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Georgia Alternative Schools: more detail | |||||
82. Washington County Community Services Four of these schools are georgia schools of Excellence. An alternative campus isalso available for those youth with behavioral or attendance problems, and http://www.washingtoncounty-ga.com/services.shtml | |
83. L I N K S- CSP Home - Other Reports - Report On The Expenditure Of Lottery Fun The georgia lottery has allowed schools, colleges, universities and other educationalinstitutions to purchase millions of alternative schools Equipment, http://www.arc.gsu.edu/csp/csp_lotterytech96.htm | |
84. STUDENT AND FAMILY PREVENTION SERVICES CENTER GATEWAY COTTAGE TEEN HEADQUARTERS HELPLINE georgia HODAC'sBOARD OF County schools, with an intensive focus on the alternative schools. http://www.hodac.org/sfps.htm | |
85. Violence And Discipline Problems In U.S. Public Schools: 1996-97 / Survey Method Thirteen vocational and alternative schools were dropped from the in the analyseswith high schools. Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana http://nces.ed.gov/pubs98/violence/98030014.html | |
86. Juvenile Justice Terms/Definitions residential, communitybased alternative schools for delinquent Community schoolsare located in Fulton Detention Programs The georgia Juvenile Proceedings http://www.djj.state.ga.us/djjglossary.htm | |
87. People.htm on a regular basis in college campuses, alternative schools, DUI schools, parentprograms training, and to provide support in the georgia Risk Reduction http://www.askpri.org/people.htm | |
88. Alternative Education--Online Schools of Colleges and schools (responsible for Alabama, Florida, georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana Associationfor the Legal Support of alternative schools)) / Member of http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ja8i-brtl/alted.html | |
89. State Education Accountability Profiles: Georgia The georgia Department of Education produces an annual state's 180 school systemsand 1800 schools. programs, eg, gifted, vocational labs, alternative programs; http://www.ccsso.org/gaprofile.html | |
90. Eric Johnson For Senate so that local systems can establish these schools on a Assignment to an AlternativeSchool should be mandatory georgia should establish a new Juvenile Justice http://www.votejohnson.com/newsdescr.asp?RI=25 |
91. Senator Zell Miller, Democrat From Georgia a study by the University of georgia that shows dependence on foreign oil by buyingalternative fuel cars or by making their homes, schools and workplaces http://miller.senate.gov/ | |
92. Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation | Analysis Of 2002 Grants 100,000. Communities in schools of georgia Continued program support for CrossRoadsalternative schools program and Communities in schools. 1,000,000. http://www.jbwhitehead.org/analysis.html | |
93. Ishmael Community Schools Using Ishmael And Other Quinn Books State College and University, University of georgia, georgia Tech, Valdosta Alternativeschools Audubon Society Traveling School, Gaia Educational Outreach http://www.ishmael.com/Origins/Ishmael/Companion/schools.cfm | |
94. SEP GRANTS will help create a substantial AFV market in the State of georgia. 2. CLEAN CITIES/ALTERNATIVEFUELS FUNDING $50,000. Project Marietta City schools CNG Bus http://www.ccities.doe.gov/georgia.shtml | |
95. Alternatives To Expulsion 9 Prevention Services / Safe schools / Truancy, Rock A Collaborative Approach toAlternative Education for Hard Knock Peace Incorporated, Atlanta, georgia. http://www.ed.mtu.edu/safe/alternatives_to_expulsion_9.htm | |
96. Online Athens: Local Web Guide Recreation and Sports Education K12 Colleges and Universities alternative SchoolsLibraries Government Athens-Clarke County Oconee County georgia State Health http://www.onlineathens.com/webguide/ | |
97. Catoosa County Public Schools Provides information on schools in Catoosa County, georgia.Category Regional North America Education School Districts......2002 georgia Superintendent of the Year PO Box 130 Ringgold, georgia 30736 Preparing CatoosaCounty schools will be the system of choice for students and http://www.catoosa.k12.ga.us/ | |
98. FindLaw For Law Students Select a Practice Area. http://stu.findlaw.com/schools/usaschools/georgia.html | |
99. Youth At Risk Exemplary Project Award from the georgia Governor's Advisory The Adventure BasedAlternative School is a in developing their own schoolsnotably University http://www.pa.org/youthatrisk.asp | |
100. RCPS School Directory We also have three special entities an alternative school All eleven elementaryschools have fullday kindergarten programs for five Conyers, georgia 30094. http://www.rockdale.k12.ga.us/CenOfficePARENTLEVEL/School Directory.htm | |
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