopotamia Ancient Egypt World View
    Age of the Earth
    Creation Week
    Beauty of Creation
    Celebrating Creation (Rosh Hashana)
    The Scientific Method
    Charles Darwin
    Evolution: A Theory*

    History of Evolution
    What Public Education Teaches Origins of Life Origins of Species Carbon Dating Fossil Records Dinosaurs Eugenics Natural Selection LESSONS Creation GArden of Eden Adam and Eve The Fall Cain and Able Seth to Noah Corruption of Man The Flood Aftert the Flood Tower of Babel Begining of Nations NAtions Religions Noah to Abraham Calling of Abram Abram Enters Caanan Genesis Revels the Messiah LESSONS Introduction Geography of Mesopotamia Sumer (3500-2000) Assyria (1200-612)

    35. History & Geography Of Israel & Palestine. Also... Zionism, Refugees, PLO, Terro
    Concise History + geography of israel Palestine with Maps PLUS Wars, Refugees, israel's Cancer, War and other Current Events
    This Site is Israel Friendly!
    Click to get most recent update /* Rainbow Links Script- TAKANASHI Mizuki ( */ rael
    THE VOICE OF REALITY I srael, Palestine, Zionism, Jerusalem, Arab Refugees, History, Intifada, Israeli Army, Palestinian Intifada, palestine, Maps, Maps Israel, Maps Palestine, Jewish, Arabs, Jews, Israelis, Palestinian, Palestinians, Palestinian People, Middle East, Middle East Peace, Peace Process, Oslo accords, Oslo, Maps, History Israel, History Palestine, History, Geography, Refugees, Palestinian Refugees, Barak, Rabin, Sharon, Ariel Sharon, Israeli settlements, Palestinian Land, Yitzhak Rabin, Dayan, Moshe Dayan, Peace Now, Middle East Conflict, Middle East, suicide bombers, islam, settlements,occupation, israeli settlements,muslim, islamic terrorism, arab terrorism, Nuclear, Nuclear War, jihad, settlers, israeli settlements, refugee camps, Current Events, oslo peace accords, oslo, Peace
    "Those Who Bless Her (Israel) Will Be Blessed, And Those Who Curse Her Will Be Cursed"

    36. Israel & Turkey: Historical Geography Of All Bible Lands
    and academic tours of historical geography of the Lands of the Bible israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey (Asia Minor), Greece
    IGM TOURS offers customized group tours at wholesale prices for church/parish tour ministries and academic tours of historical geography of the Lands of the Bible: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey (Asia Minor), Greece and Italy.
    Regionaltour is a fresh departure from the usual Holy Land tour that rushes between traditional crowded church shrines and souvenir shops, those standard tours that often instill more blur than blessing.
    Regionaltour shows connections between authentic Bible sites, inspiring vistas and the Bible crossroads. It immediately connects groups to the land, roots and texts of biblical faith. Politics, boundaries, culture, religion and other changes may be imposed upon the face of the land; but the land changes the least. The land is the changeless carrier of the Word. This reality may have prompted Jerome to write, "the land itself is the fifth gospel."
    Regionaltour features itineraries with authentic sites, daily gentle walks, inspiring vistas all customized exactly as the tour leader requests
    Regionaltour is complemented by a cadre of outstanding scholarly guides who are carefully selected and tutored, and who are held in high esteem by their colleagues. They are skilled in using the special

    37. Israel Science And Technology Homepage
    Database of institutions of higher education, research centers, funds, associations and related government agencies. Agriculture, biology, medicine, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, geography, physics, psychology and social sciences.
    Israel Science and Technology Homepage -
    Home Search About Contact
    Faculty Positions Chemistry
    Molecular Biology Structural Biology
    Microbial Ecology

