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Georgia Coop Ext Service: more detail |
61. State Coordinators Agent/CEDH Rutgers coop. ext., Bergen Cty. georgia. Marco T. Fonseca Dept. of Horticulturegeorgia Experiment Station 1109 Experiment St. Of Vermont ext. http://hcs.osu.edu/mg/img/coordinators.html | |
62. 2003 ESP Chapter Presidents Fax 970491-5108 E-Mail daleleid@coop.ext.colostate.edu Georgetown, DE 19947-9575Phone 302-856-8525 ext. co.leon.fl.us S ALPH BETA - georgia TERESA HARVEY http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
63. Participant ListB&W Jane McAfee, Delta High, UA coop. ext. Experiment Station. Jo Anne McKeown, EudoraHigh, Eudora Garment Company. Carolyn McKinney, Foreman High, georgia Pacific. http://www.ualr.edu/~strive/participants98.htm | |
64. Family And Consumer Science Committee University of georgia CES 224 Dawson Hall Athens, GA 30602 706542-4161 Fax 706-542-4862rodgers@fcs Specialist, Home Economics Southern University coop. ext. http://srdc.msstate.edu/plcsite/rc/fcs/fcs_comm.htm | |
65. Family And Consumer Science Committee University of georgia CES 224 Dawson Hall Athens, GA 30602 706542-4161 706-542-4862(Fax) rodgers@fcs Specialist, Home Economics Southern University coop. ext. http://srdc.msstate.edu/plcsite/rc/fcs/comm.htm | |
66. Southern Agricultural Economics Association Paul E. cooper, University of Arkansas coop. ext. Yield as a Crop Insurance DecisionCriteria Implications for the 2000 Cotton and Peanut Crops in georgia. http://cals.agnis.vt.edu/~saas/navigator/saas01/agecon.htm | |
67. Ag1 Place Azalea Room II. Session Chair Forrest Steglin, University ofGeorgia. Paul E. cooper, University of Arkansas coop. ext. service. http://www.sedsi.org/program/2003/www/ag1.htm |
68. ParC Chandrashekar D., Virginia State University Chambers, James, georgia College State StateCommunity College cooper, Paul E., University of Arkansas coop. ext. http://www.sedsi.org/program/2003/www/parc.htm | |
69. SCTCSA-2002 -- Participants L. Hawkins (ghawkins@tifton.cpes.peachnet.edu), University of georgia, Tifton, GA Vienna,Austria Leonard Kuykendall (lkuykend@acesag.auburn.edu), AL coop. ext. http://www.ag.auburn.edu/nsdl/sctcsa/sctcsa_2002/participants.html | |
70. Adventure GPS Products - Customer List Pennsylvania College of Technology; Pennsylvania State University (coop. ext. ofCincinnati, OH; University of Colorado; University of georgia; University of Guam http://www.gps4fun.com/contact_customer_list.html | |
71. Publications For Tony Tyson Feasibility of Using Computer Programs for Managing Irrigation for Peanuts 1995.1995 georgia Peanut Res.ext. Rpt., Univ. of Ga. coop. Res.ext. Pub. http://www.engr.uga.edu/people/faculty/tyson/publications.html | |
72. EDUCATION Okla. State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. Circ. 202 pg. Council on Soil Testing and PlantAnalysis, georgia University Station, PO Box 2007, Athens, GA 306120007. http://www.dasnr.okstate.edu/soilsciences/Gordon_Johnson/extension.htm | |
73. Untitled Document Motsinger, RE 1977. Plant susceptibility to major nematodes in georgia A guide to planning crop rotation. Ga. coop. ext. Serv., Athens. http://pppweb.clemson.edu/Nematode/LitCite.html | |
74. USDA - NRCS - NWMC - CSREES Contacts Pollution Prevention University of georgia Driftmier Engineering CenterAthens, GA 30602, mrisse@engr.uga.edu. Guam, Manuel Duguies, coop. ext. http://wmc.ar.nrcs.usda.gov/partner.dir/afos.dir/contacts/csrees.html | |
75. UF Horticulture BLANK 1995. Performance of swine fed pearl millet grain. Proc. First Nat'l. Grain PearlMillet Sym., coop. ext. Ser., Univ. of georgia, Athens, USA. pp. 110114. http://nfrec.ifas.ufl.edu/Marianna/BMyer/Faculty_Marianna_BMyer.html | |
76. IT Webbook About The Authors Kriesel (wkriesel@agecon.uga.edu) Associate Professor University of georgia 312A shuffy@psu.edu) CED extension Agent/IT Coordinator Penn State coop. ext. http://www.cas.nercrd.psu.edu/Publications/Webbook/wbAboutAuthors.htm |
77. David Oi's Curriculum Vitae National Pest Control Assoc. National Convention, Atlanta, georgia Oct. Biologicalcontrol of imported fire ants. Alabama coop. ext. System Circular ANR1149. http://cmave.usda.ufl.edu/researchunits/oi.html | |
78. Pecan Kernel - Personnel Wetzstein, Dr. Hazel, Horticulture Dept. University of georgia 1311 M.Plant Sci. Pollet, Dr. Dale, Entomology (Project Leader) LA coop. ext. http://pecankernel.tamu.edu/personnel/ | |
79. Home Based & Micro Business LeaderHome Economics University of georgia 219 Hoke bethd@mces.msstate.edu MT MarshaGoetting ext. Scale Entrepreneur Specialist University of Nebraska coop. http://fcs.tamu.edu/entrepreneurship/hbbsite/contact.html | |
80. Ips Pine Bark Beetle G. Keith Douce, Associate Professor of Entomology, The University of georgia.Order Coleoptera Family Scolytidae. Univ. GA, coop. ext. Serv., Col. Agr. http://www.barkbeetles.org/ips/ips.html | |
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