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81. Spring '03 Roster - French Literature (FRLIT) CU info, Spring '03 Roster french literature (FRLIT). Arts and SciencesSpring '03 Course and Room Roster. french literature (FRLIT) http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/RSS3/RSS3FRLIT.html | |
82. Fall '02 Roster - French Literature (FRLIT) CU info, Fall '02 Roster french literature (FRLIT). Arts and SciencesFall '02 Course and Room Roster. french literature (FRLIT) http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/RSF2/RSF2FRLIT.html | |
83. French Literature french literature. This REF PQ41 B4 1994. A biobibliographical guidein four volumes to french literature world-wide through 1992. It http://oak.cc.conncoll.edu/~lmder/frenlit.html | |
84. CU-Boulder - Graduate Program In French Literature Graduate Program in french literature. Work with a dynamic faculty with an activeresearch and publication record in all areas of french literature. http://www.colorado.edu/FRIT/grmenu.html | |
85. French Classics french literature. Footnotes contain photos. If You Would Like to See the Listof Authors in Chronological Order, Click Here. ReadLiterature.Com Home Page. http://www.readliterature.com/french.htm | |
86. Harvard University Press/A New History Of French Literature A New History of french literature by Edited by DenisHollier, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/HOLNEW.html | |
87. French Literature Help Site Map. encyclopediaEncyclopedia french literature. french literature,writings in medieval French dialects and standard modern French. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/ent/A0819662.html | |
88. Mellen Subject Area: French - Literature 77347327-0. 7. Lesbian Desire in Post-1968 french literature by Cairns,Lucille Year 2002 ISBN 0-7734 7110-3. 8. Literary Narratives http://www.mellenpress.com/emp/mellenpress.cfm?catkey=63&pc=8 |
89. Master Of Arts In French Literature Master of Arts in french literature. The courses). For further informationon the MA in french literature, contact Prof. Maryann DeJulio. http://dept.kent.edu/mcls/french/ma_french.html | |
90. Home Catalog All Databases Express Links Site Search Help ARTFL (french literature). URL http//humanities.uchicago.edu/ARTFL/ARTFL.html.Proxy URLhttp//proxy.ohiolink.edu9099/login?url http://www.ohiolink.edu/resources/show_details.php?db=x_artfl |
91. Term Papers -- Essays -- Book Reports-- FRENCH LITERATURE & MORE Now ! All Papers OnFile Are Only $ 9.95/Page! **SAME DAY DELIVERY!**. Listing ExampleTerm Papers BOOK REPORTS EXAMPLE TERM PAPERS ON french literature. http://www.papers24-7.com/literature2-2.htm | |
92. Carleton University Library, Ottawa, Ontario. Canada. Phone: (613)520-2735 Located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In addition to contemporary materials, several special collections are maintained, including scholarly facsimiles of major medieval manuscripts in religion, paleography and art history; 17th and 18th century British history; 17th and 18th century Russian travel and description; french Revolutionary history; 19th century Canadian history; early Canadian literature; the Batchinsky Collection of over half a million items dealing with 19th and 20th century Ukrainian history and politics; and the Novosti Collection of materials dealing with Soviet society from 19171991. Research affiliation Center for Research Libraries. http://www.library.carleton.ca/ | |
93. WESSWEB: French Studies Web Online journals, secondary and critical material, literary theory, linguistics, special collections, and scholarly societies. http://www.library.uiuc.edu/ala/alawess/index.html | |
94. African Studies - African Literature Annotated links to African literature sites, including some in french. http://www.cc.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa/aflit.html | |
95. Tanbou / Tambour: Revue Trilingue Haïtienne Détudes Politiques Et Littérair Tanbou / Tambour is a journal of Haitian political and literary studies, published in English, french, and Hatian Creole. http://www.tanbou.com/index.html | |
96. Literatures A description of literature in Switzerland's German, french, Italian and Romanshspeaking regions by the Swiss embassy in Washington DC. http://www.eda.admin.ch/washington_emb/e/home/culedu/cultur/Litera.html | |
97. Canada Online - Canadian Government News Issues And Services Study the language, food and music. Explore literature, history and traditions, research genealogy, and read online frenchCanadian newspapers. From About.com. http://frenchcaculture.about.com/index.htm | |
98. E-Sappho Lesbian lifestyle site, events calendar, health, humour, art, poetry, literature, reviews, news items and special profiles in English, french and Flemish. http://www.e-sappho.com/ |
99. AAC Freelance Translation Services Translations from and to french, English and Japanese. From culture to science, economy to literature. http://membres.lycos.fr/traduire/ | |
100. KulturPoetik. Journal For Cultural Poetics Publishes essays in English, German and french on all cultural aspects of literature and on all literary aspects of culture. http://www.culturalpoetics.net | |
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