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41. ASIL Electronic Resource Guide Human Rights For general or comparative books on human rights, use the subject headingsHUMAN rights; civil rights or civil rights (international LAW). http://www.asil.org/resource/humrts1.htm | |
42. U Of M Human Rights Library: International Human Rights Instruments Mass Media to Strengthening Peace and international Understanding, to War, adoptedby the UNESCO general Conference at on the Granting of civil rights to Women http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/instree/ainstls1.htm | |
43. Remember-Chile: General Pinochet And Human Rights Abuses - Web Links Legal international Covenant on civil and Political rights . Adopted and openedfor signature, ratification and accession by general Assembly resolution 2200A http://www.remember-chile.org.uk/links/ | |
44. Federal Agencies - LEP.gov of Education, Office for civil rights. Translator and Interpreter Organizations.general Contains links to national and international translator and http://www.lep.gov/govt.html | |
45. NYU Law - Library, General Information, The Collection human rights. maintain almost all the scholarly academic periodicals, as well as otherleading journals on specific topics (civil and criminal international Law. http://www.law.nyu.edu/library/collec.html | |
46. UCLA International Institute :: Legal And Political Experts To Discuss Terrorism by the Southern California Consortium on international Studies natural resources forthe Attorney general of the of Terrorism on the civil rights of Immigrants http://www.isop.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=3427 |
47. Australian Human Rights And Civil Rights Set up by Victor Perton MP to provide reasonable access to papers and hotlinks relating to human rights.Category Regional Oceania Issues Human rights and Liberties...... Amnesty international Australia. East Timor Human rights Centre. Liberty VictoriaA state based civil liberties group (formerly the Victorian Council of civil http://home.vicnet.net.au/~victorp/vphuman.htm | |
48. U.N. Information: General Information On The United Nations Second Optional Protocol to the international Covenant on civil and PoliticalRights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty. http://www.hri.ca/uninfo/treaties/index.shtml | |
49. Arizona Attorney General The Attorney general serves as the Director of the Department of crime, organizedcrime, public corruption, drugs, environmental laws, civil rights laws and http://www.ag.state.az.us/ | |
50. American Civil Liberties Union : On International Women's Day, The ACLU Calls On of Lenora M. Lapidus, Director, ACLU Women's rights Project. NEW YORK The AmericanCivil Liberties Union today the world to celebrate international Women's Day http://www.aclu.org/WomensRights/WomensRights.cfm?ID=9867&c=33 |
51. Optional Protocol To The Covenant On Civil And Political Rights the purposes of the Covenant on civil and Political be an abuse of the rights of submission examinedunder another procedure of international investigation or http://www.hrweb.org/legal/cpr-prot.html | |
52. The Birmingham International Festival Salutes Canada. organizations such as the Birmingham civil rights Institute and qualified role inthe international dialogue on The rights of indigenous peoples are critical http://www.bifsalutes.org/transjust.htm | |
53. 1995 Annual Report Of The Attorney General OF THE ATTORNEY general OF THE civil rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA Internationalrights. Safeguarding America's Environment Natural Resources http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/annualreports/ar95/toc.htm | |
54. Selected International Treaties And Agreements - Selected Law And Treaties: Info Agreements US Department of State general guidance on the and Phonograms Treaty Aninternational treaty negotiated by in 1996 to protect the rights of singers http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/laws/tradeagr.htm | |
55. Human Rights - Lawlinks latest cases on Convention on civil aspects of of Western Australia public internationallaw site to material on Human rights (general), specific issues in HR http://library.ukc.ac.uk/library/lawlinks/human.htm | |
56. Undermining Terrorism: Readings > International Responses > International Law Stand on international Criminal Court http//usinfo.state.gov/topical/rights/law/iccback SecretaryGeneralof the international civil Aviation Organization http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/terrorism/readings/international/international_law.ht | |
57. International Covenant On Civil And Political Rights nineteenth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and sixtysix.international Covenant on civil and Political rights. http://www.efc.ca/pages/law/un/intl-covenant-civil-political-rights.html | |
58. Law And Legal Resources, Employment, Advice, Immigration, Refugee Support, Civil economic system, good selection of international links on on women the law, aboriginallegal rights; Statewatch monitoring the state civil liberties in http://www.support4learning.org.uk/community/law.htm | |
59. Spartacus Educational - Home Page British online encyclopedia focuses on historical topics. Articles are geared toward students.Category Kids and Teens School Time Reference Tools Encyclopedias...... Nazi Germany American civil War. civil rights Movement Slavery 17501870. Spanishcivil War. general Websites (5 to 11), American civil War (11 to 14). http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/ | |
60. Political Rights and Political rights Additional rights added to the international Covenant on Civiland Political rights adopted by general Assembly on December 16, 1966. http://uspolitics.about.com/cs/politicalrights/ | |
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