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21. Botany 930 Info Page Topics for Fall 2000 will center on fungi symbiotic with ejournals and other infoother mycology at UW to botany course descriptions at the Center for Biology http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/courses/bot930.html | |
22. Government Mycology Sites Agriculture Canada Systematic mycology/botany Section The Systematic mycologySection consists of research on Plant Disease fungi, fungi Resources, The http://www.fungi.ca/govsites.htm | |
23. Post Secondary Mycology Contacts the association of plants with microorganisms, particularly fungi. The Departmentof botany of the University of a long tradition in mycology stretching back http://www.fungi.ca/uniprograms.htm | |
24. Botany Lab Help - Ex. 11 BIO 2500 Principles of botany Kean University, Union, NJ. mycology Image Archive-drawings, Mycological Resources, fungi - fun facts the hidden kingdom. http://www.kean.edu/~biology/botlab11.html | |
25. ARS Beltsville Area :: Plant Sciences Institute Institute The mission of the Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory is to increasetheknowledge and application of the systematics of fungi and vascular http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/locations/locations.htm?modecode=12-75-39-00 |
26. Introduction To The Fungi traditionally studied in botany. In the case of fungi, mycology isthat part of botany that studies fungi. Although fungi are no http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/wong/Bot201/Myxomycota/Introduction.htm | |
27. World Species List - Mushrooms, Fungi Databases plants fungi list , www.life.uiuc.edu life.uiuc.edu; plants mycology,mushroomslist North Carolina, NC Duke U., linnaeus.botany.duke.edu, US linnaeus.botany http://species.enviroweb.org/omush.html | |
28. Home > Natural Resources And Plant Science > Fungi And Mycology The Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory (SBML The SBML aims to increase theknowledge and application of the systematics of fungi and vascular plants http://agrifor.ac.uk/hb/dd79b928c523eed4f84d0938a5252099.html | |
29. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To fungi; mycology; botany/Societies, etc.; Mycological Society of SanFrancisco (MSSF); North American Mycological Society (NAMA). http://nature.ac.uk/browse/579.506.html | |
30. BIOME OMNI VETGATE BIORESEARCH NATURAL SELECTION AGRIFOR Link To The Web site of the Chair of Special botany and mycology (= Spezielle Botanik Mykologie) describes Digital Exsiccate of fungi is a database available http://nature.ac.uk/browse/579.16.html | |
31. Catching Up On Mycology Find more information about fungi in books, journals, and PlantMicrobe Interactions,Plant Biology, and Medical mycology. Tom got his Ph.D. in botany in 1988 http://perth.uwlax.edu/Biology/volk/plpath/ | |
32. Botany Homework Help, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide WWW Virtual Library mycology Web resources on mushrooms and other fungi. International.botany Online (University of Hamburg) Make sure that you scroll down http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/homework/botany.html | |
33. Undergraduate Studies In Mycology mycology encompasses all subjects relating to fungi and is an equivalentfield of study to botany, zooology and bacteriology. Therefore http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/MallochLab/Undergraduate_Studies.html | |
34. Mycology Web Page Because fungi cannot be observed directly, their biology must be The Department ofBotany of the University of has a long tradition in mycology stretching back http://www.botany.utoronto.ca/ResearchLabs/MallochLab/index.stm | |
35. Botany Libraries Cryptogamic Links of fungi, ways to teach mycology using the internet, and the famous Fungus of theMonth. Introductory mycology by Dr. Joey Spatafora of the Dept. of botany http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/cryptogamic.htm | |
36. Farlow Reference Library Of Cryptogamic Botany Folder 37 Notebook, Specimen notes on fungi, 1898 Folder 38 - Notebook - Miscellaneousnotes on mycology Folder 39 - Notebook - Miscellaneous notes on botany. http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/archives/blackford.html | |
37. Wits Botany Department - Mycology Research mycology Research. Previous level Mycological research in the botany Department iscarried out in two main areas 1. Developmental aspects of fungi, including http://www.wits.ac.za/fac/science/botany/mycolres.htm |
38. GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE OF MYCOLOGY (1995) 589.2 L327M. Webster, J. Introduction to fungi. (1980) 589.2 W39I. DIRECTORIESThe Internet Directory for botany. The WWW Virtual Library mycology. http://gateway.library.uiuc.edu/Bix/subjguides/mycology.htm | |
39. OSU Botany & Plant Pathology: Joseph W. Spatafora of Research. BOT490H Special Topics in mycology/ Spring fungi of the Oregon Cascades....... mycology; systematics and evolutionary biology of fungi. http://www.bcc.orst.edu/bpp/faculty/spatafora/ | |
40. BOT*3200 Course Profile, Department Of Botany, University Of Guelph Link to botany Main Page, BOT*3200 mycology. Course Profile. Gain an appreciationand a working knowledge of fungi involved in so many aspects of our daily lives. http://www.uoguelph.ca/botany/courses/BOT3200/profile.htm | |
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