    Search: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 Subjects Chemistry Computer Science Earth and Environment Engineering ... Technology Life Sciences Agriculture Biology, Medical Sciences, Biotechnology Social Sciences Archeology Economics Psychology Social sciences ... Statistics Humanities Arab - Israeli conflict Education Jewish studies Language studies ... Ilan Ramon memorial Organizations Academic Associations Colleges Universities Departments ... Research Centers Commercial Banks Business Associations Company Directories Industrial Parks ... Technological Incubators Government Chief Scientists Government Ministries Knesset Jewish Aliyah FAQs Jewish Scientists Nobel Laureates Students: USA ... Worldwide Public Museums Nature Reserves and Parks Tourism portals Others News sources Weather Funds Basic Research Funds International Funds Start-up Funds Venture Capital Funds International Country Codes Chambers of Commerce Foreign Embassies International Conferences ... International Programs Jobs Biotechnology AACI Israel Jobnet Computer Jobs in Israel HiCareer (Hebrew) ... Israel Science and Technology Center This web site is validated for HTML version 4

    38. Israel (also See Separate Gaza Strip And West Bank Entries) Geography - Flags, M
    israel (also see separate Gaza Strip and West Bank entries) geography Flags,Maps, Economy, geography, Climate, Natural Resources, Current Issues

    Israel (also see separate Gaza Strip and West Bank entries)
      Location: Middle East, bordering the Mediterranean Sea, between Egypt and Lebanon Geographic coordinates: 31 30 N, 34 45 E Map references: Middle East Area:
      total: 20,770 sq km
      land: 20,330 sq km
      water: 440 sq km slightly smaller than New Jersey Land boundaries: total: 1,006 km border countries: Egypt 255 km, Gaza Strip 51 km, Jordan 238 km, Lebanon 79 km, Syria 76 km, West Bank 307 km Coastline: 273 km Maritime claims: continental shelf: to depth of exploitation territorial sea: 12 nm Climate: temperate; hot and dry in southern and eastern desert areas Terrain: Negev desert in the south; low coastal plain; central mountains; Jordan Rift Valley Elevation extremes: lowest point: Dead Sea -408 m highest point: Har Meron 1,208 m Natural resources: copper, phosphates, bromide, potash, clay, sand, sulfur, asphalt, manganese, small amounts of natural gas and crude oil Land use: arable land: permanent crops: permanent pastures: forests and woodland: other: 66% (1993 est.)

    39. Israel Photos By David Hall
    Photographs taken during a two week vaction to israel and Egypt in 1999. Sites between Dan and Eilat, Biblical archaeology, geography, nature, tourist sites.

    By: David Hall


    fig tree
    ... Revelation Controversy
    This website is a collection of photos and text from a 10 day journey in Israel. I
    arrived at Ben Gurion Airport in early March of 1999. I rented a car and found the
    road. Road signs were in English, Hebrew, and Arabic. Many people spoke a little
    English. Spring time in Israel was much greener than the late summer, the photos
    reflected some of this.
    There were inexpensive hotels and restaurants for those who were skillful in finding bargains. There were exclusive areas with more amenities and privileges for those who chose to afford them.
    For better photos see my newer site at: Israel Photos II

    40. - Photos Of Israel From The Pictorial Library Of Bible Lands
    Features photographs and information on sites in israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Greece with an emphasis on Biblical geography, history and archaeology.
    Library of

    Bible Lands

    Complete Index


    Caesarea Philippi


    Cove of the Sower
    Samaria/Center Ai - Et-Tell Ai - Kh. el-Maqatir Caesarea Gibeon ... Yad HaShmonah Jerusalem Cardo City of David Dome of the Rock Garden Tomb ... The City in Snow Judah/South Arad Ashkelon Beersheba Beth Shemesh ... Tabernacle Model Jordan Amman Gerasa Gilead Jabbok and Penuel ... Petra Egypt Abu Simbel Aswan Dashur Pyramids Giza Pyramids ... Philae Island Turkey Asos Colossae Derbe and Lystra Didyma ... Smyrna Greece Amphipolis Athens Corinth Philippi ... Contact Info W ELCOME TO B IBLE P LACES.COM features photographs and descriptions of sites in Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey and Greece with an emphasis on biblical archaeology, geography and history. New CD - Aerials of Judah and Jerusalem - released March 2003! See this page for full details. Jehoash Inscription - details, translation and links here . Including links to the best photos on the web! Featured Site For more photographs, information and links, see

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