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41. MedWebPlus Web Site ID 3369 A free service to help you find health sciences information quickly and easily.National Center for genome resources (NCGR). http//www.ncgr.org/ http://www.medwebplus.com/obj/3369 | |
42. WWW> National Center For Genome Resources (NCGR) WWW National Center for genome resources (NCGR). *** From NetHappeningsModerator *** Date Tue, 25 Jul 1995 153445 +0700 From elsi@ncgr.org. http://scout.wisc.edu/addserv/NH/95-07/95-07-26/0000.html | |
43. Genome Resources EMBL, Genbank. Unigene, GSDB. genome resources. Human Human Genome CentralEnsEMBL Human Genome Browser GDB NCBI Genome Guide OMIM GeneLynx. Mouse http://kisac.cmb.ki.se/kisac/education/slides/data/genomedbs/genome10.html | |
44. Cold Spring Harbor Genome Resources Cold Spring Harbor genome resources, This page contains a set of resources ongenome research undertaken at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL). http://bioresearch.ac.uk/whatsnew/detail/3017483.html | |
45. Mouse Genome Resources Back to whats new page. Mouse genome resources, Mouse genome resourcesis produced by the US National Center for Biotechnology Information http://bioresearch.ac.uk/whatsnew/detail/9018843.html | |
46. Human Genome Resources Problems genome resources Questions. Use the Entrez genomes page to view thegenome of the obligate parasite Chlamydia trachomatis. What is http://info.med.yale.edu/intmed/education/course/genome_problems.html |
47. Human Genome Resources click on the title TITLE Human genome resources. AUTHORS NationalCenter for Biotechnology Information. SUBJECT CATEGORIES Science http://www.unl.edu:2020/alpha/Human_Genome_Resources.html | |
48. Bioinformatics Institutes And General Genome Resources GENERAL GENOMICS RESOURCES ANU Bioinformatics Facility Australian NationalUniversity Baylor College of Medicine - Human Genome Sequencing Center EBI http://www-nmr.cabm.rutgers.edu/webresources/bioinform_html/instggr.html | |
49. Agrifood Biz Directory: Research Centres United States Government. Nonprofit. Service Providers. Research Centres. Add Company.Research Centres National Center for genome resources, Go Back. http://www.agrifoodbiz.com/directory_2349.asp?itemId=6529&countryCode=US |
50. The Brutlag Bioinformatics Group - Resources MIPS); Microbialgenomes; Mycobacterium Genome Database (MycDB); NationalCenter for genome resources (GSDB SIGMA); Parasite-genome; http://motif.stanford.edu/resources.html | |
51. Neurospora As A Model Organism genome resources for Neurospora. The Neurospora crassa genome at theWhitehead Institute; German Neurospora Sequencing Project; ESTs http://www.fgsc.net/Neurospora/neuros.htm | |
52. BUBL LINK 572.8 Genome Mapping Jackson Laboratory Subjects animal genetics, mice DeweyClass 572.8 ResourceTypereference data Location usa National Center for genome resources The Center http://link.bubl.ac.uk/genomemapping/ |
53. DOE Awards $19.1M To National Center For Genome Resources, Sandia - 2002-07-25 - DOE awards $19.1M to National Center for genome resources, Sandia. TheDepartment of Energy (DOE) has awarded a $19.1 million Genomes http://albuquerque.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2002/07/22/daily15.html | |
54. Human Genome Project And Biology Resources Advanced Lifescience Information Systems(ALIS) National Center for BiotechnologyInformation (NCBI) National Center for genome resources (NCGR) National Human http://gdb.jst.go.jp/gdb/hgpResources.html | |
55. Genomic Resources Human genome resources NCBI compendium of Human Genome Project resources.Mouse genome resources NCBI resources for the Mouse Genome Project. http://scmgc.cmo.washington.edu/genomeresources.html | |
56. Ensembl Genome Browser Ensembl is a joint project between EMBLEBI and the Sanger Centre to develop a software system which Category Science Biology Bioinformatics...... Annotation of other features of the genome. Targeted connections toother genome resources worldwide. Easy access to the data via . http://www.ensembl.org/ | |
57. Biolinks GENERAL GENOMICS. EntrezGenome (NCBI); Genome Monitoring Table (daily update EBI);NCGR National Center for genome resources; NIH/NCBI HUMAN genome resources. http://www.bioplanet.com/links.htm | |
58. NetSci: Genomic Resources Sequence DataBase (GSDB). In August 1994, GSDB moved from LANL to theNational Center for genome resources in Santa Fe, New Mexico. http://www.netsci.org/Resources/Web/genome.html | |
59. Genomes And Databases Journals Genome Research. Resources Stanford genome resources; Genome Center/KRIBB@Korea; National Center for genome resourcesGenome tools for plant scientists. http://highveld.com/pages/genome.html | |
60. BioExchange.com Directory - Biotechnology Industry Resources, International, Mol National Center for genome resources 2935 Rodeo Park Drive East SantaFe New Mexico 87505 USA. Phone (505) 9827840 Toll-Free (800 http://directory.bioexchange.com/government_detail.cfm?co_id=4583 |
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