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21. Untitled Document Conducts research and consultations in the field of remote sensing, geology, geotechnical engineering, mineral and water resources, natural hazard assessment and environmental impacts. projects, publications and activities. http://www.georisk.am/ | |
22. WELCOME To The DEPARTMENT Of GEOLOGY and the Department of geology collaborate closely in ongoing research projects, undergraduate teaching and postgraduate http://www.wits.ac.za/science/geology |
23. TCD Palynology And Organic Petrology Index Worldwide research and consultancy in palynology and organic petrology at Trinity College Dublin, especially on the Devonian and Carboniferous. Site includes Ph.D. projects and publications. http://www.tcd.ie/Geology/Staff/gclayton/index.html | |
24. University Department Of Geology, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Information on the department, including courses, the faculty, and research projects. http://www.geolmlsu.org/ | |
25. USGS Coastal And Marine Geology Program FY2000 Research Projects The US Geological Survey's Coastal and Marine geology Program research projectsfor 2000. Coastal and Marine geology Program FY2000 research projects. http://marine.usgs.gov/cmgprojects.html | |
26. USGS Geologic Information About The New England States Highlights selected research projects in the six New England states conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey. http://geology.er.usgs.gov/states/new_eng.html | |
27. Yemen Geoarchaeology Project The goals of this project are to document past interactions between human activity, landscape modification, and climate in a region which is presently extremely arid and supports little vegetation. http://www.cas.usf.edu/geology/research/paleoenvironmental/quaternary/projects/y | |
28. Geology Research ones. research projects. Remote Sensing of Archaeological Sites inNorthern Ireland; Offshore Faults Found Using Seismic Reflection; http://seis.natsci.csulb.edu/geoinfo/geolres.html | |
29. Current Research Projects In Geology A number of research projects are in progress by staff and visitingfellows of the geology Department. Climate Studies; CRC LEME; http://geology.anu.edu.au/Research.html | |
30. Geology Salzburg > Research Projects Translate this page Current scientific research projects of the Working Group “geology and Geodynamics”at the Inst. of geology and Palaeontology, Salzburg University. http://www.sbg.ac.at/gew/research/research.htm | |
31. Coastal Geology Group Research Projects A goal of the Coastal geology Group is to make this knowledge available to governmentalplanners, decision makers and the Our primary research projects include http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/coasts/cgg_projects.html | |
32. Student Research Projects; Geology/Environmental Science For the Future Listed By Faculty Supervisor Below is a list of prospective studentresearch projects available in the Department of geology and Environmental http://geollab.jmu.edu/studresrch/pastresrch.html | |
33. Research Projects For Geology geology Club. Geological Links Cool Links. West Texas geology. Permian Basin Oil.Departmental News What's New! research projects. Field Trips. Faculty FAQs. http://www.utpb.edu/UTPB_Adm/AcademicAffairs/CollegeOfArtScience/DeptOfScienceMa | |
34. P.M.A.: Geology - Research & Projects The Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History geology research projects. Glacial erratic Ron Mussieux, our curator, continues http://www.pma.edmonton.ab.ca/natural/geology/research/research.htm | |
35. Research Projects Sedimentary Geology Institute Staff research Journal Info, Sedimentary geology Group researchIm Neuenheimer Feld 234 D69120 Heidelberg research projects http://www.uni-heidelberg.de/institute/fak12/geol/sediment/research.html | |
36. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS - Michael S. Smith - Geology, Geochemistry, Ceramic Pe My research in this area has been addressed at are a few examples of the projectsI have the connections between archaeology, mineralogy and geology, click on http://people.uncw.edu/smithms/projects.html | |
37. GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH PROJECTS - Michael S. Smith - Geology, Geochemistry, C GRADUATE STUDENT research projects. Christine M. Tappen (Hofstra University, NewYork. BS geology 1995) has completed her master's thesis (UNC Wilmington. http://people.uncw.edu/smithms/graduates.html | |
38. Research Projects The research projects in the Division of geology are focused on geologicaland geographical problems. In geology the emphasis is http://www.raunvis.hi.is/~xander/ANNUALS/ensku96/node36.html | |
39. K.U.Leuven Research Database geology, physical geography Subdivision domain geology, physicalgeography, research projects domain geology, physical geography. http://cwisdb.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/research/P/domain/P005.htm | |
40. K.U.Leuven Research Database KU.Leuven research projects in scientific domain Mineral deposits, economic geology. researchprojects in scientific domain Mineral deposits, economic geology http://cwisdb.cc.kuleuven.ac.be/research/P/domain/P430.htm | |
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