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Genetic Societies Inst & Assoc: more detail |
21. ISSXscience Absorption; Biliary excretion; genetic polymorphism; Compound profiles egmontelukast.Journal Links Scientific societies FASEB. AAAS. Nat.inst.Health. Nat.Lib.Med. http://www.issx.org/science.htm | |
23. Van Keuren Guide: Collections D-G correspondence and notebooks concerning a genetic study of Archeological inst.; AnthropologicalSoc. Omaha secret societies; Dobu ethnology; Chinese ethnography http://www.amphilsoc.org/library/guides/vank/D-G.htm | |
24. Lila's BioResearch Ethics Pages - Organizations Sciences (CIOMS) Federation of American societies for Experimental s Advisory Committeeon genetic Testing (SACGT Specimens Nat'l Human Genome Research inst. http://www.upekkha.net/orgs.html | |
25. Medical Ethics on the Web via J R Kennedy inst of Ethics Medical societies Unite Against FirearmInjuries - JAMA, Apr 2001; Consent in genetic Research in Iceland P Hauksson http://www.mic.ki.se/Diseases/k1.316.html | |
26. Parasitology Resources societies. Dresden Spezielle Zoologie; University of Düsseldorf genetic Parasitology;University of Parasitology Resources compiled at the Pasteur inst. http://www.medicine.cmu.ac.th/dept/parasite/links.htm | |
27. Calendar the Study of Islamic societies and Civilization inst., Molecular Pathogenesis Program,The Skirball inst. genetic Analysis of Malaria Sporozoite Infectivity http://record.wustl.edu/archive/1998/03-26-98/articles/calendar.html | |
28. The Lasker Foundation | Former Award Winners, Clinical Medical Research J. Natl. Cancer inst., 6610371052, 1981. Japan Scientific societies Press,Tokyo, pp. 221-231, 1988. In genetic analysis of tumor suppression. http://www.laskerfoundation.org/awards/library/1998c_cv_ak.shtml | |
29. Nat'l Academies Press, The National Academy Of Sciences: (1978), 9. The Research soso; NAS Archives inst assoc American Academy of Sciences Conference of LearnedSocieties Devoted to celebrated research on the genetic mechanism of sex http://www.nap.edu/books/0309025184/html/242.html | |
30. Nat'l Academies Press, Biographical Memoirs (1996), Morris Howard Hansen HOWARD HANSEN, macmillan publishing company, plant genetic resources, pharmacological Cooperationamong statistical and other societies, presidential ad inst. http://www.nap.edu/books/0309055415/html/116.html | |
31. Mindy's Memory - More Monkey Research Info ILAR inst LAB ANIM RESOUR JOURNAL 38(3) 142 B Adaptation and selforganizationin primate societies. West DB; York B Dietary fat, genetic predisposition, and http://www.mindysmem.org/other.html | |
32. ORICL - Science Courses has a PhD in geophysical science from the GA inst. return to the 18th and 19th centuryphilosophical societies. to develop a full personal genetic analysis and http://www.korrnet.org/oricl/Science.html | |
33. Lern.harvard.net/data/ldkoller.txt J Nat Cancer inst 1979;6310571064. of Immune Suppression as Induced by genetic,Therapeutic and Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin societies, Honolulu, Hawaii http://lern.harvard.net/data/ldkoller.txt |
34. Dr. Gail L. Wright, MD - Coastal Hematology & Oncology, PC PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS societies. Cancer inst., 85 13771381, 1993. B., Nesbitt,JC, Pass, HI, Caporaso, NE, Moir, DT, Tucker, MA genetic Polymorphism of http://www.coastaloncology.com/wright.cfm | |
35. Veterinary Information Resources Evet FDA Center for Vet Medicine inst. For genetic Disease Control National AnimalDisease Center Natl societies, Academies Associations for Veterinarians. http://www.geocities.com/cfah2000/res.htm | |
36. Untitled bring meaning in huge resources of genetic information have applications in functionsof societies of multicelluar Frankenhauser, Bernhard (oli/Karolinska inst). http://www.uku.fi/english/organizations/fips/fysio984.htm | |
37. Zoeken joint meeting of AMU and UNITAS (american and european malacological societies); Breden,F., Scott, M. Michel, E. (1987) genetic Differentiation for inst. Nat. http://www.bio.uva.nl/zma/core/00/03/20.HTML | |
38. Numero Argomento Autore and its dilemmas are clearly exclusive of certain privileged societies and groups 7Nowak R., genetic testing set for takeoff, Science 1994, 65 464 Cancer inst. http://www.centrobioetica.org/med-morale/mm_articoli/sorbone2.htm | |
39. On-line Resources societies. Dresden Spezielle Zoologie University of Duesseldorf genetic ParasitologyUniversity of Change Parasitology Resources compiled at the Pasteur inst. http://www.gzsums.edu.cn/xxgk/zyjs/bysw/resources.html | |
40. 1994 Roussel Lecture: A Biologic Basis For Changes In Breast Cancer Management that breast cancer is more prevalent in societies in which supported by our currentview of the genetic basis of J Natl Cancer inst 1990; 82 561569; Willett WC http://collection.nlc-bnc.ca/100/201/300/cdn_medical_association/cjs/vol-38/0402 | |
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