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61. Document Collerction: Folioteca 6. herbariums IN THE BOTANIC GARDENS. herbariums are collections of death plants technicallytreated, labeled, and systematically arranged in metallic shelves. http://www.humboldt.org.co/jardinesdecolombia/english/folioteca.htm | |
62. ÄϾ©ÖÐɽֲÎïÔ° USA. The herbariums (NAS) is one of the four major herbariums in Chinawith a total amount of 700,000 sheets of specimens. Looking http://www.cnbg.net/en_aboutus.asp?aboutus_title=Scientific Research |
63. Botanical, Horticultural Herbariums Botanical, Horticultural herbariums, A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W Z. A AL.Fetterman Educational Museum The American http://www.musee-online.org/asppages/PageMenu.asp?MT=34 |
64. North Cascades National Park: Research Catalog (Plant Ecology) Research Needs Species inventories, collection of specimens for park herbariums,and distribution surveys of mosses, lichens, and liverworts in North Cascades http://www.nps.gov/noca/rescat/rescat7a.htm | |
65. Quarryhill Botanical Garden Upon receiving Hsueh's quality herbariums, Professor Cheng disregarded any initialsupposition that the tree might be a Glyptostrobus lineatus (Poiret) Druce http://www.quarryhillbg.org/Publications/3_con/conifers.htm | |
66. OSU Archives - Oliver Matthews Collection He corresponded extensively with herbariums, state and national forest services,newspapers, and individuals; collected hundreds of wood specimens; discovered http://osulibrary.oregonstate.edu/archives/archive/mss/matthews_des.html | |
67. Wired News: Building A Database Of Specimens insect specimens. Australia's seven major herbariums located aroundthe country have nearly 6 million specimens among them. And http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,44777,00.html | |
68. AddMail1 may be mailed as Library Mail when they are loaned or exchanged between schools;colleges; universities; public libraries; museums; herbariums; and nonprofit http://www.a-m.umn.edu/nonpro.htm | |
69. FLORA herbariums, photos and plaster casts of plants give an idea of the variety of northern,middle and southern Sakhalin flora, its most typical, rare, relic and http://museum.sakh.com/eng/4.shtml |
70. Retour Autres Sites à Visiter. Botanique Translate this page A signaler la richesse des liens qu'il propose, en particulier avec les autresmuséums, zoos, herbariums ou jardins des plantes du monde entier. http://www.mnhn.fr/mnhn/bcm/frames/principale/sitesbot.htm | |
71. GROWING HERBAL PLANTS IN HOME GARDENS FOR HEALTH CARE The FRLHT has also worked out schemes for production of these plants in differentnurseries and herbariums, so that they are easily accessible to such centres. http://www.undp.org/tcdc/bestprac/social/cases/05-herbal.htm | |
72. WINONA H. WELCH PAPERS and the South Pacific. In 1938 she spent six months in European herbariumsstudying Fontinalaceae for her monograph. She was an http://www.nybg.org/bsci/libr/Welch.htm | |
73. Botanische Sammlung Translate this page Die Ursprünge des herbariums gehen auf die Gründungszeit des OberösterreichischenLandesmuseums (Musealverein) 1833 zurück. http://www.biologiezentrum.at/biowww/de/sammlung/bota.html | |
74. THE STATUS OF BIODIVERSITY IN ITALY The herbariums we have about 150 herbariums; 110 are public, the others are private.The big herbariums are 17, more than 60 000 species samples contained. http://wwwamb.casaccia.enea.it/chm-cbd/pros/Porceddu.html | |
75. KUNSTKAMER By gathering herbs and plants one by one and observing the process of their collecting,he later created numerous herbariums, like the first Russian herbarium http://www.kunstkamera.ru/english/panorama/encyclopaedia/natur_study.htm | |
76. Regensburgische Botanische Gesellschaft: Geschichte Translate this page Gesellschaft bestanden in dem Aufbau einer botanischen Fachbibliothek (sie umfasste1805 bereits 216 Titel), in der Begründung eines herbariums, im Unterhalt http://www.biologie.uni-regensburg.de/Botanik/Schoenfelder/rbg/geschichte.html | |
77. Herbarien | Uni | Eth | Zürich Translate this page Rubus. Wichtige Sammlungen des herbariums der Universität Zürich (Z). Zogg.Wichtige Sammlungen des herbariums der ETH Zürich (ZT). http://www.zuerich-herbarien.unizh.ch/collection/collection.html | |
78. FU:N TITEL 7/98 Translate this page Die Geschichte des Berliner herbariums begann im Jahre 1818 mit dem Ankauf derSammlung des 1812 verstorbenen Direktors des damals in Schöneberg gelegenen http://www.fu-berlin.de/fun/1998/7-98/t3.htm | |
79. Botanical Gardens Enter Cyberspace relevant for researchers in Third World countries, where many indigenous specieshave been taken from their natural habitats and placed in herbariums in either http://www.newcenturynutrition.com/public_html/webzine/archives/cybergarden10.sh | |
80. Brazilian Orchids - Orchid News 10 First of all, when you do something in taxonomy, you need to know thetype, to visit herbariums where they are recorded. How could http://www.orchidnews.hpg.ig.com.br/on/on10/paginas/interv01.htm | |
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