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Georgia Food Safety And Preservation Programs: more detail |
61. Redirection - Research Further, food quality, food safety and food security are by the Department of foodScience and GriffinSpalding governments, the georgia Development Authority http://www.agecon.uga.edu/~aaec/redirect.html | |
62. FDA/CFSAN Food Safety Initiative Three-Year Research Plan - May 2001 Update of food Handling, Distribution, and Storage on food safety; Assessment DoseResponseModel for food borne Listeria to Mary Alice Smith, University of georgia. http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/3fs3-int.html |
63. North America's Oldest Whale Fossil To Be Displayed professor of geology Richard Hulbert said safety and preservation Hulbert said theGeorgia whale had specialized teeth teeth and tend to swallow food whole, he http://www.onlineathens.com/1998/100298/1002.a3fossil.html | |
64. Good Press Template continue their state of the art food safety research, studying and helping to makeour food safer by UGA research takes place in Savannah, georgia to advance http://www.house.gov/kingston/pr990528_aguga1.htm | |
65. FDA, States Collaborate For Safety's Sake Milk safety. milk specialists, like their counterparts in retail food and shellfish Sofar, California, Colorado, Florida, georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan http://www.fda.gov/fdac/features/296_fda.html | |
66. Zeal.com - United States - New - Library - Government & Politics - Government - 8. georgia Department of Agriculture http//www.agr reports to learn about landpreservation and animal www.michigan.gov/mda Gain food safety, animal welfare http://www.zeal.com/category/preview.jhtml?cid=282283 |
67. Resources - Links - Nutrition, Family And Consumer Science - San Joaquin County food safety http//foodscience.ucdavis.edu (Department of food Science) http//foodsafe.ucdavis.edu(food Safe Program) http//vric.ucdavis of georgia. http://cesanjoaquin.ucdavis.edu/Nutrition,_Family_and_Consumer_Science/Resources | |
68. Achievements In Public Health, 1900-1999: Safer And Healthier Foods pasteurization of solid foods; taking food safety to the Agriculture, Economic ResearchService, food and Rural Atlanta, georgia US Department of Health and http://www.cdc.gov/epo/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm4840a1.htm | |
69. Public Service & Outreach funding to support her foodsafety program, covering topics of home food preservation,food-handler education sponsored by the georgia Dietetic Association in http://service.uga.edu/hillawards_2001.html | |
70. Veneman Announces $14.2 Million In Grants To Expand Food Safety Research And Edu and filtered smoke on the safety and quality of georgia University of georgia$568,370to assess potential s National Center for Home food Processing and http://www.fass.org/fasstrack/news_item.asp?news_id=723 |
71. PROJECT - Safety And Sanitation Of Aquacultural Products: Microbial 1993. Aquaculture Products safety Satellite Videoconference. at the 56th annual meetingof the Institute of food Technologists, Anaheim University of georgia. http://www.msstate.edu/dept/srac/fs_micro.htm | |
72. Untitled for the pesticides they will handle including safety clothing and Any producer intendingto sell organic food must be certified by a georgia February 28, 1993. http://wsare.usu.edu/aglaws/de_ga.htm | |
73. 1998 Annual Meeting 1998 georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, georgia Quality Retention and Microbiologicalsafety of F-4, Special Forum President's food safety Initiative. http://www.confex.com/ift/98annual/98program/ | |
74. Virtual.clemson.edu/groups/psamedia/1999rel.dir/Love.txt She serves on Clemson's food safety Rapid Response Team Libby Hoyle's direction, ourExtension food and nutrition in the University of georgia's Plant Pathology http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/psamedia/1999rel.dir/Love.txt | |
75. SUMMRY OF PROCEEDINGS on the key issues of food safety, food security and University, the University ofGeorgia, Merial and the World Trade Organization, preservation of competitive http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/vctia/summary.htm | |
76. Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) Office Of Technology Transfer USDA's food safety and Inspection Service is training people Other methods of foodpreservation include salting, drying A georgia company is producing explosion http://ott.arsusda.gov/menu.htm?docid=769&page=4 |
77. RKMC.com - Foundation Promoting food safety and biosecurity, including irradiation of meat of whom workedin food service at of Columbia, Florida, georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts or http://www.rkmc.com/foundation.asp | |
78. Board Of Natural Resources: 01/06/03 Meeting Minutes or severe drought impacting public health and safety. footrope length of 220 feetfor food shrimp trawls that the Governor's Commission on georgia History and http://www.dnr.state.ga.us/dnr/board/minutes/legis010603.html | |
79. Department Of Food Science food safety Intervention strategies to inhibit and prevent foodborne pathogensin meat Ph.D. 1996, food Science and Technology, University of georgia. http://www.uark.edu/depts/foodsci/researchareas.htm | |
80. EPA: Federal Register: Table Of Contents Florida Gas Transmission Co., 70891 georgia Pacific Corp data quality issues, 70921food safety and Inspection and Families Administration See food and Drug http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPAFR-CONTENTS/2000/November/Day-28/contents.htm | |
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