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1. Natural History Museums And Collections Find a comprehensive compendium of links to museums in the US and internationally. Includes links to other directories. NATURAL history museums AND COLLECTIONS. Worldwide http://www.lib.washington.edu/sla/natmus.html | |
2. Natural History Museums Technology, Culver City, California The Museum of Natural History and Cormack Planetarium,Providence, Rhode Island Museums of Natural History, University of http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/subway/nathistmus.html | |
3. America's Outdoor History Museums America's Outdoor history museums. These outdoor history sites presenta vivid and unforgettable story of our nation's development. http://www.outdoorhistory.org/ | |
4. ALHFAM Home Page Organization links people at living historical farms, agricultural museums, and other outdoor museums that use living history. Find job listings and meeting information. Research and Living History Facing the challenge of research for living history museums, written in 1997 by Debra Reid http://www.alhfam.org/ | |
5. History San José Information on History Park (Victorian Town) in Kelley Park and Peralta Adobe, the Fallon House Historic Category Reference Museums History North America United States......Welcome to History San José, formerly the history museums of San José. Welcometo History San José, formerly the history museums of San José. http://www.historysanjose.org/ | |
6. The Natural History Museums - English University Botanical Garden, Zoological Museum, Mineralogical-Geological Museum, Paleontological Category Regional Europe Norway Arts and Entertainment Museums......THE NATURAL history museums AND BOTANICAL GARDEN TØYEN. Thousands of schooolpupils visit the Natural history museums and Botanical Garden every year. http://www.toyen.uio.no/toyensider/engelsk.html | |
7. Take The Subway To Other Resources Natural history museums Museum Collections Societies Organizations Natural History Education. Natural History http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/subway/subway.html | |
8. Kuban's Guide To Natural History Museums Kuban's Guide to Natural history museums on the Web. This site features oneof the largest directories of natural history museums on the web. http://members.aol.com/fostrak/museums.htm | |
9. Hotlist: Museums Museum. Natural history museums. American Museum of Natural History;Carnegie Museum of Natural History; Museum of Western Colorado; http://sln.fi.edu/tfi/hotlists/museums.html | |
10. ALHFAM Home Page Research and Living History Facing the challenge of research for living history museums,written in 1997 by Debra Reid. ALHFAM's Strategic Plan adopted 614-97. http://www.alhfam.org/welcome.html | |
11. Minnesota Alliance Of Local History Museums Features information on association projects, membership, and job postings.Category Reference Museums Museum Resources Organizations......Minnesota Alliance of Local history museums Logo Enter http://www.minnesotahistorymuseums.org/ | |
12. Maryland Association Of History Museums An alliance of historical, cultural, and educational institutions created to speak for and to enhance Category Society History Organizations United States...... General Information. Museum Directory. Museum Links. Copyright 2001, MarylandAssociation of history museums, Inc. All Rights Reserved, General Information. http://www.mahm.org/general.htm | |
13. Maryland Association Of History Museums Maryland Association of history museums, Inc. email info@mahm.org, Copyright2001, Maryland Association of history museums, Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.mahm.org/ | |
14. Wells Fargo History Museums Wells Fargos history museums and their curators welcome visitorsfrom around the world. On display are original Concord Coaches http://www.wellsfargohistory.com/museums/ | |
15. American Western History Museums, Stage Coach, Chuck Wagons, Friends Of Freedom American Western history museums, Stagecoach Chuck Wagons Friends of Freedom. AmericanWestern history museums. The American Western history museums are alive. http://www.linecamp.com/museums/americanwest/index_americanwest_museums.html | |
16. Stage Coach - American Western History Museums - Bronze Stagecoach American Western history museums is destined to house the finest collectionof history assembled on the American West. It expands http://www.linecamp.com/ | |
17. History Museums history museums of New Mexico. Ashiwi Awan Museum Heritage Center;Acoma Pueblo Museum; Artesia Historical Museum Art Center; http://www.nmculture.org/cgi-bin/instview.cgi?_cat=History Museums |
18. Natural History Museums By Location Alphabetical Listing of Natural history museumsNatural history museums by Location. http://paleoartisans.tripod.com/location.html | |
19. Berkeley Natural History Museums - Home The Berkeley Natural history museums is a consortium of six naturalhistory museums located at UC Berkeley. This page provides a http://bnhm.berkeley.museum/ | |
20. Berkeley Natural History Museums - About The BNHM About the Berkeley Natural history museums. The Berkeley Natural HistoryMuseums consortium was established to pool the strengths http://bnhm.berkeley.museum/about/ | |
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