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81. PresidentS Resource Biography james A. garfield (1881). Sites james A. garfield National Historic USLabor History in 1920's during Harding's presidency; The United States Secret http://www.ibiblio.org/lia/president/pressites/PresidentS-list2.html | |
82. President Of The United States Of America - Wikipedia Martin Van Buren Lindenwald; james Buchanan - Wheatland; are now associated withthe us presidency and Congress (hence the original meaning of president ). http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States_of_America | |
83. Welcome To America Harding Tomb http//www.ohiohistory.org/places/hardtomb james A garfield NationalHistoric Birthplace Memorial http//www.mckinley.lib.oh.us/memorial.htm http://www.welcometoamerica.us/woh-jgarfieldbirthplace.html | |
84. Books James Buchanan, U.S. President - Brough's Books UK james Buchanan. Books on the 15th president of the United States. president jamesBuchanan A Biography by Philip S. Kelin (Hardcover May 1995) Special Order, http://www.dropbears.com/b/books_uk/history/buchanan.htm | |
85. Books On President James Garfield james garfield. Books on the 20th president of the United States. http://www.dropbears.com/b/books_uk/history/garfield.htm | |
86. American Presidents History Resources American Presidents. History of the Presidency us Presidents. Millard Fillmore. GeraldR. Ford. james Abram garfield. james A. garfield. Ulysses S. Grant. http://www.snowcrest.net/jmike/ampres.html | |
87. James A. Garfield Comprehensive biography from Virtualology.Category Society History presidents garfield, james Abram...... oclock in the morning with Mr. james G. Blaine whos application to be the USambassador to France was denied, fired two shots at president garfield. http://www.jamesgarfield.org/ | |
88. Hathaway Brown School - James A. Garfield Biography Although he was later elected to the us Senate, his nomination as a candidate forthe presidency at the 1880 Republican convention james A. garfield served as http://www.hb.edu/school/primary/resources/Early_Cleveland/garfield.htm | |
89. Internet Public Library: POTUS About the IPL Privacy Policy Contact us. Sponsored by. Ulysses Simpson Grant, 18691877;Rutherford Birchard Hayes, 1877-1881; james Abram garfield, 1881; http://www.ipl.org/div/potus/ | |
90. IPL POTUS -- Presidents Of The United States Birchard Hayes, 18771881; james Abram garfield, 1881; james Earl Carter, Jr., 1977-1981;Ronald Wilson Reagan us Presidents Books DVD Video cover Truman by http://www.potus.com/ | |
91. Alphabetical Listing - James Garfield: North Shore Manuscript Co., Inc. james A. garfield (18311881) Partly Printed Document Signed February 2, 1867. TwentiethUS president, served in Civil War 1861-1863, major general of volunteers http://www.northshoremanuscript.com/alpha/garfieldalpha.html | |
92. Garfield, James A.--NSH Statue james Abram garfield, born November 19, 1831, was the last garfield became a majorgeneral in the Union Army during the Civil War and served in the us House of http://www.aoc.gov/cc/art/nsh/garfield.htm | |
93. Garfield, James Abram FD Williams (196781); TC Smith, Life and Letters of james A. garfield (1925, repr Aboutus Contact us Link to Infoplease Add Infoplease search to your http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0820215.html | |
94. Genealogy Of The US Presidents The Whitehouse also supplies us Government Information about the Presidents. PresidentialIndex. 18811881 james Abram garfield; 1881-1885 Chester Alan http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/presidents/presidents.html | |
95. The Presidents Page Ford Library@. james garfield. IPL POTus jamesAbram garfield. jamesA. garfieldwhitehouse.gov. BenjaminHarrison k12.fl.us. BenjaminHarrison lane.edu. http://www.ridgewood.k12.nj.us/WWW/BF/library/9798/presidents.html | |
96. US President And Preacher The link about will take you to a biog of us president james Garfieldwho was also a preacher, plus an excerpt from one of his sermons. http://www.dcregistry.com/forums/religion/messages/1089.html | |
97. The Political Graveyard: Index To Politicians: Gardthausen To Garlak Father of james Rudolph garfield. member of Ohio state senate, 185961; lawyer; generalin the Union Army during the Civil War; us Representative from http://politicalgraveyard.com/bio/gareche-garlak.html | |
98. Out2Teach.com 0); Ford, Gerald Rudolph (0); garfield, james Abram (0 Pierce, Franklin (12); Polk,james Knox (0); Reagan us Presidents A Presidential Exploration The Oval http://www.out2teach.com/link/people and biographies/us presidents | |
99. QuoteWorld.org - Home To 14,254 Quotations And Growing! The spirit should not grow old. james Abram garfield (183181), 20th USPresident, Republican More about the author, Email this quote to a friend! http://www.quoteworld.org/author.php?thetext=James Abram Garfield |
100. Garfield, James A(bram) garfield, james A(bram). garfield, 1880. By courtesy of the Library of Congress,Washington, DC. 19, 1831, near Orange in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USd. Sept. http://search2.eb.com/elections/micro/227/8.html |
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