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61. U.S. Geological Surveys Fiscal Year 2002 Budget US geological surveys Fiscal Year 2002 Budget. June 22, 2001. TheAmerican Society for Microbiology (ASM), representing over 42,000 http://www.asmusa.org/pasrc/usgsbudget2002.htm | |
62. State Geological Surveys STATE geological surveys. ALABAMA, (205) 349 2852, TUSCALOOSA, AL,35486-9780, http//www.gsa.tuscaloosa.al.us. ALASKA, (907) 474 - 7147, http://www.geo.utulsa.edu/surveys.html | |
63. OECD Macrothesaurus - GEOLOGICAL SURVEYS OECD Macrothesaurus geological surveys. ID 3732 KW geological surveysBT SURVEYS RT AERIAL SURVEYS RT GEOLOGY RT REMOTE SENSING http://info.uibk.ac.at/info/oecd-macroth/en/3732.html | |
64. Geological Surveys geological surveys. geological surveys initiated. 298 35 70 70 Fax +298 35 70 75Email oms@oms.fo. The Beginning geological surveys First Nomination . http://www.oms.fo/uk/petrol_history_surveys.htm | |
65. Geological Surveys Department Becomes An Institute - Dec 2000 Tick to receive updates. N B I, geological surveys Department Becomes An Institute(Posted Dec 2000) Tell your friends about this page! Email it to them. http://www.nigeriabusinessinfo.com/archive/geologynews.htm | |
66. British Columbia's Geological Surveys, 1895-1995 GAC Pacific Section Sponsored Publications. British Columbia's geological surveys,18951995 A Century of Science and Dedication. by Atholl Sutherland Brown. http://web.uvic.ca/ceor/GAC-Pac/gsbhist.html | |
67. Provisional Report On Geological Surveys In Relation To Groundstone Study - Cata Provisional Report on geological surveys in Relation to GroundstoneStudy Catalhoyuk 1998. by Adnan Baysal. This season, in 1998 http://catal.arch.cam.ac.uk/catal/Archive_rep98/baysalstone98.html | |
68. Many Geological Surveys Possess Vast Amounts Of Extremely Valuable Data Collecte Many geological surveys possess vast amounts of extremely valuable data collectedover decades. You will see that there are 15 national geological surveys. http://www.sbg.ac.at/geo/eogeo/authors/ovadia/ovadia1.htm | |
69. University Of Leicester, University Library - Information Sources: Geological Su geological surveys Introduction. This page is a guide to geological surveysin the University of Leicester Library. British geological surveys. http://www.le.ac.uk/li/sources/subject3/geol/geosur.html | |
70. Geological Surveys ALPHABETICAL LISTINGS (BY STATE) OF geological surveys http://www.pressroom.com/~cromag/survey.html | |
71. Geological Surveys USGS, IGS, USGS, IN. IL GS, KGS, OGS, MGS. geological surveys. TheIndiana Geological Survey Web pages were completely revised in 2002. http://www.geology.iupui.edu/Outreach/pgi/geo-surveys.htm | |
72. Northern Geoservices: Your Window On The Sub-surface Northern Geoservices. geological surveys Many people require informationon the surface and subsurface geology of an area. These http://www.northerngeoservices.com/index-page3.html | |
73. Geological Surveys/Societies Of Western States Utah Geological Association. providing society with information on Utah geology. Copyright2002, Utah Geological Association. Last Modified January 14, 2003. http://www.utahgeology.org/Western_States_GS.htm | |
74. LycosZone Directory > Homework > Science > Earth Sciences > Geology > Geological What kind of geological surveys Websites are you looking for? USGeologic Survey A site intended to both educate people about http://www.lycoszone.com/dir/Homework/Science/Earth Sciences/Geology/Geological | |
75. State Geological Surveys A web site provided by Mining Internet Services, Inc. Government Agencies Stategeological surveys. Date last updated August 02, 2000. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona. http://www.miningusa.com/govt/sgs.htm | |
76. North American Geological Surveys LISTING OF NORTH AMERICAN geological surveys Useful Addresses in theUnited States of America. United links. State geological surveys http://www.uoguelph.ca/~geology/glacial/survey.html | |
77. State Geological Surveys State geological surveys. Alabama, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Mexico,South Dakota. Alaska, Idaho, Michigan, New York, Tennessee. Arizona,Illinois, http://icarus.cc.uic.edu/stud_orgs/prof/geoclub/Statesurvey.htm | |
78. Tomfolio.com: Geography And Maps: Geological Surveys Search in SubCategory geological surveys. Title, For books that areFirst Edition Signed. Click title for more details. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?catid=60&subid=1062 |
79. Geological Surveys This is the entry for geological surveys in the Depository ServicesProgram Core Subject Thesaurus. geological surveys. USE Geology. http://dsp-psd.communication.gc.ca/Thesaurus/English/00002426.htm | |
80. James A. Gibson Library, Brock University-U.S. Geological Surveys Catalogues, Databases, Reference, Subject Resources, How Do I ? Services, ContactUs, Site Map. US geological surveys. State geological surveys (Univ. Tulsa). http://www.brocku.ca/library/research/earthsci/survey.htm | |
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