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41. Toxigenic Fusarium Species W F O Marasas Mycology Fungi Botany & Plant Sciences Toxigenic Fusarium Species WFO Marasas mycology fungi botany plantsciences Taxonomy systematics. Toxigenic Fusarium Species http://www.scifiteam.co.uk/W-F-O-Marasas-Toxigenic-Fusarium-Specie-0271003480.ht | |
42. Mycology At Humboldt State University botany 360 (Biology of Fleshy fungi)Lecture; botany 360L (Biology of Fleshy fungi)-Laboratory; botany 394 (Forest Pathology); botany 559 (Advanced mycology). http://www.humboldt.edu/~dll2/courlist.htm | |
43. Micologia Translate this page MykoWeb Mushrooms, fungi, mycology. Online Lecture Slides in Medical Virology, Univ.of Rochester Medical Center. OSU botany and Plant Pathology botany 461-561. http://icb.usp.br/~mlracz/micologia/micologia.htm | |
44. Education Planet Science And Engineering,Life Sciences,Botany,Mycology Lesson Pl Home/Science and Engineering/Life Sciences/botany mycology (2). Web Sites (12 of2) 1. Introduction to the fungi - Introduction to the fungi Of athlete's foot http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Science_and_Engineering/Life_Sciences/Bota | |
45. CRDConcept: Fungi: Mycology Studies, Culturing Institute of Medical mycology (TIMM) The database includes list of 1631 speciesrelated to toxic fungi Systematic botany and mycology databases Searchable of http://alcor.concordia.ca/~raojw/crd/concept/concept000346.html | |
46. OSU Botany Pathology Joseph W. Spatafora of Research Research in...... spatafoj@bcc.orst.edu Research Area mycology; systematics and evolutionarybiology of fungi. http://ocid.nacse.org/students/Fungi/Labpage.html | |
47. Education: Mycology to the fungi (University of California, Berkeley) Outstanding introduction intomycology. Introduction to Mycorrhiza; Introduction to mycology botany 461/561 http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/mykologie_lehrmittel.html | |
48. Slovenská Mykologická Spoločnosť Pri SAV Bratislava Institute of botany (Botanický ústav), Bratislava Dunaji Departmentof mycology monitoring of plant pathogenic fungi. Institute http://fungi.sav.sk/page/E7a_slovmycol.htm | |
49. History Of Mycology In The United States Described several new fungi (Agarics) in Reports of botany Department, CornellUniversity Agaricaceae and systematic mycology; had several students. http://www.towson.edu/~wubah/mycology/History of mycology the US.htm | |
50. HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY mycology in England; wrote over 400 mycology papers and named approximately 6000species of fungi. Wrote Introduction to Cryptogamic botany (1857) and http://www.towson.edu/~wubah/mycology/European mycological history.htm | |
51. Biol 4223 - Fungi Course Web Page - Atkins Library SYSTEMATIC botany AND mycology FUNGAL DATABASES Databases developed at the US NationalFungus Collections provide access to information about fungi, primarily http://libweb.uncc.edu/ref-lifesci/biol/fungi2.htm | |
52. UNE: Botany: BOTY 270 & 370 6. Understand the economic importance of fungi. Brown, JF and Ponter,CJ (1998) Laboratory Exercises in mycology. botany Dept., UNE. http://www.une.edu.au/botany/boty270-370.html | |
53. UNE: Botany: D. Backhouse Teaching I teach mycology (the biology of fungi) and plant pathology in and climatechange on the geographical distribution of fungi and plant botany Home Page. http://www.une.edu.au/botany/dbres.htm | |
54. Links CMF ISB (Collection of Microscopic fungi of ISB). Czech mycology. CzechoslovakSociety for Microbiology. Department of botany, Faculty of Science, Charles http://www.natur.cuni.cz/cvsm/links.htm | |
55. Natural History Museum: Research And Collections: Botany A. Wilson, Ph.D., Research Associate in botany, Ferns; and expand the understandingand appreciation of mycology (that is the study of mushrooms and fungi). http://www.nhm.org/research/botany/ | |
56. Untitled Phytopathology (Fungal Pathogenes). Application of fungi in Biotechnology. Applicationof GIS in mycology and Lichenology. MSc Program in botany (Higher plants). http://www.biofac.uni-sofia.bg/botany/botany.htm | |
57. Oberwinkler: Botany And Mycology to include the Tübingen chairs of botany in 1985 first time. Three projects in tropicalmycology were financed to start a Digital Exsiccate of fungi for the http://people.systbot.uni-tuebingen.de/~foberw/Botany.html | |
58. ASU Lichen Herbarium: Links Databases of Systematic botany and mycology. German Society for mycology DGfM (inGerman). mycology Net Information about diversity of fungi (in cooperation with http://ces.asu.edu/ASUlichens/Links/Links.html | |
59. Fungi Information Sources Dr. Fungus. Indoor fungi Resources DEHS, UMN. Introduction to the fungi. mycologyOnline. MykoWeb. Systematic botany and mycology Fungal Databases. Back to the Top http://www.exploratorium.edu/ls/infosources/FungiInfo.html | |
60. Graduate Programs, Biol. Sci. botany, Plant Biology, mycology, including plant transmission of plant viruses, microscopyand systematics of zoosporic fungi, mycology, physiology and http://www.umesci.maine.edu/biology/graduate.htm | |
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