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1. Medical / Health Sciences Libraries On The Web http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/hslibs.html | |
2. Medical Library Association: MLANET Home medical/health Sciences libraries on the Web All links handchecked Mar 24, 2000 Last updated Wednesday, Jul 19, 2000 University of California/Berkeley Kootenai medical Center (Coeur d'Alene) Eastern Maine medical Center. health Science libraries and Information Consortium of Maine http://www.mlanet.org/ | |
3. UIowa Libraries Web Index to academic libraries is arranged by state. Also lists other countries, including Canada and Australia. the University of Iowa libraries and Law Library, the of Iowa Curriculum Lab. University libraries Information Services University's system of libraries, including links to the http://www.arcade.uiowa.edu/hardin-www/hslibs.html | |
4. Anjohn Medical Serivces Inc. Consulting services for health care providers. Offers links to over 500 Canadian health organization, governments, libraries, and universities. http://www.anjohn.ca/ |
5. Medical / Health Sciences Libraries On The Web From Hardin MD, this standard list includes academic, research and hospital libraries in the US the rest of the world. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin-www/hslibs.html | |
6. Science Libraries Access to the five science libraries DeLaMare (earth sciences, engineering, and computer science), Life and health Sciences, Mary B. Ansari Map, Physical Sciences, and Savitt medical. http://www.library.unr.edu/sciencelibs/Default.htm | |
7. US National Network Of Libraries Of Medicine Home Page Find regional medical libraries, health information resources, and training materials for health educators and librarians. Includes a keyword search facility. health Information Librarian health Educator Resources Projects Concerned about your health or that of http://www.nnlm.nlm.nih.gov/ | |
8. U.S. National Library Of Medicine The world's largest medical library. It collects materials in all major areas of the health sciences Category Society Issues health Policy United States Government...... health Information MEDLINE/PubMed, MEDLINEplus, NLM MeSH, Publications, Training,Grants, Network of libraries. Molecular Biology, medical Informatics, Visible http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ | |
9. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Homepage University site with statewide links to hospitals, medical foundations, libraries, and training resources. http://www.lsuhsc.edu/ | |
10. Medical Research Libraries By State NLM Site Index Search Our Web Site NLM Home Page National libraries Federal librariesMedical Research libraries by State Consumer health libraries DCArea http://www.nlm.nih.gov/libraries/state.html | |
11. Principles For Licensing Electronic Resources The intent of this document is twofold to guide libraries in negotiating license agreements for access to electronic resources, and to provide licensors with a sense of the issues of importance to libraries and their user communities in such negotiations. Presented collectively by the American Association of Law libraries, American Library Association, Association of Academic health Sciences libraries, Association of Research libraries, medical Library Association, and Special libraries Association. http://www.arl.org/scomm/licensing/principles.html | |
12. HealthWeb Links to evaluated information resources selected by librarians and information professionals at academic Category health...... Any medical or other decisions should be made in consultation with your qualifiedhealth care provider. Region of the National Network libraries of Medicine http://www.healthweb.org/ | |
13. Matthews Medical Books Provides medical books, medical supplies, cdroms, and journals to the health sciences professionals students, physicians, researchers, university and hospital libraries. http://www.onlinemedbooks.com | |
14. HealthWeb : About Us Loyola University Chicago Loyola University health Sciences Library- Chicago Urology. Mayo Foundation Mayo medical libraries Immunology. http://www.healthweb.org/members.cfm | |
15. Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library Library of the GWU medical Center. Access electronic journals, catalogs, databases, links to other libraries and research tools, and Himmelfarb information. http://www.gwumc.edu/Library/ | |
16. Medical Resource Library - Stephens Memorial Hospital Norway, Maine. Collection focuses on the consumer health and medical information needs of its service community.Affiliated with Stephens Memorial Hospital. http://www.sad17.k12.me.us/libraries/smh.htm | |
17. HealthLinks: Health Sciences Libraries Select this to skip common navigation links and get to this page's content UWHome health Sciences libraries Schools medical Centers, Problems? http://healthlinks.washington.edu/hsl/ | |
18. UC Davis Health Sciences Libraries Home Page Loren D. Carlson health Sciences Library and the UC Davis medical Center Library. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/healthsci/ | |
19. HealthLinks, April 2003, From DNA Molecule To The Human Genome In 50 Years Projected Supply, Demand and Shortages of Registered Nurses 20002020 health Resourcesand healthLinks libraries Schools medical Centers UW http://healthlinks.washington.edu/ | |
20. Mayo Medical Libraries and consumer health resources; and specialty libraries serving the needs of studentsin the Mayo medical School and the Mayo School of healthRelated Sciences. http://www.mayo.edu/medlib/medlib.html | |
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