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81. Odin - Foreign Policy The Monarchy, government, political system. foreign policy. Odin, government, Ministries,Archive, Search, Site map, Contact. Normal, Print, Language. foreign policy. http://odin.dep.no/odin/engelsk/norway/foreign/index-b-n-a.html | |
82. The Avalon Project : A Decade Of American Foreign Policy Source A Decade of American Foriegn policy Basic Documents of the Senate Committeeon foreign Relations By Washington, DC government Printing Office, 1950. http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/decade/decade04.htm | |
83. Government Organization For Foreign Policy INTERIM STATEMENT of the TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND TASK FORCE ON GOVERNMENTORGANIZATION FOR foreign policy. in coordination with staff http://www.tcf.org/Task_Forces/ForeignPolicyReorg/Interim_Statement.html | |
84. Wired News: India Loosens Telecom Policy Indian broadcasting could get a boost from private and foreign investment as the government hold is broken on telephone and satellite competition. New legislation goes into effect 1 January 2000. Wired News http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,18760,00.html | |
85. Purdue Libraries' Government Documents Department government Documents on US foreign policy. Internet Sources. Increasingvolumes of government foreign policy information are on the Internet. http://www.lib.purdue.edu/govdocs/foreignpolicy.html | |
86. Suggestions - Government - Foreign Policy Mobile foreign policy Mobile W, e need one of these in Washington or somethingvery similar. But it should be absolutely HUGE and weigh many, many tons. http://www.ebtx.com/pgv/pgv12f.htm | |
87. OFCN's Academy Curricular Exchange - Social Studies Western Europe and Japan) The Press The Soviet Union (played by the instructor) APPENDIX3 foreign policy Readings (from Richard Remy, government in the United http://www.ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst/cecsst086.html | |
88. AUSTRALIA: New Government No New Foreign Policy Print This Article. ISSN 16824156 (online version). ISSN 1682-4148 (printversion). AUSTRALIA New government No New foreign policy. by Keith Suter. http://www.ahrchk.net/hrsolid/mainfile.php/1996vol06no03/175/ | |
89. Government 312L - US Foreign Policy Since World War II http://www.la.utexas.edu/course-materials/government/jhenson/gov312/ | |
90. Foreign Policy - Ministry Of Foreign Affairs - Uganda Home Uganda's foreign policy. RESPONSE BY THE government OF THE REPUBLIC OFUGANDA TO THE REPORT OF THE PANEL OF EXPERTS ON THE ILLEGAL EXPLOITATION OF http://www.mofa.go.ug/drc_report.htm | |
91. IPL General/Reference Collection Foreign Policy International Law, government Political SciencePolitical ScienceForeign policy InternationalRelations Keywords information warfare; security; military strategy http://www.ipl.org.ar/ref/RR/static/law30.30.00.html |
92. Washington Week: Guide To Government foreign policy Association. Web www policy issues. Other links forforeign policy Association News, Newsletter, Events, Contact Us. http://capwiz.com/wwipo/issuesaction/orgpage/?org_id=fpa |
93. Canadian Foreign Policy Dialogue - Welcome As the government assesses foreign policy priorities and directions, we are committedto ensuring that public input and partnerships are central to the process http://www.foreign-policy-dialogue.ca/ | |
94. Foreign Policy: A Responsibility Of The Federal Government Only? http://www.ibiblio.org/freeburma/boycott/sp/bsp_foreignpol.html | |
95. SelectSurf -- Politics/Government -- Public Policy -- Foreign/International Affa leaders and citizens informed on foreign policy issues American works to foster informedpublic policy and int nations and a strong world government Council on http://www.selectsurf.com/politics/policy/foreign/ | |
96. Foreign Policy In Focus | Government Agencies http://www.fpif.org/indices/topics/agencies.html |
97. Molotov's Report On March 29, 1940 no pyccku (KOI8) / (Win-1251) Proletarians of all countries unite!VM MOLOTOV. THE foreign policy OF THE government. A Report by http://www.pp.clinet.fi/~pkr01/history/molotov.html | |
98. Russian Periodicals On Microfilm Catalog - Diplomaticheskii Vestnik. Government, vestnik. government,foreign policy,, Moskva, Russia, Russian,. Rossii. Subject,government foreign policy. Type, Journal. home help contact us. http://www.eastview.com/xq/ASP/sku=M0097/Diplomaticheskii/vestnik/Moskva/Russia/ | |
99. Indonesia.NL - Government :Indonesia´s Foreign Policy Minister of Defense of the young Republic, clarified the government's stand on inthe Cold War between Russia and America the best foreign policy for Indonesia http://www.indonesia.nl/articles.php?rank=10&art_cat_id=22 |
100. Government Web Sites: FOREIGN POLICY foreign policy. Committee on foreign Relations Congress United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment Independent Establishments and government Corporations http://www.virtualref.com/govagency/s334.htm | |
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