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21. Lina To Local Government Officers: Teach Voters To Choose 'God-fearing Bets' Lina to local government officers teach voters to choose 'Godfearingbets' Jowel F. Canuday / MindaNews / 10 June 2002 DAVAO CITY http://www.mindanews.com/2002/06/3rd/nws10lina.html | |
22. Stephen Conroy - Government Could Teach Enron About How To Hide Losses Location Home News Stephen Conroy government Could teach Enron AboutHow To Hide Losses. government Could teach Enron About How To Hide Losses. http://www.alp.org.au/media/0203/20003615.html | |
23. Government Lesson Plans be used in connection with a social studies unit on local and state government. teachnology- The Art and Science of teaching with Technology is a registered http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/lesson_plans/history/government/ | |
24. Principals Should Also Teach - Fiji Government Press Release PRESS RELEASES. », CURRENT. », ARCHIVE. PRINCIPALS SHOULD ALSOTEACH March 18th, 2003. The role of headteachers and principals must http://www.fiji.gov.fj/press/2003_03/2003_03_18-03.shtml | |
25. PSC Vacancies 15.02.03 - Fiji Government THE PERMANENT SECRETARY MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PRIVATE MAIL BAG government BUILDINGSSUVA. primary school; offer professional guidance to staff, teach and liaise http://www.fiji.gov.fj/psc-vacancies/vacancies-15.02.03.shtml | |
26. Teach 2000 Government government. government of Canada and resources. Index of Canadian governmentWebsites This index is provided by the BC government. Ontario http://www.lhbe.edu.on.ca/teach2000/resources/subject/government.html | |
27. Seminar Will Teach Officials Ins And Outs Of Government By Dick Metzgar Correspo Seminar will teach officials ins and outs of government By dick MetzgarCorrespondent. FREEHOLD Operating municipal governments http://newstranscript.gmnews.com/News/2001/1226/Bulletin_Board/012.html | |
28. Society | Voluntary Sector Has A Lot To Teach Government Comment Voluntary sector has a lot to teach government If the governmentis to succeed in establishing an effective strategy for http://society.guardian.co.uk/Print/0,3858,4103896,00.html | |
29. SocietyGuardian.co.uk | Society | Voluntary Sector Has A Lot To Teach Government Voluntary sector has a lot to teach government If the government is to succeed inestablishing an effective strategy for disadvantaged youth, it needs to learn http://society.guardian.co.uk/homelessness/comment/0,8146,410008,00.html | |
30. PAY MAGAZINE - Government Backs Graduates In Plan To Teach Before Joining Busine Why teach First? Apply Now. My Campus. Ask. Register. Logon. Alumni. June 2002 PAY Magazine, government backs graduates in plan to teach before joining business, http://www.teachfirst.org.uk/pressforum/articles/en/pressforum/articles/Pay_0006 | |
31. PAY MAGAZINE - Government Backs Graduates In Plan To Teach Before Joining Busine June 2002 PAY Magazine, government backs graduates in plan to teachbefore joining business, Graduates may be encouraged to spend http://www.teachfirst.org.uk/pressforum/articles/en/pressforum/articles/Pay_0006 | |
32. Teach More Love More - Community Resources County government. The following is information to make the MiamiDade Countygovernment and Miami-Dade County Advisory Boards more accessible. government. http://www.teachmorelovemore.org/CommunityResourcesList.asp?catid=4&subcatid=19 |
33. Teach More Love More - Community Resources Advocacy. Community Action Groups. Volunteer/Donations. County government. government.MiamiDade County Advisory Boards. Disability Services. Blind/Visually Impaired. http://www.teachmorelovemore.org/CommunityResources.asp | |
34. Susan George Speaking At The Seattle IFG Teach-In, 11/26/99 The order form for the cassette tape recordings of this entire teachIn is availableat http//www.ifg.org/tof4.html. On Overthrowing the Permanent government. http://www.ratical.org/co-globalize/ifg112699SG.html | |
35. ALFY - Teach Learn Communicate What's New, Communicate. Home Page Builder, Award Maker, School Partnership,You are here teach Thematic Units government. ALFY's Picks for government, http://alfy.lycos.com/Teachers/teach/thematic_units/Government/Government_1.asp | |
36. Teach Peace, End Government Initiation Of Force teach Peace, End government Initiation of Force. teach Peace, End governmentInitiation of Force. Thursday, January 27, 2000. The PAX http://wws.editthispage.com/2000/01/27 | |
37. Teach Peace, End Government Initiation Of Force teach Peace, End government Initiation of Force. Author Bill St. Clair, Topicteach Peace, End government Initiation of Force. Msg 76 (top msg in thread). http://wws.editthispage.com/discuss/msgReader$76 | |
38. MDO - Executive Privilege Yudof To Teach Class On Government APR. 29, 1998 NEWS Executive privilege Yudofto teach class on government this fall http://www.daily.umn.edu/daily/1998/04/29/news/class/ | |
39. Site Revamped To Teach 508 Site revamped to teach 508. been in effect for more than two months, but the GeneralServices Administration is worried that too few government employees know http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2001/0827/web-site-08-31-01.asp | |
40. TEACH: Great Lakes Law And Policy 3 Great Lakes Law and Policy United States government History and http://www.great-lakes.net/teach/history/gov/gov_3.html | |
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