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81. ATCC: Mycology And Botany Collection ATCC's mycology and botany Collection houses over 27,000 strains of filamentousfungi and yeast distributed among 1,500 genera and 7,000 species. http://www.atcc.org/SearchCatalogs/Mycology_Botany.cfm | |
82. Botanical Books - Specialist Scientific And Reference Books Including Systematic mycology. A full listing of fungi and collecting sites to found inKent, Surrey, East and West Sussex. For each taxon there is the http://www.kewbooks.co.uk/asps/Search.asp?types=yes&type=Mycology |
83. Internet Directory For Botany: Algae, Bryophytes, Fungi Index to the Index of fungi, USDA's Systematic botany and MycologyLaboratory. This is an index to the Index of fungi compiled by http://www.botany.net/IDB/subject/botcryp.html | |
84. The Botany Department At The Field Museum Research Staff Collections History. botany is the scientific studyof plants and fungi. Scientists in the Department of botany at http://www.fmnh.org/research_collections/botany/default.htm | |
85. HeaderZoology Links From Dordt College and Ethnobotanical Databases BIODIDAC (Great Images and other useful things) Botanyonline The Introduction to the fungi mycology Resources MykoWeb http://homepages.dordt.edu/~mahaffy/morphcon.shtml | |
86. Mycology 45, Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory. Research into the systematics offungi and vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and http://www.ad.com/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
87. Directory :: Look.com Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory Research into the systematics of fungiand vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=27700 |
88. Mycology In Science > Biology Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory. Research into the systematics offungi and vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and http://ilectric.com/browse/web/Science/Biology/Mycology/ | |
89. AnsMe Directory - Science > Biology > Mycology 44. Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory Research into the systematics offungi and vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and http://dir.ansme.com/science/27700.html | |
90. INSTITUTE OF BOTANY. Botanica Lithuanica ecology) Institute of botany Graþina Adamonytë (Secretary; myxomycetes, generalmycology, ecology of fungi) Institute of botany Ernestas Kutorga http://www.botanika.lt/bi/botli_en.htm | |
91. BioDirectory.Net - Biological Sciences Search Engine Informative, easy to understand and colourful website about mushrooms and otherfungi, including photos. Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory Research http://www.bioinformatics.vg/cgi-bin/odp/index.cgi?base=/Science/Biology/Mycolog |
92. Links SQL: Biological Science/Plants Animals And The Environment/Botany/Diversit fungi.html (Added Sun Jul 15 2001). mycology Resources General Resources Linkshttp//biodiversity.bio.uno.edu/~fungi/fgeneral.html (Added Wed Jun 12 2002). http://www.mhhe.com/links/1253/1249/1181/1127/ | |
93. Spezielle Botanik Und Mykologie Translate this page Die Seiten des Lehrstuhls für Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie sind umgezogen.http//www.systbot.uni-tuebingen.de. http//www.mycology.uni-tuebingen.de. http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/bbm/ | |
94. : Botany/Diversity_of_Fungi http://www.mhhe.com/links/pages/Botany/Diversity_of_Fungi/ | |
95. Index Of /~jamesj/4124 Material will be posted some time after the completion of the chapter in question.Unit One An Introduction to mycology And Fungal Biology. mycology Links. http://www.cameron.edu/~jamesj/4124/ | |
96. Redbud Chapter Of CNPS, Other Links Other links. If you come across other links that should go on this page,please let us know. Placer county links would be especially welcome http://www.nccn.net/~cnps/othlinks.htm | |
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