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41. Math/Physics Journals Page Zeitschrift für Physik C. Nonlinear journals Analyse Non Linéaire (Non LinearAnalysis). Chaos. Chaos, Solitons fractals. Complexity. Complex Systems. http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~rcarrete/journals.html | |
42. Interests Create journals Update journals journals, Find Users Random Read, Search Create NewCommunities, Latest News The following users are also interested in fractals. http://www.blurty.com/interests.bml?int=fractals |
43. Title Word Index To CS Journals---F Computer Science. fractals fractals. From Collected Algorithms FromACM (CALGO). Functional Journal of Functional Programming; Journal http://elib.cs.sfu.ca/Collections/CMPT/cs-journals/titlewords-F.html | |
44. Publikationen In Internationalen Journalen Publications in International journals. 1 W. Ebeling, H. Herzel, andE. E. Selkov. Chaos, Solitons, and fractals, 4, 97113 (1994). http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/~herzel/pub/node1.html |
45. BarbsPics.com... Art Calendars (2), Date Books, Journals, Gift Ideas fractals 11 in. x 11 in. Buy this 2003 Calendar. Angels 12 in. x 12 in.Buy this 2003 Calendar. Fairies 12 in. x 12 in. Buy this 2003 Calendar. http://www.barbspics.com/clnd/clnd08.html | |
46. Search Results URL http//www.wspc.com/journals/fractals/fractals.html. Abstract Presentsoriginal research and review articles relating to all aspects of fractals. http://ejournal.coalliance.org/fullrec.cfm?EJID=5269 |
47. Applied Mathematics Journals journals Advances in Applied Mathematics; Advances in Applied Probability; Advancesin Applied Mathematics Quarterly; Chance; Chaos; Chaos, Solitons and fractals; http://wwwprof.uniandes.edu.co/~aviswana/journals.html | |
48. Alphabetical List Of Electronic Journals Dates of Coverage fractals, start v.5no.4(1997Dec.). THIS TITLE Datesof Coverage fractals, start 01/01/00 to present. THIS TITLE http://html.ulib.csuohio.edu/scripts/ej/ej1.asp?title=F&vdisp=27 |
49. Electronic Journals By Subject Dates of Coverage fractals, start 01/01/00 to present. THIS TITLE Restriction.Dates of Coverage fractals, start 01/01/00 to present. THIS http://html.ulib.csuohio.edu/scripts/ej/ejsub1.asp?vsubid=34&vdisp=5 |
50. Fysik - Tidskrifter Foundations of Physics Letters / Kluwer (F); fractals / World Scientific (A); Fusion IAEAPeriodicals; IBM Technical journals (F); IEEE Xplore; Infinite Dimensional http://www.physics.kth.se/onl.html | |
51. Electronic-journals Library Electronic journals. Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1996- (Full Text); Chaos, Solitons fractals 1995- (Full Text); http://www.renyi.hu/konyvtar/librjournals.html | |
52. ARS | Publication Request: Bibliography On Applications Of Fractals In Soil Scie a special chapter in the book on fractals in soils science. The unique bibliographyis compiled from references to 355 papers in peerreview journals and book http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/publications/publications.htm?SEQ_NO_115=109618 |
53. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print , Introduction. , journals. , Lie Groups and Algebra. , Linear Algebra. ,Physics. , Popular Chaos and fractals. , Popular Surveys and Recreational. http://www.powells.com/subsection/MathematicsJournals.html | |
54. Journals Received In 2002 journals received in 2002. , No. , ?, ej ?. Toronto P, 61, Chaos, Solitons and fractals, Pergamon(Elsevier),*. http://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/library/index/2002journal.htm | |
55. Central European Science Journals Fields of interest fractals. Dynamical systems. Real analysis. Recent publicationsK. Simon, B. Solomyak On the dimension of selfsimilar sets fractals vol. http://www.cesj.com/karoly.html | |
56. Remfractal.mclean.org:8080/links.html onstream neuroscience publishing Cell Online BBS Index Oxford journals journalsHome Pages Dr. Weil Eric H. Chudler Home Page fractals fractals Introduction http://remfractal.mclean.org:8080/links.html | |
57. List Of Publications In International Journals S. Boccaletti, A. Farini and FT Arecchi, Adaptive Strategies for Recognition, Controland Synchronization of Chaos , Chaos, Solitons and fractals 8, 1431 (1997 http://www.ino.it/~stefano/updatedpublications.htm | |
58. JOURNALS AND BOOKS journals AND BOOKS. Computeraided Design. Chaos, Solitons, and fractals (SpecialIssue on Integrals, Entropy and Chaos) 5 8, 1397-1418 (1995). http://www.engr.uiuc.edu/publications/engineering_research/1996/gen2/gen2-2.html | |
59. Abdul Karim Bangura Reviews Eglash's "African Fractals" For The Nexus Network Jo of 19 books and more than 100 articles in refereed journals and other sources.His recent publications include Chaos Theory and African fractals (2000) and http://www.nexusjournal.com/reviews_v2n4-Bangura.html | |
60. Book Review: Fractals In Chemistry ISSN 14304171 http//journals.springer-ny.com/chedr S 1430-4171 (98)05246-0. Book Review fractals in Chemistry by A. Harrison. Reviewed http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00897/bibs/0003005/00030246.ht | |
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