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21. Herbarium Saxoniae Translate this page Geschichte des Dresdner herbariums. Anfang 19.Jh. Bedeutung des Dresdnerherbariums. ·, umfangreichstes sächsisches Herbarium, insgesamt ca. http://www.biologie.tu-dresden.de/botanik/Herbarium/herbdresdense.htm | |
22. Herbarium Translate this page Sie erfolgen nur an Institutionen (Herbarien, Institute, Museen). Typusmaterialdes herbariums der Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg (HAL). http://www.biologie.uni-halle.de/bot/herb.html | |
23. Herbhandout Do not stack when drying Putting herbariums Together Order ringsin spring or when school starts; Use rings to hold pages together; http://www.albany.k12.mo.us/veg/herbhandout.htm | |
24. Herb Both fifth grade classes participate in making herbariums. Each class is dividedinto five groups. See herbariums handout for detailed directions. http://www.albany.k12.mo.us/veg/herb.htm | |
25. Domestic Mail Manual E714 Library Mail section may be mailed at the Library Mail rate when sent between (1) schools, colleges,universities, public libraries, museums, and herbariums and nonprofit http://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm/E714.htm | |
26. Anlage Eines Herbariums Translate this page Anlage eines herbariums. Das Anlegen des herbariums geschieht in häuslicherArbeit, wobei sich die Schüler gegenseitig unterstützen (Teamwork). http://www.agw-umweltportal.de:8080/umwelt2/content/e22/e62/e216/e326/index_ger. | |
27. Foretag Søgning På Museer Foretag Søgning Efter Museets geografiske placering Om museernes samlinger, Gå til startside. Resultsfor the keyword herbariums . Botanisk Museum (Botanical Museum). http://www.dmol.dk/engelsk/mus_seekresult.asp?ord=Herbariums |
28. Nordzypern - Das Herbarium - Schwarzaufweiss Translate this page Das Herbarium. Die Einrichtung eines nordzyprischen herbariums gehtauf Anregungen des englischen Botanikers Dr. Deryck Viney zurück. http://www.schwarzaufweiss.de/Nordzypern/herbarium.htm | |
29. Sonoran Desert -- Links To More Information Trail Wisdom Has a number of enjoyable articles relevant to the deserts. Geology.Government Agencies. US Forest Service Southwest Region. herbariums. http://www.arizonensis.org/sonoran/links.html | |
30. Adventgemeinde Kiel herbariums; http://www.cpa-kiel.de/cpa/abc/sonstiges/herbarium/000.html | |
31. Specimen Collections Scientific Illustration Resources Collections. herbariums, hortoriumsmycology, fungi, plants, lichen. Botanical Research Institute http://www.scientificillustrator.com/collections-plants.html | |
32. BGBM: Bibliothek Des BGBM Zur Geschichte Translate this page an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität verfolgte Heinrich Friedrich Link das Ziel,die Lebendsammlung des Gartens durch den Aufbau eines herbariums und einer http://www.bgbm.org/BGBM/library/hist-de.htm | |
33. Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht plants from the whole of southern Limburg, a collection which, by its being welldocumented,ranks amongst the most important regional herbariums in The http://www.nhmmaastricht.nl/textonly-en/col_bin.htm | |
34. Herbarium Unit 1a of Activity Students will critique existing designs anddecide on a master plan for layout of EAS herbariums. Unit 1a herbariums....... Brief http://www.wfpa.org/ee/WFPAEE/SIT/districts/profiles/Environmental_Adventure/her | |
35. Botany a well documented collection of plants from the whole of southern Limburg between1890 and 1943 and ranks amongst the most important regional herbariums in The http://www.academiaexchange.net/1.Science_Exchange/Nature_Expos/Collection/Botan | |
36. Zentralregister Biologischer Forschungssammlungen In Deutschland (ZEFOD), Uebers Most of the German herbariums are registered in the Index Herbariorum, but thereexists no overview about their holdings and the degree of documentation. http://ice.zadi.de/zefod/projekt_e.cfm | |
37. ALA> ALAWON N8 V85: LIBRARY POSTAL RATE Mail pieces may be mailed at the Library Mail rate when sent between Schools,colleges, universities, public libraries, museums, herbariums, and nonprofit http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/net-news/99-08/99-08-27/0000.html | |
38. HCIB: Usage Regulations This herbarium may also lend its material to other herbariums in or out the country,but only if these herbariums are formally established and registered in http://www.cibnor.mx/colecciones/herbario/ireglame.php | |
39. Herbarium. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 herbariums are essential for the study and verification of plant classification,the study of geographic distributions, and the standardizing of nomenclature. http://www.bartleby.com/65/he/herbariu.html | |
40. The Courrier (environment) N°46, June 2002 The French Agricultural Scenery Highlights (Repères dans le paysage agricolefrançais). The ins and outs of herbariums? The ins and outs of herbariums? http://www.inra.fr/dpenv/som-ec46.htm | |
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