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61. Greece: History & Hellenism through our Interesting Nodes of the Cyprus government. of Macedonia; The Falsificationof Macedonian history (by N of Kalavryta. see also greece Foreign Affairs; http://www.hri.org/nodes/grinst.html | |
62. People & Culture: Western Europe Irish travelers, Ireland's minority culture; The Parthenon in greece; Sweden'sgovernment Socialist; history of the Gregorian calendar; Crosscultural death http://www.essortment.com/in/Culture.Western.Europe/ | |
63. LMC - History & Social Studies for other parts of the Federal government. SCORE World history and Geography AncientCivilizations Life Ancient Civilizations - Egypt, greece, Rome, India http://www.spusd.k12.ca.us/spms/lmc/html/sub/history.html | |
64. The Labour Government tackle in its first term, but this is a key to so many people and not just inGreece. The government recognises the importance of the history of Greek http://www.greece.org/parthenon/marbles/labour.htm | |
65. Î Îλληνική Î ÏοεδÏία Ïη history of Modern greece. in Cyprus accelerated the process of the restoration ofdemocracy in greece and in a referendum held by the government of National http://www.eu2003.gr/en/articles/2002/12/8/1170/ | |
66. 1st SPOT's Pages On Government And Political Issues Society, Internet, Aborigines, Brazil Brazil, News, culture, history, government,Business. http://1st-spot.net/dir_government.html | |
67. Bulgarian History And Culture in the country are devoted to history, science, and is the bank of issue and handlesgovernment funds and from central Asia through Bulgaria and greece to the http://victorian.fortunecity.com/jacobean/401/bg_history.html | |
68. The History Of Greece greece has a history stretching back more than 4.000 years. elections held on October18, 1981, greece elected its first socialist government when the http://www.asinah.net/greecehistory.html | |
69. Ancient Greece Olympics picture of ancient greece black history month picture Ye maunna horse and a gray;world cup history And they ancient roman government In north of England I was http://www.revisedhistory.org/desc/indexN13121.html | |
70. ICMC. Webhosting (webruimte) En Domeinnaamregistratie of Plato who was one of the most influential thinkers in greece. Basic informationon Citystate government. A history and definition of Athenian democracy. http://www.webkwestie.nl/voorbeeld evaluatie/Ancient Greece Webquest.htm | |
71. Time For Kids | Specials | GO PLACES: GREECE Travel through our timeline of major events in greece's history. of state and a primeminister to run the government. 1981 greece becomes a full member of the http://www.timeforkids.com/TFK/specials/goplaces/0,12405,227676,00.html | |
72. Unit 5: Ancient Greece: Resources For Students history introduce students to the ancient civilizations of greece and Rome Topicsinclude geographic features, government, agriculture, architecture, music, art http://tlc.ousd.k12.ca.us/library/greece/greece_kids.html | |
73. Your Guide To Greece And Cyprus! The majesty of ancient greece is translated into Greeks · This Week in Greek history· Historic Events Society and culture · Read about various sayings and http://www.greekspider.com/ | |
74. Home Page For The History & Government Division People in Canada history government Division study story of life in Ancient Greecethrough this who are interested in the history, culture, literature and re http://www.vpl.vancouver.bc.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/his/Links/history.html | |
75. History & Government eawc.evansville.edu/index.htm This site looks at the Cultures of India, Egypt, China,greece, Rome, Islam Hotlist American history and government http//sln http://www.eighthfloor.org/resources/websites/history.htm | |
76. NHA | History Interactive IV. Ancient greece, IV. A. history B. Geography. American history and Geography. I.American government The Constitution, I. The Earliest Americans http://michiganepic.org/NHA/ | |
77. History Channel - Speeches - Direct Broadcast: Fighting Between Greek Communists (Reminder To listen to history being made After the Germans evacuated greece inOctober 1944, British troops escorted the Greek government in exile http://www.historychannel.com/speeches/archive/speech_356.html | |
78. EAWC Chronology: Greece 640 BCE greece Sparta's form of government, which is adapted 525 BCE greece -Greek drama grows out of the be the beginning of this long history of tragic http://eawc.evansville.edu/chronology/grpage.htm | |
79. Homework Helpers - Ancient History Subject headings to use Alexander the Great, 356323 BC; Athens (greece) history;Athens (greece) Politics and government; Athens (greece) Social http://www.canterbury.nsw.gov.au/library/homezone/ancient.htm | |
80. NM's Creative Impulse..Greece of Athens sculpture, pottery, bronzes and prehistoric items from greece. you canread about the history of the of view of the Greek government, the British http://history.evansville.net/greece.html | |
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