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1. G95-1264-A; Storing Fresh Fruits And Vegetables fruits and vegetables. Susan D. Schoneweis, Extension CoordinatorHome/Environment hort. Durward A. Smith, Extension hort crops http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/g1264.htm | |
2. Prevention Of Post-harvest Food Losses Fruits, Vegetables And Root Crops A Train Prevention of postharvest food losses fruits, vegetables and root crops a training manual FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Acknowledgement is due to John Burden and R.B.H. http://www.fao.org/docrep/T0073E/T0073E00.htm | |
3. IPM - Fruits & Vegetables At University Of Illinois Home About IPM What's New? fruits vegetables Field crops Structural Public Health Issues Landscape Pest Management Other Resources. http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/ipm/fruits/fruits.html | |
4. Redirector Provides information on the production of tropical crops in Hawaii, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Topics include cultivars, cultural practices and pest management. http://agrss.sherman.hawaii.edu/bookshelf/fb.shtml | |
5. Insect Pest Management For Commercial Crops Links. Home fruits vegetables Field crops Structural PublicHealth Issues Landscape Pest Management Other Resources. http://www.aces.uiuc.edu/ipm/fruits/cucurbit/cucurbit.html | |
6. Habanero Hot Sauce, Passion Fruit, Passion Fruit Jelly, Mango Jelly, Key Lime Je Producer of export crops in Belize, Central America. Products include fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, and Belizian habanero pepper hot sauce. http://www.agroworld.com/ | |
7. MF1030 Storage Options Fruits And Vegetables Postharvest Management Postharvest Management of Commercial Horticultural crops Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service fruits vegetables The cooling process is one of the most important steps in the chain that brings fruits and vegetables. from the farm to the table. http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/hort2/mf1030.pdf |
8. IPM: Fruits And Vegetables fruits and vegetables. IL Fruit Vegetable News Related Websites Fruit crops Vegetable crops *. General Vegetable References. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/fr-veg/ | |
9. Purdue Extension Publications: Botany & Plant Pathology Covers diseases of field crops, fruits, ornamentals, turf and vegetables, and information on pesticide programs. http://persephone.agcom.purdue.edu/AgCom/Pubs/botany.htm | |
10. IPM : Insect Fact Sheets Field crops fruits vegetables Landscape Turf Greenhouse Home, Yard Garden Livestock. fruits,Landscape Turf, Mexican Bean Beetle, Field crops, vegetables. http://www.ipm.uiuc.edu/insects.html | |
11. IAHS Is Engaged In The Production And Marketing Of Hybrid Vegetable Seeds,flower Researches the propagation of a wide variety of crops including rice, vegetables, spices, fruits, flowers, and sells the resulting seeds and plants in India and worldwide. http://www.indamseeds.com/ | |
12. MF1033 Storage Operations Fruits And Vegetables Postharvest Management of Commercial Horticultural crops. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE the optimum range for the commodity. For. most fruits and vegetables, the optimum relative http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/library/hort2/MF1033.pdf |
13. Food Loss Prevention In Perishable Crops - 4. Fruits And Vegetables 4. fruits and vegetables. Losses will always occur in the absence of a dependablecommunication system. 4.2 Individual fruits and vegetables. http://www.fao.org/docrep/s8620e/S8620E0a.htm | |
14. BIOREBA Agricultural Plant Disease Virus Pathogens ELISA Diagnostics Detection Offers antibodies and ELISA kits for detecting virus pathogens in potatoes, grapevines, fruit trees, small fruits, ornamentals, vegetables and field crops. http://www.bioreba.com/ |
15. Earth's Most Unique Nursery! - World-wide Collection Of Exotic Fruits, Nuts, Veg Earth's most unique nursery! Worldwide Collection of Exotic fruits, Nuts, vegetables, New crops for the North. Subzero to SubTropical. Nationally acclaimed geo-botanical collection. http://www.exoticfruit.com/ | |
16. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Horticulture Online publications of the University of Nebraska cooperative extension targeted at homegrowers. Articles Category Home Gardens Plants Fruit...... MISCELLANEOUS. G271, When to Harvest fruits and vegetables, 0.25. NF404,Income Generation Using Alternative crops, 0.00. http://www.ianr.unl.edu/pubs/horticulture/ | |
17. Field Crops & Fruits/Nuts/Vegetables Field crops, Stocks fruits/Nuts/vegetables. http://www.nass.usda.gov/ar/bullcrop.htm | |
18. 57 Ways - 4. Identify Fruits And Vegetables That Need Fewer Pesticides Virtually all fruits and vegetables are attacked by insects and diseasecausingorganisms, but some crops suffer less insect and disease damage than others. http://www.thisland.uiuc.edu/57ways/57ways_4.html | |
19. Horticultural Crops - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service prominently in these publications, where you will also find information on alternativecrops and enterprises Postharvest Handling of fruits and vegetables, http://attra.ncat.org/horticultural.html | |
20. Fruits & Vegetables fruits Apple Cultivars For Wisconsin. vegetables 2001 All American Selections. Carrots,Celery, and Salad Greens view download. Cole crops view download. http://www.uwex.edu/ces/wihort/fruitveggies/ | |
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