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Fungi Mycology Botany: more books (100) | ||||||||||||
1. Systematic Botany & Mycology Research into the systematics of fungi and vascular plants essential to solving problems in sustainable and conventional agriculture. US Dept of Agriculture http://nt.ars-grin.gov |
2. OSU: Botany And Plant Pathology: Botany 461/561 Welcome to the web site for botany 461/561, Introductory mycology. This course is oriented towards have not previously taken a course on fungi. The course syllabus, lecture http://www.nacse.org/ocid/bot461 | |
3. ATCC: Mycology And Botany Collection: Fungi And Yeasts Catalog mycology Collection houses over 27 000 strains of filamentous fungi and yeasts distributed among 1 500 genera and 7 000 species. The botany http://www.atcc.org/SearchCatalogs/Fungi_Yeasts.cfm | |
4. Mycology Homepage, University Of Tübingen The Digital Exsiccate of fungi is an online database offering descriptions of fungi complemented by detailed illustrations. Other WWWsites with mycological Information Key to Armillaria species. chair of Special botany and mycology, University of Tübingen, Germany. The Digital Exsiccate of fungi is an online http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/bbm/mycology/homepage.htm | |
5. Fungi (Mycology) Botanical web portal with commented links. Botanical Web Portal. fungi (mycology). . mycology Resources Extensive link collection. are often successful as well. (English). www.botany.ch. Homepage. 2 November 2002 http://www.botany.ch/fungi.jsp |
6. Systematic Botany And Mycology Laboratory - Identifying Fungi Interactive keys, images, descriptions, distributions, literature and nomenclature for the genera Trichoderma, Hypomyces, Ravenelia, and Tilletia http://nt.ars-grin.gov/taxadescriptions/keys/ |
7. Tom Volk's Fungi-- Including Mushrooms, Mycology, Molds, Indoor Air Quality, Mor Information on mushrooms and mycology. Mushroom Forays and Workshops information. Teaching with Images of fungi. Mycological resources. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/toms_fungi/ | |
8. LGC: ATCC Mycology And Botany Collection: Fungi And Yeasts Catalog: Advanced Fie about mushrooms and other fungi, including photos. Systematic botany and mycology Laboratory Research into the http://www.lgcpromochem-atcc.com/SearchCatalogs/A_Fungi_Yeasts.cfm | |
9. Tom Volk's Fungi-- Including Mushrooms, Mycology, Molds, Indoor Air Quality, Mor Information and details, along with pictures, to aid in identifying both edible and poisonous varieties .Category Recreation Food Wild Foods...... can now search the entire botit.botany.wisc.edu using fungi in courses Holidayfungi Forays and Volk will be NonProfessional mycology Special Topics http://tomvolkfungi.net/ | |
10. Botany: Bryophyta & Fungi A photo gallery is included, as well as links to other lichen sites. fungi. FungalDatabases Systematic botany and mycology. Maintained by the US Dept. http://www.nbii.gov/disciplines/botany_old/fungi.html | |
11. World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Botany (Biosciences) Find links to botany newsgroups, institutes, articles, and research papers. Includes national and international organizations. botany (Biosciences). Information categorized first by provider, then by subject. Newsgroup Archive. bionet.mycology Research into fungi. Newsgroup Archive http://www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/www-vl | |
12. LGC: ATCC Mycology And Botany Collection Bacteriology. Bacteria. Bacteriophages. Cell Biology. Molecular Genomics. mycology botany. fungi Yeasts. Plant Tissue. Plant Seeds. Plant Virology. Protistology. http://www.lgcpromochem-atcc.com/SearchCatalogs/Mycology_Botany.cfm | |
13. School Of Botany@Unimelb - Mycology The mycology Group in the School of botany is a centre for We also contribute tostudies on the prevalence of asthmacausing fungi in Melbourne homes. http://www.botany.unimelb.edu.au/botanyunimelb/1pages/research/labs/mycology/myc | |
14. Botany 332 Home Page botany/Pla Path. 332. mycology. Spring 2003. fungi include a diverserange of symbionts (beneficial and pathogenic) and saprobes. This http://www.botany.wisc.edu/courses/botany_332/ | |
15. Botany 332, Why Study Fungi? botany/Plant Pathology 332 provides a basic introduction to the mycology at UW Madisonlists other courses and research at UW Madison that deal with fungi. http://www.botany.wisc.edu/courses/botany_332/whyfungi.html | |
16. Biodiversity (Mycology And Botany) The Biodiversity (mycology and botany) section consists of four study areas PlantDisease fungi Provides improved identification systems for economically http://res2.agr.gc.ca/ecorc/section4/index_e.htm | |
17. André Levesque, Ph.D. André Levesque, Ph.D. Plant Pathology. Systematic mycology/botany. PlantDisease fungi. 613759-1579. 613-759-1924. levesqueca@em.agr.ca. Projects. http://res2.agr.gc.ca/ecorc/personnel/leve_a_e.htm | |
18. MedBioWorld: Mycology Cultures Clinical mycology Online Dictionary of the fungi Dr. Fungus The World offungi Fungal Databases Systematic botany and mycology Fungal Genetics Stock http://www.sciencekomm.at/both/assocdb/mycology.html | |
19. Botany Lab Help - Ex. 11 mycology at Humboldt State Univer, Mycological Resources, fungi www.hiddenforest.co.nz/fungi/class/basidiomycotina clampconnection http//www.botany.utoronto.ca http://eve.kean.edu/~breid/Botany/botlab11.html | |
20. Botany 332 Index Page Why study fungi? A. Gargas agargas@facstaff.wisc.edu, Department of botany 242Birge. Text Introductory mycology, 4th ed, Alexopoulos, Mims Blackwell. http://botit.botany.wisc.edu/courses/Botany_332/ | |
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