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Georgia Alternative Schools: more detail | |||||
61. Georgia -- Sources [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] administrative districts (some have an alternative web site American Civil LibertiesUnion of georgia Law schools Admission to Practice Continuing Legal http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?ga |
62. The GSU Signal - Georgia's Forests: An Endangered Species? The 26 georgia counties containing national forest land also possible, fewer forestsequal less money for schools. Service doesn't reinstate alternative C, the http://www.gsusignal.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2003/02/04/3e3e89436d5d1 | |
63. School Safety On The Forefront: State Legislative Approaches California, georgia and Minnesota are among the states that have included after atriskpay for teachers who work in alternative schools serving violent http://www.ncsl.org/programs/cyf/CFFCArticle.htm | |
64. Education World® - K12 Schools : Primary : Private : North America : USA : Geor Providence is accredited by the georgia Accrediting Commission. 9_12;_PROF; WholeNurseinfo on staff nursing, holistic nursing, alternative medicine, cancer http://db.education-world.com/perl/browse?cat_id=4560 |
65. BTS: State Energy Program - Special Projects In Georgia 1998 , Fosters The Development of A Sustainable alternative Fuels Market. 1999-, georgia Clean Cities Support. 1999 -, Marietta City schools CNG Bus Project. http://www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/state_energy/projects/cfm/states/ga_sp.cfm | |
66. Great News For NASS And NASS Schools Communities in schools of georgia, Atlanta, GA (receiving $6.3 municipal leadershipin support of developing alternative high schools in communities http://www.streetschools.com/14press/14press.html | |
67. Schools - Harris County Georgia Chamber Of Commerce County School System PO Box 388, Hamilton, georgia 31811 (706 Public schools HarrisCounty School System (Website Crossroad alternative School Hamilton 6287452. http://www.harriscountychamber.org/schools.htm | |
68. Georgia State University News & Events require an intensive summer institute in the schools, along with coursework at GeorgiaState Atlanta Public schools has a similar alternative training program http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwexa/news/archive/education/02_shortage.htm | |
69. Georgia State University News & Events will be to work with state leaders to increase the pool of education graduates whowant to teach in georgia schools. By offering an alternative path to teacher http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwexa/news/archive/education/01_eddeanrel.htm | |
70. About Us received from the state of georgia's alternative Education Program As an alternativeeducation facility, it serves Gwinnett County and the Buford City schools. http://www.korrnet.org/give/introduction.html | |
71. Capitol Punishment Midsized georgia cities could also fall under GRETA's jurisdiction. lawmakers complainedthat Barnes' $12 million boost for alternative schools would punish http://www.flagpole.com/Issues/02.03.99/capitolpunish.html | |
72. SavannahNOW: Our Schools: School Profiles who make that assumption are misinformed about the georgia Teacher alternative PreparationProgram. SavannahChatham County Public schools report verifiable http://www.savannahnow.com/features/ourschools/2001news.shtml | |
73. MediVibe.com - Medical Schools honoring the field of alternative Medicine as admission information, online coursesand medical schools. Medical College of georgia Health sciences university http://www.medivibe.com/medical_schools.shtml | |
74. Georgia - LAW FIRMS georgia alternative Dispute Resolution (1). HG Law Related Services Service providersand consultants HG Law schools HG Legal Associations Every Legal http://www.hg.org/firms-georgia.html | |
75. Engineering Outreach Jasper County located in central georgia is a community that has four schools allconcentrated in Academy and Washington Park alternative School simultaneously http://www.engr.uga.edu/service/outreach/Japer County.htm | |
76. Georgia Schools Of Nursing On: The Nurse Friendly University System of georgia Board of Regents http//www Modest Gains, However, ComeAs Many schools Work to healthcare, up to 30% on alternative Chiropractic http://www.nursefriendly.com/nursing/nursingschools/georgia.schools.of.nursing.h | |
77. Schools Serving Harris County Georgia Crossroads alternative 132 Barnes Mill Road, Hamilton, GA 31811. Harris County High8281 georgia Highway 116, PO Box 448, Hamilton, GA 31811, (706) 6284278. http://www.harris-county.com/business/school.htm | |
78. Middle Georgia Clean Cities The Bibb County Superintendent of schools, Ms. Sharon buses and to the transitionto alternativefueled vehicles The georgia State Energy Office will make funds http://www.mga-cleancities.com/founders.asp | |
79. Habitats Homepage provide alternative classroom setting. to developing a Schoolyard Wildlife Habitatin georgia includes tips CERTIFIED schools Find a certified school near you. http://www.gwf.org/schools2.htm | |
80. Homeschool/Alternative Links homeschooling as a viable alternative for the HandsOn Curriculum, Curriculum/schools,Associations, Message Cherokee and Forsyth counties, georgia) who want http://w3.gorge.net/cannon/home.html | |
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