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41. AMNH - Expedition : Endangered a baby bird. gila monsters are the largest lizards native to NorthAmerica, but they're less than two feet long. They live in the http://www.amnh.org/nationalcenter/Endangered/gila/gila.html | |
42. GILA MONSTERS MAKE THE WORLD INTERESTING gila monsters are very fat as lizards go, with skin that looks likea covering of orange or pink and black beads or pebbles. They http://www.uga.edu/srel/ecoview10-07-02.htm | |
43. Gila Monster Hub Links to research articles and photos.Category Science Biology Chordata Reptilia lizards Heloderma...... gila monster feeds small mammals, eggs of birds and other reptiles and somelizards. gila monster is the only poisonous lizard in the United States. http://www.projectlinks.org/gila/ | |
44. Lizards: Fact And Myth Some lizards are facing becoming nonexistent due to a lack of understanding. Beadedlizards and gila Monsters are poisonous lizards, often killed out of fear. http://wv.essortment.com/lizardsreptiles_rfzo.htm | |
45. BBC News | HEALTH | Alzheimer's Research Seeks Out Lizards Friday, 5 April, 2002, 2312 GMT 0012 UK Alzheimer's research seeks out lizardsThe gila monster could help Alzheimer's patients A substance found in the http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1912396.stm | |
46. BBC News | HEALTH | Alzheimer's Research Seeks Out Lizards Alzheimer's research seeks out lizards. The gila monster could help Alzheimer'spatients A substance found in the saliva of a venomous lizard could provide a http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/health/1912396.stm | |
47. The Page You Were Attempting To Access No Longer Exists! It is not easy to see a gila monster. These big lizards spend nearly all their lives over 95 percent of their time, according one study - snoozing in rocky http://www.southernnewmexico.com/snm/gilamonster.html | |
48. SchoolWorld Endangered Species Project: Gila Monster It also eats birds, other lizards and the eggs of birds, lizards, turtles and tortoises.Baby gila Monsters can consume 50% of their body weight at one time. http://www.schoolworld.asn.au/species/gila.html | |
49. Outdoor Survival Skills - Dangerous Animals: Dangerous Lizards OUTDOORSURVIVAL. Dangerous Animals Dangerous lizards. The gila monster andthe Mexican beaded lizard are dangerous and poisonous lizards. gila Monster. http://www.theoutdoorlodge.com/survival/dangerous_animals_five.html | |
50. Lizards: An Expedition -- Animal Planet -- Lizards, Expedition The world's only two species of venomous lizards are the gila monster andbeaded lizard. beaded lizard Beaded lizards gila Monster gila Monster. http://animal.discovery.com/convergence/lizards/blood/lethal.html | |
51. Corwin's Carnival Of Creatures -- Animal Planet -- Corwin, Creatures of only two species Heloderma suspectum (gila monster) and Heloderma horridum (Mexicanbeaded lizard). These two species are the only known venomous lizards. http://animal.discovery.com/fansites/jeffcorwin/carnival/lizard/gilamonster.html | |
52. Gila Monster Stores food in tail. gila Monsters are large lizards with stout bodies,big heads, powerful jaws, and short, sturdy digging legs. http://www.scenicdrive.org/cgmonster.htm | |
53. Gila Monster Printout- EnchantedLearning.com Diet The gila Monster is a carnivore (meateater). It eats smallmammals (like rats and mice), birds, lizards, frogs, and eggs. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/reptiles/lizard/Gilamonster.shtml | |
54. Lizard Printouts - AllAboutNature.com gila Monster A venomous lizard from deserts of southwestern NorthAmerica. Green Iguana Planteating lizards from moist habitats. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/reptiles/lizard/printouts.shtml | |
55. Lizards Of Arizona vigilis Desert Night Lizard Anguidae (glass and alligator lizards) Elgaria kingiinobilis - Arizona Alligator Lizard Helodermatidae (gila monsters) Heloderma http://www.reptilesofaz.com/herp-lizards.html | |
56. Poisonous Lizards It grows to a substantial size larger than most other N. American lizards and its bite can be deadly. The gila Monster is identified by its bulky body http://www.geo-outdoors.info/poisonous_lizards.htm | |
57. Gila Monster: WhoZoo The gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum) is one of two known venomous lizards,the other being the Mexican beaded lizard, Heloderma horridum. http://www.whozoo.org/anlife2000/jamiebritt/gilaindexrev.html | |
58. ThinkQuest Library Of Entries The gila Monster Heloderma suspectum (pronounced Hee'la) is one of only two speciesof venomous lizards, its cousin the Mexican Beaded Lizard being the other. http://library.thinkquest.org/C007974/2_3gil.htm | |
59. CoolPetSites - The Coolest Place On The Web To Find Links To Pet Related Informa Goatsby's Place Dealing with many topics including legality, husbandryand handling of gila monsters and bearded lizards. (Added http://coolpetsites.com/petlinks/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/ | |
60. Gila Wilderness Area Information Page a gila monster nest or observed a gila monster hatching in the wild.gila monster(Heloderma suspectum), one of only two species of venomous lizards, both of http://www.gilawilderness.com/infopg/ | |
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